The growth of the economy of Germany he falls after their Interior Product Brute (PIB) alone it registered an increase of 0,1% in the second trimester of 2011 in front of the first of the year. Germany that has been impelling the weak growth of the area of the euro up to now, has lost the train, for its Chancellor's stupidities and its liking to obtain some votes that she already has hopelessly lost, it has been able to brake an and another time the possible one it rearms of the economy of the Europe of the euro, but with its stupidity and not well understood pride, had fomented the crisis of the sovereign debt, and it has braked the expense in the whole region of the euro, The data of the PIB are worse of that waited and they vivify the fears on a possible turn to the economic recession in all Europe and stronger in Germany.
France announced last week that its economy stagnated in the second trimester, that is to say, the crisis situation has jumped to the European energy nucleus, and now notice gentlemen readers, for them the crudeness of the crisis will be much more intense than that of the other ones, because it is not the same thing to fall of a first floor that of a loft, during more than two years the big of Europe have been shown uncompromising in its loft, looking down us on all and offering so alone that the excrement’s doesn't reach them, they have let that the crisis takes possession of its neighbors, and alone they have known how to criticize and to meet to have dinner some that another time, have just seen the clever ones that they are, they proceeded to elevate the price of the money, because they made it if the other ones needed gasoline but cheap to see of pulling up the motors.
Because in their narrow mind of political captators of votes, they imagined that going up the interests moved away us to the other of them and they moved this way also away from the infection of the crisis of the poor. Useless rulers, undoubtedly took us away from them, so much that we have not been able to them to help buying them products, necessary thing so that the PIB of any country works and ascend, and now that, first the bump of their bags and their banks, the debacle of the German economy is brutal it reaches a stocking of -30% in two weeks, and the French but, and with more and more alive rumors of reduction of its triple A. and while the data of Italy show that the GDP increased 0,3% and in Spain 0,2%, a tenth was increased less than in the three months precedents, but more than the GDP of the useless ones and German and French squanderers.
They intend to make when they are harassed and in full vacations of August, the only thing that they know how to make meet in couple to have dinner and to talk in a friendly way. The French president, Nicolás Sarkozy, and the German chancellor, Ángela Merkel, intends that each country partner of the area euro has tax a deficit roof in its Constitution, before summer of 2012. For the god love, this is in progress already in the PIGSI this had to make it France and Germany, but I eat they don't want to give their arm to twist and to accept that the measures that proposed for the other ones have them to him to apply now themselves, they seek to make a bad play, making see that they will make it them as example of the other ones, and a horn the other ones have already interpreted several months ago this argument.
The German alliance franc, she has already left aside the European community, she also requests the creation of an authentic" "government, in that we agree the one that there is and there has been up to now it has been a jeer to the intelligence of the Europeans of the area euro, but they cannot avoid it or they are really silly, or they believe that we are it the other ones, they want an economic government that meets at least twice a year, formed by Government's bosses and directed during two and a half years by a permanent president. Merkel and Sarkozy intend their first president to be Herman Van Rompuy.
It is that they don't know that they already exist now I don't unite there are three governments and three presidents: him of rotational shift each semester that doesn't make more than to see them happen, Mr.Durao Barroso, that not you well that he makes, and the Van Rompuy that is also another president that that yes that you that he has not made anything of anything. And its proposal to fix the things is to create other but that if that meets alone twice a year we say for example that it stops summer vacations and it stops in chrismas.
Already for but joke, France and Germany insist again in that is "high-priority" the imposition of a rate to the financial transactions. That you appraise if they are not already bank transactions neither among banks, if among them they are not lent neither an euro, but for if it was something of activity possibility they don't worry with a rate all the possibilities they finished, the money will escape from Europe to horse fingernail, like he said at the beginning INTOLERABLE it is that they have not taken neither a solution that serves in the current situation, and this is very clear and I have said it before in other blogs, Germany and I fear myself that already in accordance with France, they want to finish with the European union, to my really seen what we are come above he would already prefer it.
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