martes, 17 de enero de 2012


This defines the critic clearly to the purpose of bank reformation that the Spanish state directed by the Popular Party seeks to make, the aberrant solution is not explained that promotes the economic team of Rajoy headed for Of Guindos, regarding the problem of the financial viability of the Spanish Banking.

It is clear that the Spanish banking is in a situation of extreme weakness due to its excessive exhibition to the real estate bubble, and to the excessive private indebtedness, circumstances both quite related ones and largely caused, for blame of the ambition and blindness of obtaining excessive benefits on some economic bases that the true technicians and directive of the banks, they should have seen in its moment that would not be sustainable the ball that you/they were financing. 

Now everything is cries and you beg so that they save them in the disaster, but the way that the government proposes I believe that he goes in contrary address, to any definitive solution and that it feels the bases to regulate the future balance of our economic reality, once recover the logical parameters post recession, thing that I wait should arrive as soon as possible. 

The solution that looks for the Spanish state is the one of to unify and to regroup the existent banking now, I believe that this is to be deceived totally, because the only thing that this bears is to catch the same problems and to join them but not to eliminate the problems with definitive solutions, for very hard that they are that it is what should be made. But it is that you also leave clearly the government's centralist manipulation and of the Spanish politics, I explain to myself: Spain has like in almost everything too much for what can support for its reality of half country throwing to poor, that is this way and it is for reminiscences of an imperial past that the Spaniards refuse to abandon, we have this way more banks than nobody in Europe, but airports that nobody, but marine ports, but rail high-speed lines that nobody, more unemployment than nobody, etc… 

But it seems that it is not enough the punishment that we are suffering, the government doesn't learn and he denies it and he goes to for but, this way when outlining the financial and bank reformation of the country he requests concentration and also already, in three weeks, and the proposals that they arise they are to get scared. The main problem of the insecurity of the Spanish economy seen by the markets, it is the impossibility of the economic resources of the Spanish state, to be able to respond mainly of all the hidden debts in the banks and in the governments power station and the autonomous ones, but as today's topic it is the bank reconversion we will refer to them. 

Spain has incomprehensibly, two of the biggest European and almost world banks and that naturally they are classified as systemic, that is to say entities that cannot break, and that therefore they should be guaranteed and defended by the own state, this stops Spain it is an atrocity, because the Spanish treasure is not able to neither to defend one of them if unfortunately he is rotated the things, and this is so simple of understanding as that when almost looking at its bills of results 75% of the same east 2011, they come from its bank structures located in the exterior, notice well it is not for financial operations, but for establishment of operative bank of vicinity in countries that are not the own one. 

This doesn't have it the banks of other countries like for example Germany whose only international bank the Deutsche Bank, if we except Spain, he doesn't have more than strategic operative centers but not net of vicinity in any other country. This situation bears that it should not be considered as reliable resource, what the BBVA takes place in the exterior, in a same way that the bank of Santander, its business in Brazil, Great Britain, Argentina, Chile, etc. cannot be considered like a definitive business situation, because the day fewer thought these countries are rotated the economy or the ideas, and they nationalize you your business and you ends up. 

But Spain doesn't think this way, it continues in the belief that it won't pass anything, and they don't remember that until the resulting empire of the conquest of America key, so now the government not pleads to have two systemic banks, but three, and according to The Vanguard in an interesting article in his pages of economy, it counts us that the government would do with good eyes the integration of Bankia and Caixabank he already takes, here it stands out the center and absolute megalomania of the state and of the Spanish politician. 

We will see, the bank that has problems is Bankia that you already forges for pure necessity of avoiding that Madrid and the center are in evidence, before the delicate situation of active of all the boxes and banks of the Spanish centralidad, the Caixa in Catalonia follows its peculiar form of making to the Catalan, and he didn't want to be wet in operations that put it in danger neither that they added more firewood to the fire, so to exception of the absorption of the Caixa of Gerona, what I carry out was an operation of internal unfolding creating a good bank, to which I clean of active dangerous staying them separated in other operative ones, to go giving them exit as it is happening, without bothering the solidity of Caixa Bank entity that if this dimensioned inside the operative characteristic of the national market. 

This situation now bothersome to the central government, because the danger of the two current systemic banks, but the disastrous situation of their new bank reporter of all the contained centralist dirt, that is to say Bankia, is untenable no matter how much the suffering Rodrigo Rato goes them covering like he can, and to the government he is not happened more than instead of to assume the reality and to begin to eliminate problems, to be loaded them to other, to have if some more years it happens and we go this way throwing, it is really lamentable because if this operation is carried out, Spain passed to have three systemic banks in its territory in which the economy goes of bad in worse and decreasing to forced marches, so we will pass of having to save for obligation to two banks to have to save three and you will already tell me how and with which it would be made. 

The solution to the problem of the Spanish banking, goes to reduce it drastically, Spain should force to integrate first to the two big systemic banks in one alone, that is to say to integrate the BBVA and the Santander, and to catch Bankia and to undo it distributing its assets and problems among the entities of national character that can continue like they are Sabadell, Popular, Bankinter, Ibercaja, Banesto, and the new resulting monster of the union of the BBVA and Santander, and it also leaves with Caixa Bank that although it is already enough big one it could be increased without arriving to the range of systemic bank. For the rest that is taken down the state it should create a new bank that covers a next market to what would be the operative of a public bank, and that works without pressure to go solving the last havens of toxic assets without he is given the character of bad bank. 

But to make this it is necessary that the government sends, govern, and it is wet and guarantee the different ones operative without entering inside of, but with a rigid control on the part of the Bank of Spain, that is to say it is necessary to force to make what it is necessary to make, and that it seems that one makes in a natural and economically satisfactory way for the capital and the private banking, that is to govern, for that we chose them it doesn't stop to complicate more the things, they don't find hiding the miseries under the same carpets of those that have come out. To make see greatness that is killing us and that he doesn't deceive to the international market.

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