martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014


He would want that the situation created between Spain and Catalonia finishes once and for all and that finishes well, that is to say without any fight, but with agreements and concord, but that it finishes once and for all, that yes desire that is with the creation of a new Catalan state.  

I understand but I don't justify the foolishness, threats and bad arts that are carrying out from Spain because the situation is complicated and only, it is also very evident that to some this situation invites us to be built up hopes and we only oppose to the threats disobedience and stoicism, what they still worry about and it offends but to the official politics, they are these concepts so differentiated those that are reflected in the way of acting of each one of the parts. 

The theoretical fight is framed in two strategies; the Spanish government has decided to terrify, to insult and to minimize to the Catalan citizenship, with the pretense that Catalonia sits down little less than as a worthless country. Catalonia combats and it maintains with patience, the not direct confrontation, going preparing the state outline, and taking care of all that nor can the political confrontation neither with Spain, neither with the UE. Spain makes the opposite and in this strategy it is more united and Catalonia is more divided, and this is because in Catalonia many live more Spanish than Catalan they make it in Spain, and they worry to hinder the work and the politics focused to the attainment of an independence that you/they don't want.   

This reaction is logical and we should not frighten ourselves for the atrocities that you end up saying against our pretense of creating a new Catalan nation. But I want to request today that Spain understands that we are already finishing the patience and for that reason I decide to expose to counteract the threats and for umpteenth time that there is an irrefutable fact and that it is the following one: Catalonia cannot lose more than what has lost already for the subjection to the Spanish government's pressure exercised to the help of the manipulation of the legality, but care, Spain it has not still lost anything and this can be a disadvantage for Spain because its society doesn't see the real danger of losing to the bad ones to Catalonia, and he takes a relatively indifferent posture. 

The cruelest threat with which Spain scares us, is not to leave Spain but staying outside of the UE., this because they believe the Spaniards that the politicians make it, because very simple the government knows that an independent Catalonia of Spain doesn't have anything to lose, because like he said the government before he has already worried about strangling Catalonia all the possible one, so think it for that reason Spanish friends Rajoy he threatens us to leave Europe and not with leaving Spain.   

But Catalonia this already knows it and it counts on it, Catalonia has made sure of checking the only thing important really in the moment of the possible secession, and that legally it is assured and it is that one will be able to continue using the Euro, so much for the experiences that already exist not with other countries attributed to the euro area, like for the situation and strategic localization of its banking, its trade and its companies, but it is that this threat is not also such, because it is not Spain the one that made us of europa neither so at least the own UE. can throw, because Catalonia is not in the UE, because it doesn't exist, because now it is Spain, political gentlemen and journalists and Spanish manipulators understand it, it is not so difficult.  

If Catalonia is able to become independent what will have to make it will be to enter in the UE, never to leave, it will be the same situation that when a creature is born in the breast of a family, she leaves to the family tribunal to inscribe her, this is the road that will follow the new nation if is that she is formed, in any case Spain will toss us of the UE, neither so at least the own UE will make it, so calm we give time at the time and please negotiate like we can make that the things are easier for all.  

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