domingo, 28 de agosto de 2011


Because the western world collapses hopelessly This is the question that political and economists become alarmed because nobody says to know the reason and all want to stay for themselves the salvation, nobody wants to accept that the things have changed because if they accept it, it is as much as beginning to give up centennial status and very important positions of power. Notice that are so afraid until the very rich ones that they want the governments to "steal" them more money in taxes, this attitude is not believed that it is at all for altruism, it is for pure terror, to lose everything, because they know it if the economy and the western society collapses them also, and believe me they have a lot to lose more than you and I don't doubt it. 

And in these moments it is clear that the destruction of values and western economies go to enlarged steps, the bad thing of all this, is that from the political, economic, social governments, alone etc. becomes diagnostic, I transcribe literally: USA is to avoid the recession without spending more. The hopes that the recovery is secured they have vanished this summer. The republicans reject more economic stimuli. The FED fears that the politics of stimuli ends up bringing more inflation. Europe seeks to mark for law the roof of indebtedness of the states. Lagarde, speech of growing risks. The world economy faces growing risks and the options are more and more reduced. The very rich ones ask to pay more taxes.  

Everything is sentences and diagnostic, any solution, neither so at least there is recognition of the authenticate causing of all this and this it is the true desajust, one cannot solve a problem that he ignores their position and it’s because. My theory is that the problem is in the geopolitical-economic overturn that has suffered the world, this it is the one enunciated of the problem we will develop it and we will see that it has happened and we will also see that the problem has it only the western society. 

Until the century 17 the social life just as we know it, family, work, business, production of elements and tackle, etc. was bounded to the European continent by that time we can calculate that Europe was inhabited by about 180.000.000 inhabitants and there was not neither rivalries, neither irruptions of imports, neither competitions anything of anything, is but the rest of the world was so not very important for our economy that already then the Europe that already had occupation problems and of giving work to all, he had behind to toss hand that is to say to the evolution of the discovery of America that had happened in 1492, two centuries, for it undertakes the emigration of its surpluses well of dreamer, well of unfortunate toward a new world with more possibilities. 

Said otherwise it prevailed her European economic crisis, you except for repopulating a continent, is that clear looks at it for where they want, the rest of the terraqueous globe didn't intervene for anything and its development was very late regarding the culture and western economy, and its paper rather was business reason and prosperity for the European countries that they went to look for its opportunities in the colonization’s of the rest of the planet. And all that happened with so single 180 million mouths to feed, that if sumptuously with relationship to the rest of the world.   

Very now we are in the worst situation that our society has never lived, I repeat our society, because surprisingly the other ones are growing and spending above an unstoppable way if we don't put control to this situation, and this it is the problem: As we maintain an enough economy to maintain the occident status that we can calculate in 1.200 million people in front of the overpowering attack of the other part of the world 4.600 million beings that they work a lot and for anything, single Asia is 3.900 million people said each one of us otherwise he has front if to three Asians that sell us shirts shoes cars televisions day after day. This is the problem. Once well enunciated the politicians and the economists that so many advice and diagnoses carry out, they should take the decisions and pertinent solutions to survive this reality. 

Leave you to be of debts, of inflations, of roofs of expenses, and of similar foolishness, the problem is that they are invading us those that up to now have invaded us, and before this there are not economic restrictive measures that are worth, the more poor we make ourselves, but soon we will abandon, what it is necessary to make is to close our economies, to wall them and to create values of high technological level that maintain us at certain distance of the more and more quick development of the economies enemies, and if it stops that it is necessary to create inflation and paper currency to pay our workers and our rich ones, because that to start the Central Banks, the Governments and because not the imagination.

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