Wrong has begun this morning: mad, sad and disillusioned, I have written my blog maybe with a very bitter degust it was the flavor of some tear that I slid from my eyes when seeing the death for betrayal of the European Union. I have waited hours before beginning to write again he wanted to meditate on the facts and my words written in the described desperation outburst. Last the hours and the confirmed events my approach has not modified in its foundations but if it has worsened in the form.
I have defined the absurd yesterday assembly like a coup d’état of two members of the European Union, he had seen this way it and I have written this way it, but when going reading the details of the proposals of the axis I have left disenchanting every time but and there is to get the conclusion that there is not coup d’état there is pure and simply a betrayal act to the European Union. Indignating me the fact of a blow made by two members of the union even stayed the hope that maybe could be the best thing inside the worst thing, in the bottom this blow of force could fix the things maybe finally getting even the European Union being to the force.
But it is not even that that made a pact it is an act of inappropriate supine baseness of two countries and political to those that he believed nobler in their forms and democratic ideas have become disillusioned and with the publication of each new amplification of the official statement the betrayal went increasing at the end if you read with attention the points of the official statement, the members of the treacherous axis what they seek is to deviate the blames of their own selfishness toward the other ones without stopping attention to the causes of the situation that it tortures us and it tortures them but instead of looking for solutions they try to look for guilty and to destroy them more if they can.
The measures that they say to contribute are not of their meeting all they are already written as it is of the meeting of July 21.
Measures adopted in the European summit of July 21
- As regards economic to the 17 bosses of State of the area euro committed to introduce for final of 2012 a common fiscal mark in the legislation of each agreement country with a directive one European. Also, they decided to try to reduce the paper that you/they have the qualification agencies in the regulatory mark of the European Union.
- The leaders of the UE agreed the quick finalization of the legislative package to reinforce the Pact of Stability and Growth.
- Fiscal consolidation. The leaders aimed that they will continue lending support that is to say to the countries that cannot consent to the market, to those that have to be rescued to be able to be financed short term.
- All the countries of the area euro committed to adhere to the marked fiscal objectives, to increase the competitiveness and to correct the imbalances of their balances. In short, the public deficit that you/they will reach will be smaller to 3% for 2013.
- With the objective of fomenting the growth, the bosses of State decided that the rescue programs go guided to develop political that stimulate the growth and the employment. In the document published after the summit they don't specify the concrete measures.
- Stabilization tools. To improve the effectiveness of the European Fund of Financial Stability (FEEF) and to prevent the infection of the crisis agreed to increase their flexibility by means of three functions. On one hand, it is allowed that it can intervene with preventive programs. In second place, it is allowed to the bottom to finance recapitalizations of financial entities by means of loans to the States, included those that are not subject to the rescue programs. In third place, he is authorized to buy funds in the secondary market whenever there is an analysis of the BCE that recognizes that exceptional measures exist.
- Rescue Greece. In this meeting a second rescue was approved Greece, as well as a flexibilitación of the terms and the interests of the previous one. He also remembered a call plan European Marshall (a denomination that finally disappeared of the final text) and he took the decision of allowing the private contribution from the financial sector to the rescue.
All these measures have passed the time in the dream of the fair ones, giving them turns and more turns because the Traitors that accepted them in their day, then have seen that it didn't interest them to apply them in their own economic world and that of their influence, because these measures took to two objectives: to help the PIGSI and to strengthen the European Union having the 17 members, this is clear to the rich of Europe it doesn't interest them. From this date the fall of the credibility of Europe had been brutal the financial markets have collapsed brutally until the point we are clear of annihilating the values of security of many companies that have been to expense of any attack of hostile OPA, when the disaster has already been fed in the own German frank axis, they meet for surprise and without witness and they try to outline an I authenticate coup d’état to Europe.
At the end of a very prospective meeting, of some two hours, in The Elíseo, Nicolás Sarkozy and Angela Merkel appeared to declare its intention of creating "a true European" economic Government that "returns the trust in the markets" and that it will suppose "a new phase of collaboration in the euro zone", (that govern he will give trust to the markets if they believe it two nations without consulting to any but), according to the German chancellor. "The euro continues being our future, it is the foundation of our prosperity", it pointed out the French leader.
The first measure consists on the creation of an European Council formed by the bosses of State and of Government of the 17 countries members of the euro zone, they will already be three European advice the politician the economic one the biannual one there is not this way unit neither wanting that he will meet at least twice per year and more if necessary. The group would also have a permanent president, another president would be already four for a period of two and a half years that he would become a luck of spokesman of the common currency, the BCE and his president foregone they no longer serve,
Merkel and Sarkozy that didn't detail this government's paper, proposes for the position to the current president the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, the question is, and that makes now who he will make it or it is that now he doesn't make anything and this of decoration. The proposal will be a correspondent this same morning for letter to the own Van bony Rompuy that the president of the European Union neither he finds out what two of its countries scheme for him to its backs. At the present time, the paper of coordination of the economic politics carries out it the euro group, formed by the minister of Finances of the area euro all disapprove suddenly.
The second measure is the establishment of the one denominated "rule of gold" of the budgetary balance. It supposes it that the Constitutions of each country include a commitment of fiscal discipline, to the style of the one that figures in the German norm. Merkel riveted that it is to put "a control to the debt". IN the leaders' opinion, the initiative would throw a strong message to the markets of the will of the economies of cleaning up the state of its finances. For this the European leaders also propose a clear calendar, since they hope the 17 countries of the area adopt it before the summer of next year. When you can get that the 17 nations modify their constitutions all we will be dead economically speaking will no longer be necessary to make anything. Also remember that the first ones in not completing this rule now of gold were in fact Germany and France
Also, Germany and France will work together to establish a tax on the financial transactions that it will be presented to the rest of the European partners during the month of September. He has gone this way him today to Germany whose market has already fallen 0,77% and its two banks neither I count them.
Besides these proposals in the environment of the area euro, France and Germany made a pact reinforce their own economic government with two measures. The first one will consist on a harmonization of the tax of societies of the two countries (33,3% in the case of France and 29,41% in that of Germany), in my house this is not to harmonize, harmonizes it is that both taxes were same the decision that will take in a combined advice at the beginning of 2012.
The version of the negative to the funds doesn't have I waste, if these funds were created, it would be equal to mutualism the debt of the whole area euro, Sarkozy said, during the press conference. But anyway it would be the "result of an integration process, in any case of a previous" condition, he/she insisted. He gives "me the sensation that who plead for these Eurobonds they are the same ones that wanted to create the euro without an economic government that supports" it, hear those that created the euro they were the Germans the French and some few ones but, they were not among other the PIGS.
Neither you will increase the quantity of the European Fund of Financial Stability at the moment, endowed now of about 440.000 million Eurus, enough considered quantity for the two leaders. That is certain because after the coup d’état nobody more than they go to have access to this bottom
And for I finish alone it subtracts me as colophon to see like besides this they are the threats to the possible dissidents "In a future, the structural funds and of cohesion they will be suspended in the countries of the area euro that don't welcome the recommendations" of this procedures, they indicate the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, and Nicolás Sarkozy, president from France, in a letter sent today to the president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy.
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