you sew more unexpected they pass in the to go and to come from the economic,
political and social events of the humanity's history, today after the events
of Greece so much the interns in their politics and with the repercussion that they
exercise and they will exercise in the social and economic politics of the
European Union in general and mainly in Spain it is in first fire line that the
so worked and wanted independence of Catalonia becomes vital point for the own Catalonia
like for the UE and maybe also for Spain.
develop this topic is I complicated but I believe that I will be able to make
it. They will see you, alone yesterday I looked like each other of interest to
speak of Greece and their crash with the UE, he already had preparation half
script of today's article the main topic it was clear. The new Hellenic
minister of finances, Yanis Varoufakis, pointed out almost with rage that
Greece doesn't have intention of requesting an extension of the rescue and that
it doesn't recognize to the troika (IMF, BCE and UE) as speaker in the
negotiations. Also, he remembered that the electoral program of Syriza doesn't
admit that the debt can be paid.
is evident that this said in the meeting that they had maintained the president
of the Euro group, Jeroem Dijsselbloem, with the Greek minister of Finances to
say this way so openly that Athens doesn't recognize the troika like speaker to
negotiate the program of rescue of the Hellenic country, it is as much as
denying of entrance the norms and almost to be excluded of the European
community doesn't have intention of working with a commission that is not right
of existing, even from the European" Parliament's perspective, it has
arrived to Varoufakis to say what is equal to say that Greece gives up in
principle to continue inside the UE. And of course of the Euro group.
the few hours of this I hurt political, the German minister of Finances,
Wolfgang Schäuble, noticed to Greece that the commitments must stay - mainly if
one wants to continue receiving the helps of the rescue - and that Berlin is
"difficult to blackmail". Here the tone of the words already sounds
already more to open confrontation that not to desires of solving anything. In
their intervention in an act organized by insurance companies, the one titles
of Finances and strong man of Angela Merkel in economic matter he underlined
that "trust" and "dependability" are "the foundation
for the continuity of the European" solidarity.
so much he gets ready it is already "war" between Greece and their
new politics of Syriza, in Spain today the parades of the forces of the Spanish
Syriza begin that is to say PODEMOS and today Madrid lives very happy some and
very concerned others as people's thousands participate in the "March for
the Change" summoned for PODEMOS and that he has the intention of being a
sample of the social muscle of the formation, of character communist neo the
same as Syriza.
flags of all the autonomies, of many circles, republican badges - and also
Greek flags - and screams of "yes
one can", the manifestation has covered the whole foreseen journey,
leaving the street packed Alcalá. In the march some moments of tension have
been lived, particularly to the head of the same one, where there have been
chaotic moments inside a concentration that has more the aspect of an act of
adhesion and of demonstration of not very frequent force in the recent history
of Spain.
clearly it is clear that it is already mounted the clip communist neo on the
Union Europe. Greece for the east and Spain for the west will execute the
pursuit and I demolish of the UE in its state current single lack to clarify if
it is purely for a new politics or because both countries cannot be sustained
in the Europe of the euro, be what is the first ones they have already begun
the hostilities and the seconds they are preparing them step to step and with
the same ideas and political-social foundations in Spain and it doesn't fit
doubt that the same as Syriza in Greece; We can it will win government's next
majorities in Spain.
is evident for me that they know as you I had the possibility to know from
inside of the social and government politics of the communist party for my work
in the old Soviet socialist republics; both political organizations Syriza and PODEMOS
they are a more modern adaptation of those that I knew, for that reason when I
refer to both organizations I describe them as neo communist. In definitive in
one year if the UE arrives he will make an important decision that will be to
come off of its two extreme or worse still of coming undone as such and
European Union.
to this point the independence of Catalonia he enters in game in these circumstances
we already play ourselves something more than the independence plays ourselves
the European democratic being or another dares outside of the concept European
Union because it is evident that such and I eat Berlin he already announces to
Germany it is very difficult to blackmail her it is more I believe that he is
wanting that they blackmail her to be taken out of above first to Greece and
later to Spain because with the same drift politics both, it is impossible that
the UE maintains them mainly if he wants to stay to itself.
Catalonia could help the UE a lot and of course to if same I don't want to be
neo communist I want to be Catalan democratic capitalist and European and I
believe that as me many think this way well this it is the occasion if Catalonia
stops to lose the time in Byzantine discussions and he realizes that if he
doesn't become unified to if same it finished in hands of the new Spanish
communism Catalonia he could have the whole support of the UE because to offer
in these moments a new country of seven million and half inhabitants able to be
sustained much better than the current Spain and let us don't say of the one
that we are come above it can be of great interest for the European Union of
the euro.
us don't forget that we have also made already it in last time, when what today
is Catalonia formed the frontier between the empire Carolingian and the Moorish
Iberian peninsula.
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