The new first
Greek minister, Alexis Tsipras, affirmed today that one of the new Government's
priorities will be to renegotiate the debt, to fight against the corruption and
the fiscal escape, to help to the “pymes” (small enterprises) and to combat the
unemployment. Among so much the markets tremble today third session of fallen
in the bag of Greece, the funds to five years mark maxima and the cousin of
risk touches the 1.000 points, clear reflection that the capital leaves alone
to Syriza at the moment in Greece now single lack to wait to see what it passes
in the UE.
affirmed that one of the new Governments of social salvation priorities, will
be "the renegotiation of the Greek debt with the partners", with a
view to a solution that is in "benefit of all". We "Have a Greek
plan to make reformations without incurring in deficit, but without
suffocating" primary surplus, Tsipras said. Evidently this is very
beautiful but totally false and of Greece we already have experiences that this
more in the Olympus than in the earth.
The leftist
leader fears myself that one not believes a direct descendant of some god of
the Olympus you still of which and I say it because he has affirmed that
"Greece is clever to contribute to a solution for all Europe", and he
took place that it stops the visit of the European Parliament's president,
Martin Schulz tomorrow it is foreseen, and on Friday that of the Euro group,
Jeroen Djisselbloem. "The negotiations with them will be very
useful", it assured. Sure because if it is certain that a ruined country
and with about twelve million inhabitants he has the solution for all Europe,
certainly we will be able to consider it a god.
In their
speech of opening of the Council of Secretaries, Tsipras affirmed that the
Government "of social" salvation should "put an end to the
political clientele and the corruption" and to apply the
"reformations that have not been possible to make during 40 years",
we are "here to put an end to the political clientele and with the
corruption and to put an end to the State that worked against the interests of
the society", he said, to emphasize that the fight against the fiscal
escape will be of maximum priority. It is as if speaks to Pablo Iglesias but
changing "the dandruff" for the clientele.
Also announcement
as high-priority "the restart of the economy", to help to "the
small companies that are in risk of bankruptcy", and a "politics to
reduce the unemployment". I would say that the three things are the same
ones the problem it is that where they are the companies to refloat and so that
unemployed hire "This Government it is the first of a new era. We are not entitled
to make errors", he affirmed, and he added that the Executive should not
forget that he is "a Government of social" salvation that has to
return the citizens "the sensation of security and of really dangerous
dignity" all this cannot make it neither he has companies neither he has
for that seen the support of the Greek capital and governess we don't say with
these perspectives the international capital.
Before the
Council, the minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy of
Greece, began Panayiotis Lafazanis, he announced that the Government will
paralyze all process of privatization of the electric ones
"immediately", the new minister of Work, Cloths Skurletis, confirmed
that it is foreseen to restore the minimum wage of 751 gross Eurus, in front of
the 586 that governed at the present time. Skurletis also affirmed that he will
recover the negotiations between unions and the employer one. The Sanity has
been another of the topics of the day. The government restored the universal
access to the public system of health and it will annul the payments imposed on
the hospital attention and the medications.
For a first
day the project of Syriza is spectacular but the bad thing is that they don't
explain how they will pay it, neither they explain if it will be single
purposes like it happens in the communist regimens and populists where people
never live off promises and dreams that arrive never for blame of the other
ones, for the apparent impossibility of the resources of the own country, in
the bottom Syriza is requesting a miracle to the UE but the bad thing is that
he doesn't request it praying to its gods but rather it demands it with the
threat of a blackmail that he/she knows it scares Brussels a lot being left the
economy of the euro.
The area euro
is in a hurry to close an agreement with the Government of Alexis Tsipras to
put an end as soon as possible to the uncertainty on the economic and financial
future of Greece, position in doubt for the markets after the victory of the
coalition of left Syriza in the elections of last Sunday. The president of the
Euro group, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, decided yesterday to move this same Friday to
Athens to interview with the new first Greek minister, Alexis Tsipras, and to
know its intentions first hand in connection with the financial rescue.
appointment of Friday will begin the bill behind for a possible extension of
the current rescue, of which are more than 33.000 available millions among the
resources of the bottom of rescue of the area euro, of the IMF and the benefits
of the central banks for the purchase of Greek funds. To continue with the
rescue it is indispensable that Athens closes the agreement with the troika
(CE, BCE and IMF), blocked last year from the by the discrepancies of those
organisms with the Government of Antonis Samaras.
The agreement
would allow to maintain the readiness of the pending resources and to facilitate
the negotiation of a staggered exit of the rescue or the approval of a third
rescue. The continuity of the rescue would also open Greece the door to be
welcomed to the approved plan of debt purchase last week for the European
Central Bank, like he remembered the German minister of Finances just
yesterday, Wolfgang Schäuble. But it doesn't seem that this is the project of
Antonis Samaras.
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