viernes, 13 de enero de 2012


Today I am swollen as a real turkey, although not for pedantry that is clear, but for the satisfaction that gives seeing that the conclusions that I manifest in my daily comments, sooner or later are certified by political personalities of certain prestige that make that it is comforted and let us cheer up to follow seeing the reality of the circumstances that we live and to try to disassemble the theories accommodating and interested, with which many times they present them to us, with so much effrontery that they not already offend the intelligence of the society if not the own common sense. 

It seems also that such and like I title my blog, putting on in the first place is a lack of modesty and of social education, not this fact, makes its logical sense they will also see the one that writes them a while ago that it accuses the Financial Engineering and to the damned globalization, of all the wrongs that we are suffering the western society the European Union and in particular Spain. I have referred countless times that the economic crisis is not world but western, that is to say it happens mainly in USA and Europe, and I have denounced convincingly that in Chinese Brazil and other homes there is not crisis but just the opposite, I have also said that this situation this created by the blindness and the ambition of the western financial markets, when creating the globalization process thinking that what they would get with it is it to have more space to speculate and to obtain more benefits. 

I have explained to it with several examples, but the repeated is that the globalization the most serious thing that has gotten is the delocalization of the industrial production, from the western rich countries toward the emergent poor countries, this first he gave some bills of results since to the fabulous western economies they got some products to a tiny quantity of cost, and they sold them in their markets to the price the same as if they followed them manufacturing in them. This has lasted until quickly not more than 25 years, we have been left without money in the western economies’ spending everything in buying our own designs and products, that if manufactured outside of our industries. 

Not alone that but rather to the step of the years, the products in question have gone ascending of cost an atrocity, for two reasons, one because the emergent ones were poor but not silly and they realized the sale margins, and other because when going becoming rich their own markets they can absorb their industrialization, so lately the situation is the following one: West has to get in debt to pay that that give to locate already almost more expensive that if manufactures it at home, because the cost to which I refer includes everything, the purchase, the transport, the conditions of production, the time of reaction before the changes of likes of the market, and the most important thing the stocks and financial costs of the debts to correct of the negative balances of the scales of payments of the states. 

The thing is serious I come saying, because that that you slow a couple of years in to dismount and to transfer, now took a long time a decade like a lot in recomposing, reindustrialize in the current situation that is to say in full misery it is not neither easy neither cheap, because also to us they won't come us to reindustrialize the BRICS, rather on the contrary they will plant face they will already see it. 

Well this whole long prolegomenon comes to story, because what I began denouncing, seems to be that yesterday already the reflective thing officially the President Obama in a speech in the USA in front of an elected number of American managers in which requested to the managers that relocated its industrial companies in the USA again, so much so that I announce fiscal helps and of all type for who makes it and just the opposite for those that give to locate or maintains its politics that the poor manufacture, I don't know if it will be because I follow Obama in twitter or because, but he makes me illusion to think that maybe some adviser or him same he has read me and understood that my theories were the one guessed right, be as was the question it is that the president of the USA agrees with I crumb, of there the first part of ME and OBAMA. 

Now once assumed and certificate this fact, on the part of so noted personality I should pass to second plane, now it should be OBAMA the one that crawls to everybody, with its - I want that the returns "Made in it USA" and not alone we are known by the finances - he manifested this way it, and now I will go behind, chopping iron if it is necessary so that it resonates in our economies the new message MADE AT HOME and with our people and our companies, we will put an end this way to the unemployment, the fiscal fraud, the sovereign debt, and the private one, and with the recession.  Now the situation is OBAMA AND ME

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