"The crisis begins to damage with force to the heart of Europe, and Germany is the clearest example. In fact, to invest theoretically in the more solid country of the Old Continent is no longer so safe. This way, does he reveal it the rate of the insurance of unpaid on the German debt that today is more expensive than those that they cover the exhibition in front of the United" Kingdom. Do you already see it why you don't sell yourself your gold Germany? Instead of recommending making it to Spain, better it would be that you think of yourself, because point to demand and to protest now will take you to the well of the tears like all the other ones.
You cannot go for this storm giving sticks to the other ones, retaining decisions that you don't like but that they are necessary, and shielding you in your undeniable potentiality like country, when you will understand that you are diluted as soon as you are part of a European Union that you formed. These days that is to say from last Saturday that the news of the discount of quality of the debt of the USA was given, you have disappeared of the scenario, you have not wanted to know anything, I have white your intention you thought that if you hid, same the thing passed of you, you have already seen that not, you have been the most punished one and of long, the markets have attacked your strong industrial heart the one that gives you the force, you already see it you already know that they know where to make you damages.
But you continue remaining silent, you suffer but it won't leave your eyes neither one cries before the other ones, probably cry undercover at nights, I will say that that doesn't know if it is pride or cowardice, but that that if it is been that you do yourself a sad favor to you and the whole European Union. Today you also take down yourself for mouth of your minister of economy Philipp Rösler with an absurd one, proposal, outside of place, and of time, of carrying out "tests of solvency" to the sixteen economies of the area euro, with the objective of to tranquilize to the markets and to take a short cut the market debacle. As much as bad they have made you in alone three days in three days. You have idea of what would cost to make the atrocity that you have requested, when is made all dead.
Don't hide but and he gives the face, this is an excuse but for not participating in any plan of support group to the Europe of the euro, it is to look for time and problems to see of getting that the Europe of the euro breaks once and for all, and to be free of the PIGSIF (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Italy and France), with the other ones nine already can they are of your rope. Germany is already seen too much your intentions, the agreements of last July retarded them you and your nine friends, I bet myself an euro that they won't sign never, and that knows it France and also the BCE for that reason Trichet was so scanty in words and facts, until he has no longer been able to more than to act this black Monday.
Alone I hope it is not alone me the one that sees your attitude, but rather all the countries affected by the euro, realize that the friend that is put at home, that friend that gives the back when there are problems that he refuses and it accuses you when he needs that makes business with your debt, with your market, and that he has taken care that you cannot make him the competition that ruins until the cucumbers if it is necessary a distraction, and to be plentiful in the wound of the interests of the other ones that he requests you that you blindfold yourself your gold so that their Deutsche Bank, win something of money after losing these days more than 10(25%) whole, friends is already well they are not necessary this way us the thing this in deciding who have more than enough of the group of the Europe of the euro or maybe rather maybe already excess in these moments the own Europe of the Euro.
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