sábado, 14 de enero de 2012


I don't know what you will think friend reader, but manifestations like the one carried out by The European Central Bank (BCE) that has qualified of rolling blow the decision of the agency of Standard rating & Poor's of reducing the qualification of the debt of nine countries of the euro zone, with a particularly "problematic" effect in Italy, given the important necessities of refinanciación of the country transalpine, according to the governor of the Central Bank of Austria, country to which have also reduced him the rating, and member of the meeting of Government of the BCE, Ewald Nowotny. They don't agree with the necessary strength that an Union of Nations, it should present for itself, and through all their qualified members, in the face of the impertinences rushed with or without reason, for some non official stamens and that the only thing that they look for is to make money and that it is spoken of them. 

These irrational postures are those that in fact make that the three existent qualification agencies, to those that I have defined as the three corsairs to the service of the Anglo-Saxon speculative economy, acquire an aureole of authenticity in their valuations, because clearing is, if a broadside of one of them, knocks down the whole economy of an united continent, because you counted me, anyone will say that they are right, otherwise they would not cause their boasts, the devastating effect that they cause. 

It is evident that no matter how much it is made, or it is said that one makes, the European Union has arrived to its end, it is unquestionable, the same as the world globalization this expiring to forced marches. Opinion that I have already manifested and protected several times lately, it is clear that he enters their victims he is the European Union that for their acts full with incoherence’s and cowardice’s camouflaged as acts of good sense and responsibility, it is demonstrating that he doesn't have the packing neither the necessary strength to command any new order state, neither political, neither economic, neither anything that he finds. 

It should be hard, to my I find very hard to write this, but the reality is the one that is, and he leaves very to the white that there is not possibility some of overcoming to the circumstances from the point where we are today in day, the europa of the euro, (17 nations with problems and attacked by all the sides) I don't believe that it can confront the disunion of the European Union, (27 nations divided absolutely) the reality is the one that is, political of left and of rights that should understand each other at the same time, jumbled and governing at the same time, attempts of installation of semi dictatorship, (Hungary) they break any possibility of it couples with the primordial character of democracy in the Union. 

And let us no longer speak of economies: jumbled, disparate, and irreconcilable, by the interests of Germany and their three AAA, with nations in crash as Greece and Italy, with other drowned economies and splashing about in the mud to see of being left as Spain and already now France, because their qualification slope or a lot I make a mistake or it won't be defended by the euro area that he tried to isolate her like he has already made, with Greece Portugal Spain and Italy, in a ridiculous and impossible intent of trying not to be contaminated rubbing with the poor, this is the reality, don't put him more hot cloths it is that hard and cruel, because it is always very cruel to see that it is impossible to trust of the friends that always cohabit with one and it is more than we are condemned to continue living divided but together that drama. 

I believe sincerely that it is not necessary to fight more for the European Union, to sustain already goes us he is necessary to make more damage than well, to ourselves and our global and particular image, to the final Germany he is right, although it is only very at the end, and for their blame now fear myself that what plays is to recompose the European Union I don't have clear at the moment as, maybe finally with as many speeds as qualifications the corsairs offer us in charge of it, or maybe becoming one authenticates unique and accustomed to power, really grouping and once and for all, the nations that accept to make it without conditions, to formalize an authentic surrender of their national sovereignty so much in the political thing as economic, and mainly Germany, without her won't have European Union and without European Union that has it very clear Germany, there won't be Germany for a lot of time, the world market if it is alone as an island amid the ruined territory of the European continent, it will devour it. 

The reconstruction of the euro area should make with these basic conditions, without impositions neither fears, the one that is not able to going or don't want, it was without palliatives neither you doubt, what is in foot will assume the reality of the situation in that is, to build a single economy and one been accustomed to defense of its fiscal and government economic approaches, and mainly to give its nationalism for the sake of a stability of a real union in all the aspects. If it is not I don't believe this way that it is necessary neither convenient to continue making the fool in front of the new economic and social order of the world. 

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