lunes, 9 de enero de 2012


It is already a logic question and of pride, the situation of the area euro is a pure joke for German that should make them a lot of grace but that alone they understand it, I am already fed up that they laugh at me, and I want to light the spirits of all that that he reads me because or we finish with this, or this finished with all us, the situation of the German economy, it cannot understand each other that is totally opposed to that of the rest of its partners of the group of the euro, without a concrete and resolved plan has mediated so that was this way. 

I cannot believe myself that the European entities, of those that are part the own Germany and the other countries partners don't see up to this 2011 that the financial and economic situations diverged so much between a partner and all the other ones, because we are not speaking that there is a country in difficulties of among seventeen, it is not that it is the other way around, there are sixteen countries in difficulties and recession and alone one in frank and strange acceleration, if it is even compared with the world global economy. With these alone parameters it can have a truth with two faces that yes: An or Germany has made just the opposite of that that seemingly accepted in the combined European guidelines; or two Germany has been playing and hiding the letters in the game open with its community partners, knowing ahead of time that the economic defeat would put to all Europe to its feet. 

It is a question of pure logic, the German performance it is absolutely outside of context of what should be an organization of states in that they should be completed in theory and to follow norms and systems so much economic, fiscal and of similar general politics, what has happened in the European economy is comparable to the fact that a captain of a ship in view of that a flight of water has opened up under the line of flotation of the ship, and that this situation can take to the ship to it itches, he goes closing the floodgates of security below the level that he is, abandoning to its company at the sad end of the death for drowning, without making anything to cover the crack opened up in the helmet neither to notice with the classic survives who can. 

Let us reflect coldly in the situation in that we are, and they will see that the topic is serious very serious, during almost ten years this situation the own Germany has been forging together in 2003 with France, it didn't complete the deficit roof and I don't accept any sanction and to justify it admitted that other countries were misled in the same cause, this situation allowed with all security that Greece, and that strays every time but Italy, and France, but I eat there was not community control about budgets and national economies, I suppose that nobody lends care to the consequences that could become, except Germany that if it began that is to say to rectify separating totally of the rest and fixing its economy closing floodgates so that doesn't enter the water at its level. 

Now with all the half drowned company, their position is special this outside of all danger outside of all obligation, dry and ironed its clothes, and above he can make what comes him in desire on all the other ones, and he makes this way it, each action that Germany demands, he collapses but to the ship and its alone company it is good to secure more and more the German economy, until such an end that today the capital of you goes its origin that is he pays him to be given it so that he keeps it, with the Germany it not already secures its economy without cost but with included margin, and with its commercial and financial surplus the luxury is allowed of buying Italian or Spanish or French debt, obtaining some benefits of profitability of the order of 4% stocking, that alone it is a part of the operation the surplus commercial and budgetary etc. etc. is also   

You believe sincerely that Germany has any interest in solving the problem of Europe, that problem is speaking to him, Germany today he can buy all europa if he doesn't already have it in its power, this is they don't doubt this way it, he doesn't have another explanation it cannot be otherwise, today France depends absolutely on being presented in the economic world as partner from Germany, since without this image, because that is not real support, France its triple A and its banks would be already history, I eat they are already it the independent states of Italy and Spain and they stopped to be it until that Greece. And Portugal, I believe that the following step will be to make what has been made with the banks, to rescue them and to fuse them from three to two and of two to one probably alone the BCE passing the other ones to be simple branches in square to facilitate the more steps near the consumer. 

It is that it is of laugh, today after the meeting of Berlin between Sarkozi and Merkel, it is given to know that the exports of Germany going app. in November increasing the commercial surplus, in a sign more than that the biggest economy in Europe could avoid a strong deceleration contrary to France that one waits that it registers a deficit commercial record in the 2011. 

The leaders of both countries gathered in Berlin to find ways to generate a quicker growth, to help to the area euro to leave their debt crisis, the German economy has shown its exultant superiority, in contrast with its neighboring France that fights to stay competitive, a problem for the president Nicolás Sarkozy before the elections of April, and that like it is easy to understand it annuls any action of opposition of France, so much for the position of weakness of its economy, as the already its speaker's fragile position Nicolás Sarkozy. 

The last data from China, one of the biggest importers of German goods, they threw that the Chinese banks increased their level of loans in December, reinforcing the perception that the central bank is alleviating the politics slightly to muffle the effect of a smaller growth in the exterior that harms to the Chinese expansion, also Helping to that the Chinese industry is restocked by means of basically European, and clear imports this of Germany. Looking forward, the external demand of outside of the area euro, with United States and Asia to the head, they are more positive news, the solid demand also interns of Germany they have transformed to its economy into the last bastion of an area euro in quick weakness. 

While the German exports went up 2,5 percent in November according to official data, overcoming 0,7 prospective percent amply. The surplus was enlarged to 15.100 million Eurus. The commercial deficit of France was enlarged strongly to 4.400 million Eurus in the same period, helped almost exclusively by the maker's of airplanes exports Airbus. However, the country continues on the way registering a deficit record in the 2011, in a reflection of the descent of the French competitiveness regarding its German neighbors. 

The French Government hopes the second bigger economy of the area euro grows 1,0 percent this year, in spite of the fact that most of the economists they wait a much nearer expansion to zero, while the companies and consumers get ready for a painful deceleration. This in France imagines what will pass in Italy and Spain. Well I believe that after this exhibition it is clear that the situation is not neither natural neither logical, or it is that we are not speaking of the European Union or it is that Germany the same as Great Britain no longer belongs to the euro group. 

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