To request the control of the frontiers as they have
solved it today in Brussels it is in fact to suppress the treaty Schengen it is
as if we said to give him some months of rest so that he recovers of the
shortcomings that he has demonstrated to have. Me what I don't assure them is
that after mandatory vacations he works again.
In fact what passes in the UE is not more than this
organization is not some united states as we would like to the European and I
eat they don't want in no way him to be it the "national" politicians
(to denominate them nationalist) Schengen is as all that is sought in the UE
that it works with approach unit and responsibility is absurd each country
member wants to be owner and Mister of its territory the same as of its laws
and of its citizens.
The only thing that it is common really and alone in
the 28 partners' 18 countries it is the euro that is in fact what more damage
makes us to all. The control of people and goods for Europe should exist it
should have continued existing rather while the European Union is not really a
single Union governed everywhere with the same norms and objectives, the
introduction of dangerous terrorists drugs prostitution movements your arm etc.
it is much more usual of what you/they want to make us believe.
It is necessary to keep in mind that to control that he
enters and that it leaves a country to other it is not any foolishness neither
such an enormous logistical problem as so that it influences in the trade of
each country because this is the most amusing thing it seems that the frontiers
will collapse the industry or the trade of the European Union when this it
doesn't exist as production unit or of trade those that trade and those that
manufacture are their partners and each one makes it for their bill and risk
including in that the politics of exports and imports it is absurd to believe
that Schengen has helped to the internal economy of the UE., it simply
facilitates the quickest step in trucks and tourisms, for the same reason, they
also make it if these vehicles go full with drug, prostitution, thieves,
smugglers, escaped of the justice of another country, etc.
Be like be the European minister of Justice and
Interior they showed their political will of reinforcing the controls in the
external frontiers of the space Schengen, also to European citizens, and they
asked that the current rules are revised so that this step is obligatory. We
commit to apply the necessary systematic and coordinated controls immediately
in the external frontiers to guarantee the security", he informed in press
wheel the Spanish minister of the Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz who recognized
that the attacks of Paris have shown that there is a "deficit" of
transmission of information among the services of intelligence of the
Community Fuentes clarified, nevertheless that that
commitment is not "legally binding" (this is the clearest European Union
I can no longer show it), but rather they will start it the States members that
they want it and they can make it because they already have the necessary
means. The countries request to the European Commission (CE) that identifies
before final of year which the urgent necessities and the possible solutions
are so that in 2016 it can have the necessary infrastructures to connect the
pertinent databases and to be able to scanner in an automatic way the
I wait that of here to final of year it has passed the
hysteria of the attacks of Paris and nothing else is not made. In parallel, to
convert today's commitment in obligatory, the Twenty-eight request to the CE
that when it presents the normative one on opposite intelligent it also
presents "a proposal of selective revision of the code of opposite
Schengen to allow the systematic confirmations of citizens of the UE."
This supervision will include a checkup of the
information biometric in the pertinent databases in the external frontiers of
the space Schengen, but technical solutions will be used to avoid that the
process blocks the movement fluency, the minister also defended to reinforce
the means of the European Agency of External Frontiers (Frontex) so that he can
contribute to make more rigorous the controls in the external frontiers and
cooperate with Europol.
The European commissary of Interior, Dimitris
Avramopoulos, took advantage of today's encounter to propose the creation of a
European agency of intelligence, an idea that was rejected by Germany because
it could invade the national sovereignty, but in that EUROPEAN UNION lives.
"A European agency of intelligence without a doubt would solve the
difficulties to share intelligence at multilateral level among the States
members" that now has left to the light it doesn't exist neither so alone
the unit when controlling the possible crimes in Europe.
And please don't begin now the environmentalist i the
organizations of human rights to clamor to the sky because of invasions no diseases
there are them until in the nature how many changes they have taken place in
Europe for the invasion of plants animal etc., brought of other climates and
places that adapt in our floors and fauna with the help of annihilating the
fauna and the autochthonous flora is that they don't come it if the nature is
able to make this that we won't make the humans, because the same or worse,
will have who there will be you a place to be developed to coast of other
tossing them, of its natural habitats
Europe fights against 16,000 invader species alone I
will refer to the good known ones with which we face in Spain like example of
what I want that we understand all. The American crab colonizes the Spanish
rivers, the mussel zebra destroys the ecosystem of the Ebro and the mosquito
tiger extends his painful sting everywhere. This way, up to 16.000 exotic
species, not autochthonous of Europe, they put in risk the biodiversity and the
natural resources. Even worse, they suppose an economic impact estimated in
12.000 million Eurus annual. The UE has created a net of information to combat
the threat.
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