The German frank axis seems that he has decided to take the control and he prepares the future of the euro zone. Merkel and Sarkozy have made an appointment next Tuesday to discuss and to define combined proposals for the government of the European Union. It would be necessary to know if this meeting obeys alone to the initiative of the mentioned axis or it is representative for the surrender of interests common of the rest of the 16 countries, personally he gives me a so much equal but it would be beautiful that was it would be this way as a relief and a hope toward unique government's state, you begins with couples that it is much easier of reaching agreements that with 16 companies, and he finishes unifying once and for all, the fact that cannot repeat the famous scene to "speak with Europe gives me the telephone" number and they could not give it of course, it would represent a total and absolute overturn to all the economic and social attacks (that it is necessary to begin to keep them in mind), to the euro zone.
This is not a general concern alone mine, the German newspapers, including the most favorable to the Christian Democrat government, they wondered yesterday why the chancellor kept silent and it didn't interrupt his vacations before the worsening of the international financial climate. The answer arrived soon after with an official statement of the palace of the Eliseo, in which was announced that the French president will receive Angela Merkel next Tuesday in the afternoon in Paris, to "prepare governments of the euro zone combined" proposals.
The announcement of the meeting seems also important for France, because it reinforces the message of solidity that Nicolas Sarkozy wants to send to the markets. The question is if it is a prepared meeting to backs of the European institutions and the other governments, thing that I don't believe it to me, because if was this way because to announce it with five days of advance is made and point. One year, a meeting of this type ago it would have been received with the bigger than the hostilities on the part of the other European countries everything it points that today this is no longer this way.
According to the tradition and the reality, the axis Paris-Berlin is the motor of the UE, but it is also certain that the excessive caution in fact avoiding to create a franc-German "directory" so that negotiates the essential matters of the Union, passing above the interests of the other countries. It is not contemplated for that reason as a normal torch in theory this the figure of the rotational presidency and of Durao Barroso, you figure and stamens that one has seen clearly that they are not effective.
The first Polish minister, Donald Tusk that exercises the shift presidency but whose country is not even in the euro, he has tried to save the forms with a letter to the other community governments in which encourages to start the agreements of the summit of July 21 (to the one that, by the way, he didn't attend). However, in these moments, in fact, there is not any European government, inside of or outside of the Euro that he has done with disapproval this convocation thanks to all to have if once and for all we understand it and we really go to the European Union.
What the markets are waiting, according to all the indications, is a believable sign that the political leaders of the euro zone are willing to take decisive steps, well accepting to share the fiscal and budgetary control of the national economies, or at least enlarging the capacity of the mechanism of financial stability, what should have identical result to the long one. I imagine that in fact in what Merkel and Sarkozy will discuss since they are their two own reflections.
Alone there is a point that I worry about, and it is that one makes a lot of emphasis in the economic and financial questions, but it is not spoken of the politics common of government, maybe be too soon to request this and have to wait that the economic union of results, so that all the governments realize that to make the same thing in the so much or more interesting questions of general, serious politics, since in these moments I believe that the bad economy comes given by the terrible existent politics in the euro zone, but good today the modern techniques they allow to build a building beginning with the roof.
That that Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy agrees and decide on Tuesday it will be the most important fact that Europe will have gotten in many years, its decision and its presentation he will possibly have a lot of importance, if they get it, it can be that the history remembers them forever as the father and the mother from Europe, without they are offended its respective couples they know that he doesn't go my comment somewhere around.
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