lunes, 30 de enero de 2012


In view of that any measure doesn't arise, neither no reformation is approved, neither there are budgets, neither there is anything of hope for our society and our country I will rush to propose a plan to combat the stagnation of the situation and the recession of the economy I prepare them that it will be hard and it can hurt some susceptibility so the one that doesn't want frights that it doesn't continue reading. 

Spain is not gotten in debt in alone excess he has two problems that make it extremely dangerous in the financial markets, its unemployment and its budgetary deficit. Both things are almost consequence of the same Spain their public country property it doesn't enter enough and it spends in excess it doesn't enter because: He doesn't consider Industrial Fabric that contributes taxes, for the same thing he doesn't have work positions to use so much unemployed, for consequence he doesn't have revenues for IRPF, and if he has expenses for subsidies, like they work few they are few those that spend and therefore it doesn't collect IVA, but if he has pensions and social security that to assist, it could fill you paginate with these crisscross questions but for the example and today's proposal I already believe that they will be made an idea of the situation. 

In definitive Spain besides reducing expenses is to collect more the problem is to collect more because to reduce expenses is easy, this makes it anyone they have made it until the Germans with which notices if it is easy now then how we can increase the revenues of the state without they ruin but to the society and follow the infernal wheel, this is already more difficult so much that the Germans have also gotten it.   

They will see it is necessary to go up taxes without they cost more than what we can spend now those that can make it that like it is gotten good because with the IVA and the contention of prices to the consumption explain to myself there is that first to make four scales of IVA instead of the three current values it is the 4; 8; 18% that correspond to reduced, reduced, and general, very first super should create another scale that we will denominate deluxe. Once this scale to apply the following percentages in their incidence the reduced super would continue in 4% the reduced one it would pass to 11% the normal one to 21% and the deluxe one to 25%. But then you will tell me this would be an ascent of costs that would break the consumption with which its theory doesn't serve, he calms down and continue reading. 

The application of each type of IVA would stay the same as now that is to say for foods for articles of consumption etc. the deluxe one would be applied alone to elements of consumption whose cost overcomes the 25000 Eurus for unit he understands each other and for the rest that like I say it would be applied in the same articles and categories that now what would be made on the part of the state is to force to that the whole chain of costs and application of the tax assumed its cost or said otherwise lowers the application prices 3% on the current cost with the end that the products continued costing at the end the same thing that now but that contributes the herald I publish more revenues. 

Example a family will buy a television for which pays 368 Eurus at the moment with IVA the trade it values it in 311,60 € and it applies 18%, what gives the price of final sale, so the trade liquidated to the state 56.08 € for this product, the trade the most usual thing is that he has bought it to the maker / distributor, for 140€ net more the IVA of the supplier to 18% 165 € also paid, but its commercial margin is of: 311.6 PVN - 140 PCN = 171,6 € that is to say 55% has more than enough net sale price, because the IVA is compensated. 

Well my proposal consists in that the industry and the trade absorb 3% of ascent of the proposed IVA, so each step will reduce its price of net surrender a 2.% this way carrying out this operation example the other way around, we would have that the maker / distributor would sell the television to the trade for 137,2 € this it applied an IVA of 21% for that that the trade 166 € paid the trade it applied its margin 55% and its net sale price will be 304,90 € it applied 21% of IVA and the final PVP it will be of 368,9 € but in this case the trade liquidated to the state are 64 €. 

As each step it can be appreciated he would pay the same thing more or less, and all would assume the cost of 2% from the first link of the chain, where the amount of incidence of 2% is smaller, when being applied on smaller quantities, I understand that if to the workers they are reduced the wage to some and they are frozen to other, to force to reduce this proposed 2%, it should not be considered abusive for the industrial world, also with the increase of three percent in the arks of the state, one could help very much to not clipping but, with that that the fear and the reaction of stopped of the consumption would relax herself, for that that the activity you would increase and that is what is necessary us to all. And with regard to the deluxe IVA the one that wears out 25,000 Eurus won't him from a thousand Eurus that it would be the difference for 4% of superior IVA also this is a measure that can be varied according to the economic circumstances of the Country. 

It is necessary to be able to attack for all the sides, attempting that the weakest the final buyer, doesn't accuse him, it spent this way but and we won't cause inflation, because we will force to that decrease the intermediate costs that a percentage of 2% less than the industry and the trade can make for its country. And if they wonder how this would be controlled because easy putting in the street unemployed making of inspectors of sale prices in invoices and in trade of PVP.  

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