jueves, 4 de junio de 2015


The Generalitat of Catalonia is crossing authentic problems to arrive to final of month. The treasury tensions in the Catalan administration are constant, and this month of June the conseller of Economy, Andreu Mas Colell, calculates that he will have a deface between revenues and expenses of more than 700 million Eurus.  If that difference doesn't cover, the Generalitat will be able to make in front of the payment of the payrolls, but not to the invoices corresponding to pharmacies, hospitals or old men's residences, among others. 

To make in front of the "strong tensions of liquidity", the conseller of Economy has requested to the Ministry of Treasury and Public Administrations the payment of 2.273 million Eurus. This figure would be distributed in seven monthly payments. The first one, that of June, of 743 million, while the rest of months until December installments of 250 million would be paid. These 2.273 million correspond to "expenses of the exercise 2014 that were not financed by the State, but that they have already been recognized by the SPANISH Treasure”. According to the same sources, the problem is that the Treasure has not given a calendar to carry out the payments and it is that what has requested the conseller." 

Arrived to this point of irrational and inhuman pressure on the part of the government from Spain toward some Spaniards that cannot make anything to remedy it I believe that the Catalan government would owe to denounce the fact to the European tribunals. Because it is evident that a government that shows off that it is the miracle of the economy of the UE if he doesn't pay it is because he is making a segregation of civil rights against his population's part. I don't see another solution that to stop to complain and to already pass to the total attack against the Spanish state and that it is what god wants. 

The Catalan government while it is not disabled (that will be it) it should take advantage of their institutional because the central government is forgetting that the Generalitat is a government from Spain, the action of the Spanish treasury it is also of possibly directed knowingly delinquency the action for the same government of the Spanish nation, this should be and to be documented in the “Tribunal of the Haya” like a possible crime of "lesa humanity". As economic crime, it is considered as inhuman that or who causes serious sufferings of economic character to a civil population.  

The economist and prize Nobel Gary Becker introduced its "theory from the crime" to micro-economic level in the decade of 1950. In macroeconomics, the concept was used in the debates on the politicians of structural adjustment promoted by the IMF and the World Bank during the years 1980 and 1990 the economic crime it is associated to the "crime concept against wing humanity" that the International Penal court defines as: 

"Any inhuman act that causes serious sufferings or attempt against the mental health or physics of who suffers them, made as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civil" population 

It is evident that knowingly Spain is causing serious damages to handicapped and destitute sick civilians as weapon of political blockade because it is not that he doesn't have money to pay if not that having doesn't make it the payment that in turn is grateful and approved by the own institution of the national treasure, alone in a part of its territory I didn't seize in the other ones, then it fulfills all the crime requirements against the humanity.   

These 2.273 million don't have anything to do with the Autonomous Fund of Liquidity (FLA) that the state puts to disposition of the autonomies that request it and that in the Catalan case it will suppose something more than 8.000 million Eurus along 2015 and that the Generalitat uses basically to redeem the debt expirations that they go taking place.  

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