It is
not easy to end up getting an independence I believe that to arrive to there is
it to suffer but it is not enough with three or four years of festival
manifestations September of every year 11 neither it is it to make an intent of
rebelliousness making an imitation of a referendum act, all this is convenient
but it is not enough it would be very easy if was this way it.
believe that the Catalan that we want the independence would make a mistake if
we believed that there is not now more solution than the we have totally
bankrupt no matter how much we refuse to believe it to us and this is today we
are this way afraid that if this first stake has failed we have already lost
the occasion, we make a mistake with the failure of this first assault I
believe that we have won and a lot, we have taught the teeth to the Spanish
government we have lifted the interest in all Europe the fact that we have
failed it is not now in vain in Europe it was spoken of it will be told it that
Catalonia has failed in its insubordination but all Europe that Catalonia wants
to become independent of Spain already knows and he knows that he attempts it
this is on the whole a victory it is a very natural situation that very high
objectives fail in the first intents, this happens in all the fields; in the
economic one (how many business they fail first to get up later), in the Wars
in all the times (how many battles get lost before winning a war), how many
nights in candle and how many "noes" they are needed until you get
the woman / man of your dreams. The life is this, to fall and to get up, a
deception and a happiness an illness and a cure, or I am mistaken.
swear them that he knew from the beginning that we won't get anything from the
moment in that I saw the results of the elections of the past 20S because the
results left very undoubtedly they were not some autonomous results capable for
an independence but the politics and the illusion took us to all to believe us
that we had already gotten it and when I say all, I also include Spain that he
believed them to him, they didn't deny me that the politicians and the Spanish
opinion means didn't throw to tremble and to fight because if we all believed
that we went toward the independence of Catalonia.
the reason the logic has been imposed and this logic which is you asked me
because the one that already comments and I comment many times the independence
they are not gotten with votes neither with the politicians the independence
get them the society the town and until this it is not for the most part independent
you didn't arrive to the independence because if this it depends on political
actions it was never taken to term and unfortunately the unionists are right
according to the elections there is not an overwhelming civil pressure to crawl
to the country to the independence.
But I
return to my theory we have already made the first step and it is not more or
less a manifestation festival, it is a voting plebiscitary and we have been and
more or less we know then about certain that we are majority, I don't find a
defeat at all the defeat has been on the contrary that most has fallen on the
side of the Spanish unionists, but what we have discovered also, is that you
cannot arrive in the same way to the independence that you arrives to a
parliament and a government to administer an autonomy, because this doesn't
work and it doesn't work because instead of seeing all an independence it is
that each one of the interveners and chosen they come their independence, it is
logical it is the first time.
what plays is to make blot and new bill, we cannot already reach any agreement,
although he intends it is necessary to break everything and begin again and it
is necessary to make it because we all have learned something it is necessary
choose another time again, the society recovers the possibility to decide again,
because after the blow that we have given ourselves it is evident that the society
should decide that he cannot think of politics and in independence at the same
time, or a thing or other, because the political decision doesn't take implicit
the action independent but the decision of independent if it takes implicit the
political action, this it is the difficulty of making a decision but it is
necessary to take this way it with these basic concepts.
cannot seek that you they put of
political agreement of liberal rights of left of extreme left etc., and we have
already seen it at the end each one he wants, like he said before, their
independence and you doesn't arrive to any, because of alone independence there
is a, an independence doesn't exist of left or of right or liberal, first it is
necessary to impose the independence and then to model it according to the
political tendencies that the society already independent he decides for
majority by means of voting.
to make this well, he would be necessary to make a national referendum first it
stops without political pressure, to decide independence yes or not, this in
Spain won't be possible to never make and this it is the problem we have had to
appeal to a political and clear voting the results they have been political not
ideological or institutional, but I eat this we won't be able to never fix it
while we are Spain, we don't have left another remedy that vote another time
again and other and other if it is necessary, until we win the independence
directly without accord neither necessity of later coalitions, or just the
opposite they win them the unionists and point and he ended.
let us don't have the belief that the Catalan have made the ridicule we have
not made it, the ridicule has made it the political parties those yes they have
made it, also the civic associations, the ANC and Omnium that were constituted
in motor of the social movement but they have not known how to use that power,
to force the politicians to present a single Independence, but rather when I
arrive the moment, they passed them the responsibility of presenting to the
society several models of independence and them they have not known how to
unify them in an alone one. Maybe at second can get .
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