viernes, 3 de enero de 2014


They have already read it to me many times but I believe necessary to make stress in it every time that there is an example undoubtedly it demonstrates the incredible feeling of greatness convincingly and of being able to that it emanates of many Spanish characters that are believed with the right and the reason of making like one says in Castilian old "hacer de su capa un sayo": -To act with absolute freedom, without giving bills to anybody of the own imperium. 

It is a very common question and that Spain finds difficult the being a country without guarantees or with few guarantees to make important business doesn't give trust and he always has the possible partner or friend with an eye opened up for if shift Spanish makes "of its layer a tunic" this always comes out wrong it took more or less but it always finishes in ridiculous and it bears the loss of all the benefits created with falsehoods and impositions of false "mines of gold" that in fact are of tin metal. 

The history of Spain is full with these examples or if they want to denominate them more good of these, presumed an and summed up other, you swindle of great size and notice that there is always a person it is hardly ever a society or group is not a man it is an illuminated one Spanish that is believed that the other ones are inferior and silly and that he is also doing them a favor when it is really taking them to the ruin. Today we can speak of Blesa, Bárcenas, Fabra, Correa, Millet, and we can add some recent past, Conde, Abello, Ruiz Mateos, etc. and good following the tradition today can already put to the list Luis of the Rivero. 

The big achievements and comely managerial of Luis of the Rivero in Sacyr they have become a true headache for the manufacturer. Of the Rivero accent the presidency in 2011, after it failed in their intent to be made with the control of Repsol, and from then on SACYR has been devoted to turn off the fires that its president left, fires that he lit to simply make smoke, to blind the eyes of the shareholders partners and friends so that doesn't see that they went like a ball of snow rotating for a slope costs below.  

The investment in Repsol, the airport of Murcia and the Channel of Panama, they pass invoice to the results and the credibility of Sacyr, and besides threatening the subsistence of the company he threatens now to finish sinking the Mark Spain that in bad hour you sack of the sleeve the minister Margallo. They should not miss us these things in Spain we are specialist, Bankia Iberia, Terra, etc. of brilliant business Spain is full, and of there a lot of blame of the disheveled unemployment is born of the one that not alone we won't leave but rather we will enlarge because of closings of big companies mainly manufacturers many will come out more, truth Mr. Florentino gift, until they stop to be in hands of the illuminated “Spanish Viceroys”. 

And it is that the Spanish state is under the same conditions everything it is cardboard stone I have said it more than once here alone the technique is known of charging rates taxes and grants here alone one works thanks to the official bulletin of the state and now that the poor person this ruined and he doesn't offer concessions of any type because europa watches over him you finishes the great Spanish company and wait that starting from now the dramas began in the electric companies this has not made more than to begin. 

That they have made all the managers and companies during the 25 years previous to the world crisis that now scares us, because they have already seen it squander the money, the one that they didn't have and the one that gave them europa, until now europa has told him you finishes the money yours and mine, and now that because the Spanish money that should be in hands of SACYR, Bankia, Iberia, ACS, etc., they have misappropriated it to him making like I have said "of its layers some tunic’s" because auxiliary and new companies have not created neither one has not made any industrial fabric while they could, there is not in Spain modern industry, technical investigation of any type, and following the popular sentences that for something this and it is because this form of acting comes from the XV century. Of those wickers these baskets came out.  

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