miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015


The Greek situation cannot continue. Greece is already a danger real that they have decided to play to be it and the danger consists in that are willing to break the UE to liquidate its debts created by them and they are not worth me the excuses that if they were those of right or of left, they were Greek and the Greece that today wants to blackmail us without any consideration to the consequences that it would imply for the UE created and mainly for the euro area to give to this situation. 

Europe Pres, throws today the news that Athens has threatened not to respect the next payment of 450 million Eurus that he should carry out to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) the next one April 9 if he doesn't receive it stops a loan of its European partners then, as it confirms this news it publishes it the German weekly publication Der Spiegel, mentioning the minister of the Interior of the Hellenic country, Nikos Voutzis. Of fulfilling their threat, it would be the first time in the history that the institution directed by Christine Lagarde goes as a country he stops to pay his credit, something that would also violate the norms of operation of the IMF.  

The Hellenic government has tried to deny that he plans not to fulfill the IMF. It doesn't exist any option that Greece incomplete their obligations with the IMF the next one April" 9, the Greek Executive's spokesman, Gabriel has indicated Sakellaridis, in answer to the words to the Greek minister of the Interior. This already sounds to a final situation, the Greek government is already denied each other, what presupposes two things or that it is the own Tsipras that doesn't dominate to his troop or that it is question of putting to the world and European economic institutions in the tessitura of making a final decision. 

I have already repeated here it many times any solution it is not looking for (there is not her) of what is it is of seeing how the UE takes out Greece of the euro, if alone it is of the foreign currency, or also of the European Union. And for the Greek side to see if they have to leave or they toss them. I believe that there is not more than to find the formula, because the fact is already irrefutable. Greece cannot continue in the euro and to me to understand neither in the European Union it should leave and to be located under the same conditions that the Balkan countries can be until re make its state sense politics. 

I say it because in Greece a new political system will be implanted the "neo Communism" I already come it noticing this system he took possession of the countries that in fact leave of an evil political tyranny in that seeming democracies in fact was that is to say "politicocracias" the power it went by the same politicians (with different names and tendencies) but with the same end to abuse of the town to be made millenaries them and its oligarchies. This political and social situation is the same one that we have lived in Spain and that it is not still confirmed that it is raised as if it has been it in Greece. 

Syriza in the case of Greece and Podemos in Spain they have the same foundation politician to even disassemble the established oligarchical "establishment" during years centuries and to implant a new political system that is evident it cannot be another that the one taken out of the communist system "the dictatorship of the proletariat" that evidently under the conditions of extreme precariousness that the Greek society is it cannot think about another it formulates the town he will believe that the government works for them and the hardest thing is that he accepted to work for the government thinking that this it doesn't become rich but rather it distributes it among them. 

This should be it is this way the good of the system that is accepted quickly when situations of social and economic abandonment converge in any country it happened this way in Russia it happens this way in Latin America and it will happen this way in Greece and if the UE doesn't avoid it will happen in Spain. The classic Communism, is a political movement whose doctrine is based on the Marxism that in accordance with this doctrine has for main objective the transitory taking of the power of the State for the setting-up of a social revolution that, through three phases, implant an organization economic and social socialist/communist based on the collective control of the production and the consumption. 

The problem is that when he/she settles in a country or a society they don't exist in her neither production neither I consummate this it is this politics’ failure that not alone he leaves to the such society and like it was but rather it is unable to create new economy because it cannot increase the social initiative since with it would create it again, rich and poor so what happens is that the societies that adopt this system are limited to be standardized economic and socially, while one comes from very below this it seems an advantage because "bad of many comfort of silly" the problem comes when it passes the time and the society you see that the promises of equality referred to be and so forth similar of poor one year and another year until it explodes. 

In definitive the UE should or to put control to this or to exclude it otherwise of her simply contaminated it without a doubt some. March 14, Alexis Tsipras, first Greek minister, already noticed to the German chancellor Angela Merkel that it could have unpaid on the part of Greece if it didn't get short term guarantees to be financed. It is impossible to pay, the recently elected first minister recognized that then also noticed that in Greece or it was paid to the IMF or he stayed the social expense.  

In the same line today the minister of the Greek Interior is manifested, Nikos Voutzis. They have not given us more Eurus from August, there is not any country in the world that pays their alone debts with their own resources, without requesting borrowed money, if the money is not flowing April 9, first we will pay the wages and the pensions in Greece and then we will say to our partners that understand that we won't pay the 450 million on time to the IMF. To this situation you arrived and open a default like before he/she said for the first time in the new Europe. 

The warning of Athens takes place days before the first Greek minister travels to Moscow, where he will interview with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, what has renovated the mistrust on a potential helps Russian to Greece. The Russian or the Chinese won't solve the short term problems, the Greek minister points out in reference to the expiration of April 9, although it aims that these two countries represent a "complementary" option to the 'Plan A' of reaching a new agreement with the European partners that in his opinion, it should contemplate a reduction of the debt, the end of the measures of austerity and a new pact conditioned to the growth. 

We want that Russia helps us to reconstruct the Greek economy, as much with commercial agreements as through the purchase of sovereign" debt, Voutzis underlines. That is to say they seek that Russia buys Greece this or they have become crazy, or they are really convinced that this it is its road, I believe that in the case of Syriza they are at the same time both things but it is evident I believe me that before it happens because there is not another solution for these politicians the UE it should allow them to go although he gets lost its debt. What cannot be is that with these threats and blackmails he is forgiven the debt to Greece because then if we go all behind the same solution. 

A hypothetical exit of Greece of the euro doesn't have why something to be bad for the Eurozone, this that I repeat an and another time today the charismatic investor tells it Warren Buffett who believes that this way all learn that the rules mean something. If it is that Greece comes out, he can that it is not something bad for the euro", the octogenarian investor indicated in an interview with the American chain CNBC. It is the same thing that I try to explain the in certainty of the euro it is in that is a young foreign currency that doesn't belong in short to any country but to the good march and seriousness of many 19 in total if one flaw and it is allowed to fail the euro it fails and he falls it they don't doubt, on the contrary if he falls a country because it doesn't fulfill that settled down to be in the euro this it is reinforced because the world will see that it is not a weak foreign currency, but rather he believes in itself, in its norms and in its guarantor’s. 

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