sábado, 14 de enero de 2012


It is necessary to be positive it Seems that the good news accumulate, the last wags of the speculative maneuvers on the part of the three Anglo-Saxon corsairs are tremendous, and leave clearly that they have rushed to open tomb to see of taking out until the last drop of blood their victims, revilements against this final attack. 

Now it is necessary to request calm, so that the bewilderment doesn't take possession of its victims that we are all us, the economies of the euro group, except Germany Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Finland and Luxemburg to mislead and that it doesn't seem so undoubtedly they are only combining the play with the German economy that is playing the paper of guardian of the enormous funds deposited in its debt, and that they come from the benefits in Eurus that the financial speculators, clients and the three corsairs' presidents, they have gone picking up after the successive movements of goings and comings of capitals that its tricks, threats, and devaluations, they have made leave the deposits of all the European economies hastily and that everything indicates that at the moment they are kept in German debt and that soon he/she will be the following victim if we don't fix it once and for all.

It is the moment that the political ones European they plant face to the situation the cycle I believe firmly that it has been conquered, and there is no longer more wax than the one that has burned already, the discounts of qualifications of all the European countries of the euro, including the triple A of France, it is the lowest final strake it can no longer fall, it is impossible, their action not you if studied or not, it drives to a situation that doesn't favor them, practically Europe it disappears as financial market, and it is reduced to Germany and Holland, too little I believe me, except for some conditions that alone it serves like refuge but it doesn't stop to speculate, with the other ones and with the new qualifications the only thing that happens is that they are located in another scale of value that the narrow one and it will unite them to the force. 

This last desperate action and I believe that final, it represented the same effect that the one that happens when you exploits a financial bubble, be of the product that is and this happens when this product or market is saturated so much that there is no longer more than to take out of profit, then as final act it is made explode, and that it is my I diagnose of what happens today. It also coincides with the fact that the USA is truly crazy, more than what we suppose and they count us, Obama has requested two things, a new amplification of the roof of the debt, and that the industry of the USA is mobilized and recover the production of American products returning them to manufacture in the country, textually he has said - I don't want that the USA is seen exclusively by its financial actions, but for its potent industrial force, I want to see in our consumption the three magic words Made in  USA - and this has not said it to the politicians, or to the congress, but to a meeting of high and powerful managers of the country. 

Everything conjugates toward the end of the globalization, that which means the end of the financial speculation in occident, to open the way therefore to the reindustrialization and the turn to the economy of normal market and current that he should give way never, believes sincerely that what we will live these last days of January is the end of a cycle, alone I request that not you decontrolled the governments and the European politicians, now a deep bewilderment will come because now it will be seen that all that has left preparing to defend the financial system, doesn't serve as anything, since what it is necessary to make now is to reactivate to forced marches the classic economy, the one of manufacturing, to sell, to get money, and to pay, you can no longer sustain more time that of buying, to get in debt and to pay, it is no longer more money neither but debt, the same corsairs have taken off the first thing, and they have devaluated us the second, with what you will already tell me who will lend us financing some. 

Alone it is to know of what side it will be Germany, because starting from now eye because if the whole europa of the euro you must put to work, it will happen a curious thing, like we are but poor will work for less money and therefore with less costs, and under these conditions you know the economy that will be the first one in it turns wrapped in a ferocious competition, to pull up orders and for logic to lower prices, and I don't know, but I smell myself that this time the BCE won't be so in the sling of the hardness and rigidity planned by Germany. 

It is evident and today it has already happened that the euro will finally be devaluated, and like I come saying it is very possible that is placed in a fork of 1, at 1.1 on the $ USA, and the price of the money goes down to 0.5% like in the USA, this that with the measures Merkelsianas would be impossible, and that it would untie a galloping inflation according to its old approaches, it won't happen because simply we have left about five very hard years, in those that there won't be neither an euro to spend of but, so even going up the consumption doesn't believe that they go up the prices, that if neither the salaries, but such and as me I see it if it will go up the economy, it will return the credit to the investment, if express is industrialized it will return the capital investment to the stock markets that now are dead, the same as its companies, and the benefits passed to the labor market, and to the real economy, the one that manufactures, buys and he pays with its money, not with the speculation and the debt.  

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