The public expense continues loosened in Spain, and the most lamentable thing is that those that now they don't make neither I marry to the recommendations of the European Union, and of course still less than the effective Spanish government, they are no longer of the PSOE, now they are of the PP, because we don't forget that in Spain some months ago governs of facto the Popular Party, the alone PSOE governs and very little in Andalusia and the Moncloa, the new politicians to the control of the Communities, delegations, city councils have it very clear, before we are government from Spain and let us have to surrender bills it is necessary to swindle it completely.
So they have put on hands to the work: The public companies hire to but of 2.000 people. The mayors and the councilmen are gone up the salaries. The financing of the parties increases 15,6%. The public expense continues without control, they are the last opportunities it is necessary to leave all bundle and tied good before they change the government officially, this way the whole blame the deficit, of the unemployment, of the poor country in that we go to we live from now on, it will continue being blame of those that are already defeated.
The problem is that it is well to the white that he gives the same thing that the same thing gives, there is not solution like I have told many other occasions, Spain has a problem irresoluble and it is that it is full with Spaniards, and for what seems all we are same, coarse with which they give us a small political position, so that we put in our pockets all that we can and but, and the one that comes behind that take. Poor Rajoy, poor of me, and poor you, dear readers.
Get ready for when it finishes the summer, because this it is other, the crisis is awful but the vacations have not removed them to him nobody, the experts that it is for that say of "and if I can never catch them more", but I don't believe it to me it is that we are this way that Europe and the government ask that we should crowd together the belt, because he swims here we take off it and we become tight, we no longer have obligation of making what they request us, we don't have of that.
Among so much tomorrow it concludes the help of the plan he prepares that put on in march the past February 15 2011 for a period of six months, it was designed like part of the program of professional requalification of the Government for the unemployed without benefit. He gets ready like substitute of the Temporary Program of Protection for Unemployment and Insert (Prodi) that contemplated helps of 426 Eurus for the stopped ones that had drained their benefits for unemployment.
The unions CCOO and UGT consider indispensable that is more in vigor other six months before the high unemployment rate and of the number of unemployed: of 20,89% and 4.833.700 of people, according to Active Population's Survey (EPA) of the second trimester of the year. The one that has also requested the Government their continuity has been the candidate from the PSOE to the Government's presidency in the elections of the next one November 20, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba. That the man will promise if he doesn't know from where it took out some vote it stops at least to continue of deputy with his splendid salary insured.
I am ahead and I tell them that starting from September the unemployment arrived to 22% and we will surpass the figure of the 5 millions again and the worst thing is not that, it is that I don't see that he goes he is necessary to make the PP that is for sure it won the elections, not for anything, it is that it is evident that the PSOE won't be able to return until in 20 years at least, and if now that they have begun to means to govern those of the PP they make that they make, when they have all the power it can be that they blindfold us to Portugal and Greece and to the worst thing it is that they go and they buy us.
Then I protest and I recriminate that Germany becomes firm and don't want to know anything about European funds, neither of more restructurings of sovereign debts, undoubtedly a thing doesn't remove the other one, he gives me a lot of shame to be Spanish, and he also gives me a lot of pain that the European Union, don't have the power of putting on to all where we should be, these they are the contradictions of this unhinged Europe.
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