sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014


I believe that many of my readers will have read or seen the novel "The Games of the Hunger" I saw yesterday the last film delivery and I assault myself a strange feeling that had not related in none of the previous parts, I don't know because he had always seen the history like what is a novel of science fiction of character and without relationship some to the current world, well like he said yesterday during the development of the projection of the third movie "SINSAJO" I was wrapped in the plot comparing the political state that it reflects the film with which we live in Cataluña. 

Don't laugh of my say it in jest without any sense; I could not avoid it I began to see that PANEM was symbolically Spain, for the non experts of the history, the Nation of PANEM figures that he settles down during an unknown period after the destruction of the modern civilization. (The current Spain settles down after the dictatorship) it is geographically located in the western area of North America, and governed by the CAPITOL that is located before in an area well-known as the Rocky Mountain (in my symbolic the Capitol is Madrid and it is in the central plateau). 

The similarities don't cease Panem it is directed by a dictatorship of unique party by the President Snow to which substitute for the president Rajoy, Panem it is also composed by 13 districts and in our case Spain is he for 17, the dependence of the districts of Panem to the Capitol is absolute and although it is not comparable to today's reality regarding the dependence of the Spanish communities of Madrid we are not hidden that Rajoy and its Capitol go toward that road. 

Certainly in Spain we don't make Games of the Hunger, but he spends hunger in many places of our "Panem" The name Panem it derives of the sentence in Latin panem circus et that literally is translated as "bread and circus". The sentence in yes it is used to describe the entertainment used to distract the attention of the public of other more important matters as they will see to my it sounds me a lot this of using, not the circus but if the social situation that the district 13 Spanish lives to the one that I assimilate with Catalonia to direct the national politics toward the interests of the Capitol.  

PANEM because it is the same as Spain, managed by a Capitol and it is surrounded by 27 poor districts that the president directs Snow (Rajoy for us), an authoritarian and capable man of everything to have to be able to eternally. And that it surprisingly also governs by means of the screens of plasma that he wants to dominate the country for television that produces a completely tendentious and directed programming. 

The consequence of everything takes it to a logical outcome to the rebellion of the districts against the full Capitol these of so much dominance and tyranny tunes it like want I don't seek to give the idea that we are in the same situation captured in the novel and the movies but I was not able to for less than to feel kindred to the history was reflected in the plot he was seeing as this district 13 Catalonia he was getting ready paw the rebellion in our case for the independence of the Capitol and we have to make it undercover under threats under the crime accusation to want to express the opinion and the feeling of each one in short that I felt too identified with the situation that he/she is seeing and I felt very concerned, I assure it to him. 

At the end when I finish the movie he is not able to for less than to think of the situation of lack of union among our leaders among our political parties that continue prefixing their interests to the real necessity of the society sews that it favors vastly to the Capitol if that I keep the clear impression that to our district 13 are necessary him as soon as possible to find their SINSAJO that is able to unite to the politics and the society in a single address to escape from PANEM.  

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