viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015


The Kurdish forces Iraqis, the peshmerga, was made with the control of the center of the strategic city of Sinyar, he said today to dpa a Kurdish commandant. According to the source, the peshmerga advanced toward Sinyar from four addresses. In downtown only some were retrenched suicidal attackers of Islamic State, he told to dpa the leader. 

The Kurdish television showed images in those that you leave how the peshmerga hoists the Kurdish flag in buildings of Sinyar that was captured by Islamic State (EI) in August of the last year. The peshmerga threw a great offensive to liberate Sinyar with the help of air attacks of the international coalition and on Thursday they were already able to cut an important route of supply to Islamic State that he went from Iraq to Syria. The capture of Sinyar on the part of (EI) it supposed the escape of dozens of people's thousands, most of them members of the minority religious yazidí. 

For the news in this respect some forces of 7,500 strongly armed peshmergas participated in the terrestrial attack and supported by the aviation of the USA in few hours they were able to cut the highway 47 that it is the main route of supply and of the military logistics of the yihadistas of the EI that Raga communicates with Mosul, the Kurd faced about 600 yihadistas protected by fields of mines. 

I don't refer especially to this battle because it is played by the Kurd and the North Americans it is that they are not published chronic of that they make the Syrians helped by Russia this is the reason. If I refer this event it is to reinforce my opinion that this it is the form of helping the refugees that are played the life in the Mediterranean and to those that are sacrificed with old men and children to arrive in Europe for the roads of Greece in theory, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, etc. to support the refugees is not in no way the solution, I am not referring to some dozens of refugees I refer to those more than 2 million that are invading Europe or getting ready for it. 

I have written it more than once and I insist again if the refugees that teach us in the reports are we are not really speaking of destitute in their majority they are young men that drag many from them to their family’s children etc. This is not normal behind this he has to have something more than the fear because if they are like they say some chronicles of a high intellectual level they know what they will pass in the Europe to that they escape positively they will be in concentration fields they will suffer all kinds of social rejection (I am always thinking not of most in some chaos that will come out well the adventure) it is more God willing can welcome them to all under conditions but this is to deceive us to ourselves. 

When I see this situation that I don't understand I think and I have said it that all these young men are leaving you to toss of their home without opposing resistance because this leaves there are not wounded there is not undernourished there is not ragged I know it is very hard what I am writing and I don't know what he would make me if is for that reason in this situation I ask for forgiveness ahead of time to who my comments hurt them or offend but I don't try to make this, it is that it is not solution for them that that or they force them to make or they make voluntarily. 

The solution to its problems is to be given the turn to form a true army and to make as the Kurd to request military help of the big powers and to reconquer your house your earth it cannot be that one can make to force or to organize an exodus of millions of people so that somebody keeps your lands your destroyed house or he doesn't make sense we don't speak of some thousands we are speaking of millions of human beings. 

In the migration of republican during the Spanish civil war 11936/39, are counted a little more than a million emigrants, of a country of about 25 million inhabitants and many have in the memory like you not in fact went out of Spain most under good physical conditions with hunger and with rags and I eat I already said in another article they didn't ask to simply leave to Germany to cross the Pirines or those that could leave in a ship to America, what they suffered in France is known about many of us and those that left to America if they could redo their much quicker lives and better. 

It is very human to help the one that escapes harassed by the misfortune but when he is a humanity the one that escapes it is not possible to help them it is necessary to defend them to them and their rights and ours it is not logical we cannot continue making charity in this matter we are making a mistake completely we have to our feet a hell that maybe we don't understand but what is evident is that or we turn off the fire of this hell or the flames also jumped the Mediterranean and the opposite ones and there won't be wire of thorns that gives birth to them.    

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