miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015


"Terrorism" tremendous word that qualifies an unqualifiable criminal act an act that is carried out in group or individually by means of people that attack to other being usually based not on a justification of personal character, this he differs of the criminal "action of a common" murder in that this it is a bad human action caused by a situation of interest personal, for example a robbery or a vengeance of character always personal. 

The terrorism has many versions and although today this practically framed in a religion that they profess those that carry out or they execute acts of terrorism it is not patent of this religion by no means, let us remember that there has been political terrorism that they have carried out it people of all the religions or without her, the question is that it is one it seals human very difficult of understanding and very difficult also of eradicating. And this is what I worry about today before the avalanche of terrorism Yihadista, Islamite, or of base in the Muslim religion. 

It is evident that I cannot deepen much more in trying to understand because this origin of completely unqualifiable violence and I am not able to because I don't understand it neither the reason neither the justification that I suppose the executioners of these acts have in their minds to carry out them. This makes very difficult that from other societies you can seek to find a reason that finishes with the implementation of this type of terrorism. 

The worst in the situation that today lives before this phenomenon is that it is an indiscriminate terrorism and that he makes it to me to understand false in its motivations we say "unofficial" it is not normal in the terrorism you exercise it toward all the addresses, toward all the religions toward all the politicians even against to themselves this is a problem that makes that a third cannot make anything to brake it except for finishing physically with him. 

Today we can read this way in the world press that Jordan executed in the fork to an imprisoned Iraqi militiaman whose liberation had been demanded by the Islamic group that burned I live to a pilot captured Jordanian, also in answer to the pilot death that was announced on Tuesday, the authorities Jordanians executed another important prisoner of al Qaeda To the condemned to death to conspire to carry out attacks against the Kingdom Jordanian in the last decade. These acts are justice or vengeance this is the problem.  

That that yes it is justified it is their execution but what I don't know if it is justifiable it is their opportunity that the league to a possible reaction of vengeance what caused more indicative reasons to the terrorists.  Sajida al-Rishawi, the Iraqi militiaman, it was condemned to death by their participation in a suicidal attack with bomb in the 2005 that it caused the death of 60 people. Ziyad Karboli, an Iraqi agent of To the Qaeda that was condemned in the 2008 to kill a Jordanian. It is evident that both executed were some murderous terrorists, but the law Jordanian maintained them with life until he has done with horror what has been made with a pilot Jordanian. 

Automatically Jordan that has increased the air attacks in Syria like part of the alliance led by United States against the rebels of the Islamic State, this is the effect that is wanted on the part of the terrorist organizations it is to create a new justification to continue justifying their actions, and this in these circumstances doesn't have end. 

And this problem that affects us to all is clear that alone they can finish with it the own Muslims for a Westerner it is he very difficult to understand that it can happen so that a Muslim Yihadista slaughters another Muslim burning it alive or that in its wars you go into the slaughter between them because some they are Sunnites and others are Shiite that it justifies the one that in the century 21 the religion (if it is that it is that) it can be cause of hate and justification to kill. 

The Muslims should reflect this it is a problem that unfortunately live all but that it is exclusive of them to solve it because a civilization like the Islamic one whose religious root is the same one cannot be that this being destroyed in wars with tyrannies with a brutal and so inhuman terrorism that it even demands the immolation with such from causing a terror act it is necessary that he conforms to a summit among the Arab leaders, Muslims, and that they study the reason of all this and they solve it and not already so alone for occident but for its world because the backwardness and the precariousness to which they force to live to its people are the one that provides from force and justification to this problem.    

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