lunes, 15 de junio de 2015


Already predict months ago it, at the end they won't have Catalan elections in September, they cannot have them in no way, the Catalan politics has given a such overturn that would be a suicide to make them because if they are proclaimed officially, the parties, coalitions and other that would converge I fear myself that they would play to less than 200,000 votes each one and the making of a government, able to get an independence would be impossible 4 would be needed, or 5 to please to all the concurrent political ideas.   

I have also said several times that the independence don't win them the votes but the weapons and the citizens, there has not been any independence obtained otherwise, except those that come from the breakup of political unifications of diverse nations in a forced confederation that is to say those that it also comes not from the use of the weapons of the to say for any side that he looks at himself the independence it is a violent human act and not regulated politician. 

Once clarified this believes that Spain is beginning a process of total independence that is to say Spain he wants to become independent of Spain this is not new already step in the century 20 and we all know how it began, as continuous and like I finish, and now we go following the same roads we are at the moment in the principle there are already three Spain a the one formed by the smallest entities (the City councils) where in many of them there is more political parties and political tendencies that in the complete state. The second are the autonomous Spain where all the wrongs are as the third Spain says that of the PP if I says the third Spain well it is still today intellectual property and materially property of the Popular Party and of the great Spanish capital. 

In so single twenty-four hours of the constitution of the new city councils and some communities the PP and their followers and owners that is to say the economic world of Spain already wants that the party of its property declares general elections to be able to reestablish the Spanish constitutional order. That is to say here alone they send some and they should always be the same ones for the god grace, of the imposed king and of Franco that continues wagging the tail without stopping. 

This restlessness seems that he has been born in the Executive and in the breast of the Popular Party, and of the advice of managers and other leaders of the PP and of advisory of its environment who make stress in an initiative of urgency: to advance the general elections. With the proposed change of date two benefits are expected for the president Rajoy, and for this whole Spain. On one hand, to avoid that the president Artur Mas, fix the Catalan elections for the next one 27S. For other, it would postpone a more than foregone scenario of electoral cannibalism in Catalonia of Citizens on the PP. 

The managers and the in favor politicians of advancing elections are plentiful in the idea that Artur Mas it could present this week their list of public personalities that they are willing to wrap up him, and that therefore it is completely willing to continue with their secessionist challenge until the end completing their announced calendar. But it also trusts in that the weakness of the left Government of the urns in November or next December he will help to the interests of the sovereignty. Of there the importance of the advance of the general ones. 

In this they are right but this alone it would happen if But it presents a list and he closes the convocation of elections thing that I doubt that it happens they already take charge: ERC; UDC; IU; CUP; C's; PODEM; the city council of Barcelona and the other parties that are mounting with it wets included and everything of disabling it. It won't have elections September 27 it is impossible as he said before there are not enough votes to distribute among so many politicians and political.  

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