viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015


Catalonia that should make the decision of being Catalonia goes on the way to stopping to be Catalonia. I am not outlining an absurdity but just the opposite what I want is to finish with a situation that can become chronicle and for consequence to be a nest of possible conflicts that they will go increasing more and more, of this I am sure because the trajectory of the politics of Spain nation of which Catalonia forms part doesn't in fact go in an in agreement address to the form of being of the Catalan society and I dare to say that simply alive in Catalonia it is or non-Catalan from birth or feeling. 

But it is evident that the Catalan politicians that govern the community cannot escape of the Spanish politics they act with the forms and their same bad habits. It is curious Spain it has not been able to dominate the Catalan society, we continue speaking in Catalan among us, we feel Catalan and non-Spaniards and we make our life without looking a lot toward Spain, simply obeying the less than we can to the impositions that you/they come us for imposition from the governments from Madrid. However like he said the Catalan politicians at the beginning they act and they are a tracing of the politicians from Spain. 

They don't feel Catalan but political they don't unite for Catalonia but rather they separate in partisan fights the same as those of Madrid and in definitive as announcement Aznar the Catalan politics has thrown for the overboard the restlessness of independence of the Catalan society, and I can even be benevolent and to accept that the government and the general structure of Spain has made it very well he has drowned with its force its traps and its law to the Catalan political initiatives until being able to separate another time the politicians and the politics of the society this today is this way and there is not neither the most remote possibility to recompose him.  

Spain impedes the Catalan survival from all the possible angles he leaves the economy of the community without resources, forbidden any political manifestation that the Catalan town can make using the force of the tribunals, leaving aside the political negotiation, it harasses to the politicians and prominent figures of Catalonia with accusations of fiscal character many manufactured and therefore false and other not more important than the same ones with which all the politicians of the PP are implied and of the PSOE, it imputes to the President of the Generalitat and two of Conselleras, with a presumed disobedience crime, and for I finish it suspends and it disables a judge to feel Catalan and single Spanish. 

Total after all this the reality is that indeed the political independent and the politicians that should captain have descended it the pants and they have left going one to one to the intimacy of their positions and parties to outline an exit disguised of general elections with they wait for it to pass the responsibility to the society to the one that previously they will divide in so many addresses that it will be impossible a Catalan unit that makes possible any agreement of fight position in front of our already eternal oppressor that is to say Spain. 

We are already forever single Spain and this time again because Spain will also change undoubtedly this that Spain with which we had fought the Catalan at least since the one that writes them have reason use will change, this time seriously this 2015/2016 Spain buried its transition time definitively from the dictatorship to the soft democracy in that we have unwrapped ourselves as we have been able to up to now from 1975, starting from the next general elections the future of Spain will be another dictatorship, this not to militate but popular, and possibly also as our current democracy it will be soft, but implacable maybe in her we are better but I doubt it.    

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