lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2015


I eat many Catalan we have a dream for some years and east is not another that to be sovereign of our origin place and we have it for feeling and why we are drowned in a politics and a centralist culture of imperialistic features that it is limited to go living off the events that happen without to have neither to want to influence in them this is not new Spain it has always been different I don't discover I believe me anything new sentences made as "Spain is different" or "that they invent they” have not left Catalonia it has forged them the Spanish culture. 

There are other more current examples as it is that Spain is the country of Europe where less English is spoken where the government's president cannot negotiate neither to treat anything with anybody in Brussels if it is not with the mediation of an interpreter, and you that they believe that the president cares it or it embarrasses him I believe that not because with the years that it is in the politics as minister and president could have learned it has interested him but he doesn't give him same he is a classic example of Spain, so that to intervene in the world, better than the world intervenes in Spain and to faith that the world makes it, at least the Eurozone. 

This posture has taken us to the social and economic ruin no matter how much the government says the opposite, Spain he no longer falls that it is certain but he doesn't fall because they tolerate it but neither it grows and he doesn't make it because in our economy we have not solved anything they have simply covered us the hole of the banks and these that of the state and east in turn has left to the society without any exit toward a recovery the test of what I say it is that from 2006 the Spanish GDP is fixed in the 1000 million Eurus and it oscillates in a maximum tip of 116 thousand millions in 2008 and it lowers until the last real estimate of 1058 million Eurus the 2014 again. 

Clearer the water Mister Rajoy and company I to this call it an stopped in all rule and also dangerous because we continue to expense of the economies external economies that tell us that imposed it is necessary to ascend that wages are to impose that pension it is necessary to eliminate, as and how many unemployment subsidies it is necessary to maintain that budgetary deficit is to have etc. etc… this is not to be a sovereign country Mr. Rajoy this is to be a country parasite that is allowed to take as long as, a traditional political class can live in peace and in abundance, and to the rest that the luck accompanies them. 

In these realities many Catalan say until here we have arrived, we believe that we can leave this exclusive comfort of the traditional and anachronism Spain that neither he listens to us, neither it values us, except when picking up the taxes, for that reason and for human feelings many of us have undertaken the dream of forming our own country looking for the way to separate Spain. You naturally don't want it neither to listen and they trust in that the own one and heterogenic social wealth of Catalonia brake this evil idea. 

And they don't lack reason they are you for history and habit some true strategists in the art of confusing the reality with promises or with faked data and if it is not enough with the threat and the force. You have valued the situation in the following way: in Catalonia today there are possibly so many Catalan nationalists as Spanish unionists and therefore it is necessary to convince these unionists that will always be better with their Spain and if to this we unite that the economic pressure and threats of catastrophes not make jag in some Catalan very nationalist the question is resolved. 

This deduction I have also made it and for that reason today I want to reflect it in this article because I want that the Catalan Spaniards and the doubtful Catalan see which is that is to say the Catalan dream from the material point of view what country we can get and they can compare with what the Spanish reality offers us. 

First I want to outline that in the event of an independence of Catalonia to anybody will force to remain in her he/she will simply be able to continue in Catalonia if it interests him and he likes or I don't believe that this aspect didn't vary the demography of Catalonia a lot because if many will leave, I believe that other many will come, with that that in my estimate the number of Catalan the Catalan GDP will remain between the 7.3 or 7.5 million to these heights of the fights between Spain and Catalonia he will move little because those that have made some boycott type to the Catalan products have already made it and today the Catalan economy is based on the export more than in the interior market. 

Basing me on these premises the most complicated thing is the UE that doesn't scare him Catalonia but Spain because Catalonia has a relationship (GDP / debt) in that this it is alone of 31% on the GDP this debt is also with Spain it sews that it facilitates the things a lot to since the debt of Catalonia would reduce it Spain of his in the event of separation, but it would not be enough Spain it would be in danger because although disappears of its passive 65 thousand millions of the Catalan debt its debt it would continue being dangerous since it would be in about 930 thousand millions on a GDP of 850 thousand millions what would mean a ratio of 1,1 very below Greece and Italy but more bad of the current situation. 

To help to that this situation was more bearable one has spoken and written about the necessity that Catalonia one makes I load of the same quantity of debt that the amount of the GDP that would be taken gets if this you accepts it would mean that Catalonia should load that is to say with a 19.7 of the Spanish debt with 190 thousand million Eurus in those that of course would be included the 65 thousand direct million Catalan debt that is to say it would assume or he/she would pay for its independence 125 thousand millions. 

With these figures Catalonia would be in turn with a debt ratio on the GDP of 0,92 percent and Spain of 810 thousand million debt for a GDP of 850 thousand millions 0,95 more equitable percent it cannot think about this fact and I believe that the UE to this would not put any problem. Friends Catalan independents and Spaniards and Catalan unionists, I agree with paying 125 thousand millions for the independence of a country in that the work capacity, of innovation, of reindustrialization, of export and international trade, and of quality of life in general would allow to be carried out the dream of redoing a new called European country Catalonia, my our country.  

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