viernes, 6 de febrero de 2015


In many of my comments I recriminate basically to the capitalist and western world that the economic, Industrial, and commercial globalization, is a true failure I believe that the time and the problems that already extend in all the world economies (some more than other) they agree with me.  

Today for example some countries request loudly that others accelerate their economies, Japan requests to the UE that solves the problems of the euro, because the situation of the same one in frank recession, puts in risk to the Japanese industry. Another curious news, are the one dated in London by the agency Reuters: - The world economy could support a derived widespread dysfunction of a great natural disaster or of an extremist attack, during hardly one week, according to a report of the group of experts with headquarters in the United Kingdom Chatham House. 

This comes today to story because unfortunately the frequency of the natural disasters, as phenomena climatic ends, seems to be growing and it is evident that the globalization has increased its impact. Episodes like the cloud of ashy volcanic of 2010 that interrupted the air traffic in Europe, the earthquake and tsunami of Japan and the floods of Thailand, they show that key sectors and the companies can it turns gravely affected if the dysfunctions to the production or the transport are prolonged during more than one week. 

The world economy at the moment is fragile, when in a principle of he believed that the globalization would have the contrary effect, what leaves it particularly vulnerable to not foreseen blows. Until 30 percent of the gross interior product of the developed countries it would rot it turns directly threatened by a crisis, especially in the sectors of factories and tourism, In general, the governments and business are not well prepared to respond to events unforeseen of high impact because the idea that the globalization gives to directive and big managers is that what cannot make here will bring it of there.  

Indeed the globalization has chained and supplemented the resources, and I also eat compensation the problems, what is evident makes them more difficult of solving when these they appear, what in its day the western economy thought that it was the panacea to enlarge its business and its markets, exporting them to other confines in order to be able to grow more, I don't calculate that the only thing that made was to win bread for the moment and hunger for the future, I eat now it is demonstrated in all the environments, in the economy, in the industry, and in the own society. 

I will put as example one of the big cataclysms really happened. There is an earthquake in Japan and they stop many factories of automobiles in the USA, in Europe and in China this happened indeed, immediate effect, the wrongs of the Japan you globalize immediately, consequence all the economies they stop, and that it happens, because that they are without possibility of helping the main affected Japan, because all are affected by the effects of the same event. That it happens without the globalization before the same problem, the industry of the country affected by the cataclysm would stop equally, but the other ones not, with what the other economies would be in full activity and perfectly they could go in help of the economy and of the country affected to minimize the disaster. 

I don't want to insist in the wrong that it has produced the globalization when balancing without order the economies and the world industry, but maybe it would be necessary to return on the topic, the world production in spite of the main adjective the reality is that globalized is not, but rather in fact it is distributed the basic industry he has accumulated this way in a hemisphere and it has vacated to the other one, the economy and the finances are exactly same, they have not been distributed or globalized like it is sought to say on the part of those that take advantage of the circumstances, but rather in these moments some get paid and others pay, and this that at the beginning was a business for those that paid today it has been rotated completely today the first ones they grow and the seconds they fall hopelessly. 

I have reached the conclusion that the globalization has the same journey and effect that he had the communism in its day. This politics sought to equal to the societies where it was imposed, it sought to balance the abysmal differences among the social classes some few ones very opulent and other many very poor’s and with true problems of subsistence. The philosophy was the same one to distribute or globalizer the resources in the whole society. Very last the first fifty years when already the whole society more or less was balanced they realized that it was not he in the shortage in the opulence, we meet with a situation where most simply solved have the basic thing, and where the old ones rich and powerful they continued being, although with different nomenclatures and with its hidden reality or simply carried out outside of the global environment inside the communist party of the country. 

To the 75 years of the communist social globalization, the own society said coarse allows us to be you liberate us not more globalize, I want to be another thing I don't want this uniformity that forces me to be what the system wants, and I knock down the system, and already never more it revived again, and hear the change it is very visible, with all its defects what you want, but the initiative, the possibility to be and to make what one can and know, it is much more effective and he gives much more freedom and well to be to the society that in its day maybe if he needed the rigidity of the system but that at the end he said coarse 

The world globalization is continuing for the same steps, it is not a political system but it is an economic system that unifies that the initiatives that it spreads to equal for the low part to the society and the work breaks down that if we don't say coarse it compared us to all in a measure of which have left already for a hundred years, we will end up depending so much some of other that will get lost the competitiveness for that will be impossible to carry out it, because to make a thing we will need to coordinate I don't know how many societies governments and economies, and this is already known how it finishes, rather it doesn't begin, therefore never it finishes being carried out, and the world goes this way back and forward I don't eat he/she has gone for thousands of years. 

It is necessary to return back another time, it is necessary to rearm our societies and our industrial potentialities and to compete I never eat, it is the only way to balance the economy and once balanced, to continue competing to still improve more, it is the only and natural way to advance that he has the humanity, it is not warp neither natural to seek that some work and other they enrich of it, this was the principle of the globalization although they disguised him of equality and sociability was not this way, and today we are paying it in fact those that we spend of clever.  

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