domingo, 3 de enero de 2016


Great Britain is already completely confused he no longer knows exactly that it is that or rather that they are its inhabitants every time that the intelligence services announce that they have neutralized to a cell Yihadista that prepared to make a massacre in London, Manchester or Glasgow, the first minister David Cameron and the "Christian" England they complain that the Muslim community or rather, "the Muslim" England doesn't make enough to favor the integration of their youths, to assume the cultural "values of most" and to combat the radicalization on behalf of the Islam. 

But this is no longer so truth as it seems me and many Britons doubt that England has as homeland they doubt of where it will have stopped the greatness of the "Christian" Great Britain many they believe that they have already lost forever it that they have left it to him to conquer for its initial blindness believing that the admission of Muslim immigration was now a business for the obtaining of cheap manpower this immigration he has made that the whole manpower of Great Britain is cheap even that of the Englishmen. 

On the other hand, every time that the Christian England speaks in that way from the benches of the Camera of the Common ones or from the BBC, the Muslim England regrets the simplistic vision of its culture and of its religion, the way in that it is demonized, the growing racism, discrimination and islamofobia, the perception that its members are in the best in the cases some ignorant and irrational barbarians that live anchored in the past and they tolerate the terrorism or they don't denounce it with enough it forces, it takes to that the Englishmen from England believe in the worst in the cases that the Muslims seek the destruction of the country in which you/they live. Who is more near the truth? 

The truth, although some would like it that it was not this way, it is not hardly ever white or black, but rather it depends on the color of the glass with which he looks at himself and he is almost always in the many shades of the gray one. Among the millions of Muslim residents in Great Britain is of everything, and they also exercise of everything: policemen, magistrates, deputies, bag corridors, barbers, housewives, millionaires, businessmen, organic farmers, comedians, bankers, rock singers, and a long one etc. A trip to Bradford, one of the most Islamic cities in the country, is good mainly to confirm that any simplification is erroneous, and that you cannot generalize on the Muslim England.  

Bradford, in the county of Yorkshire, is a city of half millions of inhabitants, of which a fourth part is Muslim, of them the great majority of origin Pakistani. For demographic questions, neighborhoods that only one decade ago were almost exclusively white they are now mixed, and neighborhoods that were mixed now are of Asian majority, a sure source of tensions. 

Organizations neo-fascists, as the National Front and the League for the Defense of England, have a great presence like they demonstrate the colored ones in buildings and the stickers in the beacons, inciting the perception (completely groundless according to the government's own statistics) that the "foreigners" - a wide concept that he goes beyond the passport - they don't pay taxes, the social services collapse, they diminish the quality of the education, they crowd the hospitals, they live off the unemployment and they occupy the floors of official protection that should be for the "native" ones. 

The neighborhood of Little Horton, to the Southwest of the center, is a good example how Bradford has changed from the serious racial disturbances registered in the 2001. It is only a pub, the brown cow, because the immense majority of Muslims doesn't drink, and less still in public. Their clientele is a hundred for a hundred targets for and with the nostalgic of a past that was always better. 

Bradford was a vibrant community, dynamics, solidary and full with energy, of humble people of hard-working class that effort to match to give of eating to its families, had a clearing sense of identity and patriotism. Their citizens knew what we were and what we wanted. But now they look around to it. And they can see to a group of schoolboys of between eight and twelve years that, with a professor to the front, they go on the way to the “madrasah”, the Islamic school where they will change the blue uniforms of the public school for some robes, to pray their sentences and to study the Koran before returning home. 

In the years seventy, all the children that played soccer among the modest embedded houses of red brick of Little Horton were white; today, practically it is not none. The urban landscape has also changed and the chimneys have given step to the domes of the mosques (forty distributed by the whole city). The rhythm is different; the sounds are different. Instead of bells or whistles summoning the workers to the textile factories or metallurgical, electronic recordings of the “muecín call to the sentence”. 

It is very easy to speculate on the advantages of the multiculturalism from some intellectual neighborhoods of the north of London, but the truth is already in many neighborhoods and cities of England like Bradford, smelling the whole day of curry, with the altered daily routine because if it is Ramadan or if it is not it, with artificial recesses in the public school so that the Muslim children can pray, crossing with bearded that they leave the mosque and wondering if they will be of those that make the fat view to the terrorism. 

Recently, three sisters went from pilgrimage to The Mecca, and instead of being returned they went to Syria with their nine children to fight on the side of the Islamic State. What must we think? They have changed us to our country" the inhabitants of many places of Great Britain they exclaim. What is evident in Bradford - and in other cities with wide Islamic communities as Blackburn, Preston, Burnley or Birmingham - it is the existence of three parallel worlds: one only Muslim, one only Christian, and other mixed. Most of the time coexists more or less in a balance precarious, but any spark can make them to enter in conflict. 

The first one belongs to the British residents of Pakistani origin grasped to their religion and their culture, locked in their bubble that you/they don't only reject the alcohol, the pig and the miniskirts, but rather they consider them sinful; they greet the white neighbors, but they prefer not to mix with them; they go from house to the work, of the work to the mosque and of the mosque to house; they speak preferably in Urdu, they accept the polygamy, they reject their wives saying three times "I divorce" you, they force their daughters to marry with who they decide, and they solve their disputes to the traditional way, ignoring if it is necessary the English law. 

Among them, an infinitesimal minority (perhaps some hundreds) they are considered by the terrorist possible intelligence services, a very small minority approves the resource to the terrorism, a considerable number "understands" from where and why they have arisen To the Qaeda and the Islamic State, an a biggest majority denounces the western colonialism (British, French, North American…), the support to Israel, the treatment to the Palestinian town, the drones use, the unjustified slaughters of civil, the not authorized wars and the interference in the matters of Iraq, Syria or Libya, as always those that change you above the country and your life give you the blame of it. 

The second parallel universe is that of the suitable white England, culturally Christian with an important component Jewish religious that is taken to the hands to the head when he finds out those things for the newspapers or the television, he doesn't have Muslim neighbors - except perhaps some wealthy sheik of the Gulf -. 

The third world is that where the cultures and the religions enter in contact newspaper, and the values are less absolute. The one of you would work them of immigration that they receive the visitors in the airport of Heathrow with a veil in the head. That of Yasmina Akhter, teacher of a primary school of Bradford that is Muslim, but it opts to dress the Westerner. That of the urban policeman Nazir Raf that finds time to pray five times a day in their beats. That of the chef Omar Ager that has a space next to the kitchen of their restaurant to pray between the preparation of a plate and another. 

And this way numerous examples, it is the most open universe, that of the Great Britain that doesn't belong neither to those of here neither to those of there, but rather it is of all. That of the multiculturalism. That that I believe that it is not true because it cannot exist because when a culture seeks multi-cultural automatically it is invading and being invaded by the rights of the other cultures, we really believe that we are prepared for this change.  

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