So much goes the pitcher to the source that breaks at the end. Wise Spanish proverb is possible that it is at the same time the result and the solution, of the disorientation and the wild and unconscious speculation that he has settled in the world economy, mainly in the Westerner. It cannot have another exit to this situation that that of the proverb mentioned up at the so much end and below the pitcher falls and it breaks. After so many comments looking for explanations, requesting good sense, demanding resignations, giving sticks to have if the governments wake up, after all the pitcher ascends there is nothing to do, and it goes down of the source several times a day.
No matter how much he gives turns to my reason, I have just seen to who it benefits this situation, (if it is clear to who harms us of course the civil society), analyzing the connotations of the fall of brutal profitability of the quotable values again, of the ratios of qualification of the debts, of the fall of the PIB of the nations, of the increase of the sovereign debts, you reach the conclusion that although this situation doesn't punish directly to the financial world, if he makes it to the political and social world in general,
And I say that it doesn't punish to the financial world in general because the slopes and the crises, it doesn't mean that the money burns and disappear, I eat I already said in another article, the money changes hands or in way but it is always the same or more, an example the Bank of Santander he has almost fallen 50% its value in the market, but this to the bank doesn't alter him anything (unless he comes another bank and he makes him a hostile OPA and he stays it) but in the current situation this won't happen because the fall is more or less for all the banks equal it is clear that this planned.
This way who loses or who wins, they will see we lose us the society because this situation removes us the credit that can need, and if they have actions and they need money and they must sell them they also lose, it is clear this point truth, now then the bank what is making is to enter money in the BCE that doesn't give us in credits and on the other hand he is buying its own titles to under price, that is to say he makes the opposite of what the society leaves in the necessity to make, neither he requests effective because he doesn't make credit operations, and it accumulates passive, a passive one that had already sold doesn't know how many times much more expensive, good business.
It doesn't finish the play here, I don't know when, neither that it will be, that that of the order of cycle change the money will leave then of purchases another time, because there will no longer be anything to steal and to skin, so this will happen but it takes or earlier (when it breaks the pitcher), then the careers began to sell and to make cash, I can assure them that the benefits of then they are to recover today's losses.
And will you say this it is of silly because not, do the problem of the saturation and the globalization of the world economy, and take us to have to make these movements, the reason? The industrial productive system and I eat consequence the global economy it has arrived to the saturation, and therefore to the finite point, from where you can no longer grow more if the universal parameters are not changed, so it happens like with the elevators when they arrive to the roof they have to lower to be able to ascend again.
The current problem is that you ascends and he descends more and more quick, and this gives me the sensation that gets dizzy even to the elevators, this reality one won't be able to sustain but, it is my opinion it will be necessary to look for another system of global economy that is not necessary to ascend and to lower like in an alive uncle, this doesn't have more future, it will be necessary to look for that financial elements can allow the maintenance of the economic values as they are the benefits and the lost ones, and at the same time the maintenance of the society in a level of well to be, compatible with the necessity that it can consume, so that it can take place, so that benefits can be made, so that the world and the economy move without necessity of getting dizzy I eat now.
It will be necessary to look for what I will name (The renewable cycle). On what consists this idea, because in to destroy and to build without stopping and taking care a lot of the recovery for the recycled? Examples to put to the things, buildings (not historical or copies), cars, appliances, highways, railroad lines, ships, airplanes, furniture, civil infrastructures, neighborhoods of cities, hospitals, central of energy generation the one that is, complex industrial, heavy machinery and of tool, etc.) A limit of expiration and recycled obligatory, that is to say, like one makes with the yogurts, to such a date it is necessary to destroy it and to not reconstruct it for their position to the same time and time is understood.
If it is planned the cycles regenerators well the effect he would take place of having whenever to create and whenever to destroy and to recycle, of course always it will be necessary to consume first matters and new materials, but the grace is in that another new industry would be born that should study and to develop as reutilize the materials of you disassemble them, I don't see it anything complicated, almost all that today is used in day is to recycle, what happens is that today is not imperious neither it is possibly source of big efforts and investments, because there is a little in proportion to recycle when not having to reconstruct for system, but they don't doubt it there is so much work in undoing as in making if he puts under an obligation to it, think it please.
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