martes, 17 de enero de 2012


Today's article wants to explain and des dramatizer the disastrous consequences that are causing the performance of some elements to the European economy that with modern nomenclatures and of range and category of degrees and doctorates university students in many cases, they don't make more than to reply that that in the XVI centuries ago to the XVIII one, that is to say to begin a deaf and cruel fight in some cases, with the objective, some of winning for themselves, others to weaken the opponent, and the third make of propitiatory victims for some and for others. 

To explain the situation he will be necessary to go back to the XVI century where we find one century in that the wealth of the important nations began that they negotiated and they conquered in two continents, the old europa and the new Anglo-Saxon world, then he was born this fight and the battles to possess the wealth and with it the different forms of trading some, and to bother other, that is to say the I pirate. 

The different forms of the Anglo-Saxon piracy that you beginning approximately to half of the XVI century, (and although the history says that I finish envelope half of the XVIII one) it is effective still at the present time alone that changing them the nomenclature and the weapons and instruments in use. Before continuing with the position it is necessary to explain the basic differences of the agent’s interveners. The pirate was the one that stole self-employed in the sea or in his riverside areas it is an enemy of the trade and the international economy in general, and he only moves for desire of lucre without discriminating against any type of economy neither country, neither market, the old pirates were grateful malefactors. Today this paper grants it to the financial speculators that with its assaults and boarding’s, they are able to ruin sectors companies and to alter the order of the planned economies.  

The corsair on the other hand, was a marine or nobleman come to less, hired by a state in war to cause losses to the enemy trade, and to cause the biggest possible damage in his possessions and naturally in his economy, this way it was to weaken the financial resources to the enemy so that his force to militate mainly naval doesn't prosper. The Corsair accepted the laws of the war and he offered a deposit in sign that it would respect the king's ordinances. It’s almost officialdom and legality was such that its activity ceased if you ended up signing a peace between its king and the enemy Kingdom to which deprived had been and assaulting how many times had been able to. We could say that the Pirate was a private actuate and for his own interest, and the Corsair an agent of the established system officially to the one that defended, and included and in turn it sustained it. 

And finally we have left the victim that continues being that is to say the same one the Kingdom today nations, although that attacked is not ships, neither the war or the boarding is carried out in the sea, but in the market parquets, and in the luxurious offices of important entities or governments' headquarters and central Banks, but the act of to hinder and to undersell the enemy's forces, using the bad arts of the betrayal the pursuit and the wild boarding continues being the same ones. 

The Anglo-Saxon economy that is to say the USA and the Great Britain continue their history and the corsairs in the middle of operation maintain, these corsairs are no longer John Hawkins and Francis Drake now they are: Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch, and they call themselves agencies of rating qualification, which act in favor of the one that but he pays or of their "kings" to which serve making all the damage that they can, weakening and exploding the economies and values that send them, that simple and old it is this game.  

No, the discount of the qualification of the bottom of European rescue, until yesterday in triple A, it won't be the last measure that adopts Standard & Poor's. The agency will follow its route leaf and he/she notices that the loss of qualification of a certain State has instantaneous consequences on the private originators of this countries. In a report published today, S&P throws a warning to navigators: that they go getting ready the banks, the insurance companies, the regional and local governments and, in general, all the companies of the countries that have suffered some rating cutting. That is to say, they are exposed the originators of Germany, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia.    

The boarding declaration doesn't leave place to doubts. In fact, this it is the habitual procedure of the agency that he examines the relationship between the originators and the economy of the country. The reasoning is simple: a smaller financial strength of the country moves immediately to the companies and banks that develop its activity there. The incredible thing is that this technique so old and recognizable is maybe an alarm cause and reverential fear on the part of nations that already come her suffering from the XVI century as France and Spain, be new for Germany that in that time neither it existed neither he had ships to cross the Atlantic one basically.    

Maybe for that reason and for the security of Germany, castled in the heart of the continent flanked by other more favorable and weaker victims, he thinks that they didn't have enough boarding, maybe not, but they make a mistake, when the weakness of their flanks is total, the final assault will be its economy and he will fall to the feet or the hands of the Corsairs who obeying orders gave it tied of you tweet and hands to their respective "King’s." 

There is not but I secrete, there is not but world crisis that is worth, what there is a robbery and an I despoil orderly from some economies that if they are weak and in absolute crisis, toward the action of absorbing the strength and the wealth of other old and unarmed economies that for their disunion and their null government, they are unable to be organized and to create the forces that counteract the assaults and the modern corsairs' boarding’s.  

Today the first Italian minister, Mario Monti, it has urged Germany to reduce the interests of the loans granted to Italy, as well as to other countries of the euro zone, in a published interview this Tuesday for the newspaper 'Financial Times.  Also, Monti has considered that the measure would benefit to Germany, although he is the biggest moneylender in the euro zone. It "also interests" him, he has asserted. France is from the same opinion and Spain although he doesn't know and he doesn't answer, he has the enough experience and fear, like to agree with to fight planting face without any consideration once and for all and to defeat this buried war although for the road he falls some it kills for the crossed fire of the last boarding, that yes the best thing would be not to explain to it in the Financial Times. 

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