domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011


The euro confronts a decisive week, when the leaders of the European Union, look for an agreement on a definitive plan of rescue, they will be another time I get same, instead of meeting with the solution to the problems that pen us. This is this way because the problems in fact, are themselves, but each one doesn't leave to itself as such, and if you go to the opponent like problem, this diabolical relationship is at the end it finishes with all solution hope. 

In spite of the short term optimism of the market on a possible agreement to make in front of the debt crisis in Europe, and the illusion to assure the survival of the unique currency, the result is quite uncertain of face to the summit in Brussels on Thursday and Friday. This week, they are in game the stable future of the euro and for ender the economic recovery in Europe, and in consequence in the employment. This demands a convincing package of measures of the European Council that is unable to sum up. 

The European Council won't accept the plans that can have agreed in Berlin and Paris, and he won't make it because the nature of the politicians is contrary to give its authority before some conclusions, in those that have not participated, the UE won't have taken any step toward the fiscal integration on Friday at night, neither there will be agreeing any change in any treaty to anchor a coercive budgetary discipline for the euro area of 17 countries. Probably if they will have prepared it the axis Paris Berlin but of that to that the UE can accept it a great abyss he goes. 

It is also probable that The European Central Bank clips the types of interest on Thursday to counteract the recession in that we are entering, and adopt new measures to provide long term financing to the hesitant banks. But these measures won't provide effect some, if on Friday day 9 you confirms my forecast of unilateral and chronic disagreement in the meeting of the commission of the European Union, it is that every time that I write the words union and European, it trembles me the pulse like one can speak of union among 17 elements with a different currency, of the other ones ten, and that at the same time the seventeen have some abysmal economic differences among if, also this time the added difficulty is added that any measure to solve this problem, it happens for practically to isolate to the other ones ten, of the possibility of incorporating to the euro group, in short like I say there is not exit.   

The new leaders in Italy, Greece and Spain will have to demonstrate their commitment to carry out measured of austerity difficult and structural economic reformations, with those that to confront their debt problems and to restore the trust of the investors, and this finally will have to assume it individually it is clear, what he lacks to see, is if they will make it using the euro or they will decide that to survive for themselves it is better to separate their economy of the narrow operative margins that Germany will impose the survivors of the euro group. 

A convincing sample of political determination to support the euro and to overcome the crisis through a bigger integration of the euro area, it could take to the BCE to make more to support to the Italian and Spanish funds, putting the bases for a change in the feeling of the market. However, if the Twenty-seven don't reach an agreement, or they make a pact measures again to half gas that they will behave but months of hesitations, the escape of the markets of funds of the euro zone could accelerate, the trust could deteriorate even more and the crisis could be accentuated in January, when Italy has to begin a massive re financial campaign. 

As the question of the possible institutional and economic crash of the UE it affects to the vital interest of Washington, to avoid a world crisis of big proportions in the one that evidently the USA immerses would be seen of full, the secretary of the Treasure of United States, Timothy Geithner, will visit Fráncfort, Berlin, Paris, Marseilles and Milan from Tuesday to urge to high European positions to take decisive actions. 

Near Fuentes to the German chancellor Angela Merkel says that it is prepared in spite of the hostility of the German Bundesbank, so that the BCE reinforces the purchase of funds of problematic countries, as short term measure until stricter budgetary controls can be assumed. But the things could not go entirely according to this plan, because if to what you arrives it is to put a patch but to win some days the reaction it will be the final one the markets they didn't tolerate more. 

Merkel visits the French president, Nicolás Sarkozy, in Paris on Monday to sketch combined proposals on economic order, but Berlin and Paris they still harbor big differences on the form of controlling the national budgets of the euro zone. Merkel wants to give more power to the European Commission, so that it can veto the national budgetary plans that are left the limits of the UE, before its arrival to the Parliament of each country for its definitive approval, with automatic sanctions for who not complete the deficit and the possibility to take to those countries to the European Tribunal of Justice. 

Sarkozy that will be candidate to the reelection in France in May wants the leaders of the euro zone to have the last word, without new powers supra nationals for the institutions of the UE. Several more countries, mainly United Kingdom, Ireland and Holland, they don't want that the treaty is changed, for all the national political risks that it would bear. Some fear him to be difficult to obtain back public in a referendum. Always at the end it leaves the fear to the vote that makes a politician to be important and something in the life, and this cannot ignore it is stronger than his own dignity like people theoretically dedicated to the society that he chooses them. 

The president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy that presides over the crucial summit of Brussels at the end of week, will present other options for a stricter budgetary control without playing the treaty, as well as steps that would demand some amendments, the European Parliament's president, Jerzy Buzek, noticed on Friday that a change in the treaty could be "dangerous", but the diplomats say that it is a political requirement for Merkel.  

Please review all east I articulate and if at the end they understand it, comment it to me because I am unable to remember all the variables that I have finished analyzing, I no longer know if I am German, if I have savings in Greece, if there is an European Union or they are three, if there are a president or two, in short no longer you what I have just written.   

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