lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015


The darkest and anodyne legislature in the history of Spain is ending I am sure nobody will question it because we have lived during these years of Rajoy the worst in our Spain cuttings more real unemployment (we don't pay the official's attention) you rescue bank for the demanders of the magnates supported by the Spanish state in short it is not worthwhile to follow all we know how today we are. 

The most neuter fact and undoubtedly it denotes the reality to that I refer it is that to these heights of 2015, the creation of companies continues without noticing that Spain has left the economic recession. Far from reactive in a solid way, the constitution of mercantile societies accumulates an annual fall of 0,3% between the months of January and September. And it is not this their worst fact, since if the month of September of 2015 it is compared with that of 2014 the setback it is even bigger: in short, in the ninth month of this year 6.444 companies arose, what means 2,8% less than the born ones in same period of 2014. 

They don't finish the results here that they draw a negative tendency as for the Spanish managerial demography. According to the National Institute of Statistic (INE), in so far in year the total capital subscribed by the new companies accumulates a descent of 2,9%. The setback is quite bigger, of 42,9%, if the situation of September of 2015 is compared with that of September of 2014. 

This gives credibility to what told them before the unemployment it really increases because there is not new employment no matter how much he swears him the work ministry they are varying the statistics at hour one works when in way one works when you have been finished the unemployment subsidy and they erase you of the lists of the INEM, and this is made because the unemployment is already thank you a fact consubstantial with the form of life of Spain PP. It lacks fabric and size in the same way, it is negative the comparison of the half volume of the amount subscribed by the new companies. In this case, it diminishes 2,7% of January to September, and 41,3% is clipped if the relationship is exclusively among the two Septembers. 

This lack of vigor in the creation of companies in 2015 it is certified also by the statistics of the General Council of the Notary that even worsen the available ones in the web of the INE. This way, with the last data of the notaries in the hand, the constitution of mercantile societies fell 4,4% yearly in rate last September. For lack of a trimester to close 2015, it seems evident that the atony is the tonic in the birth of companies. The last year was equally plane, although he/she closed with a total of 94.152 new signatures, after having grown a shy 0,8% inter yearly. 

It is certain that to trace a more complete perimeter of the map managerial Spanish it is necessary to also analyze the figure of companies that they are dissolved, and in this case it seems that the correlation is positive. According to the Social security, the number of inscribed companies grew 0,8% last year the. But it is not less certain than to combat the drop venturesome activity in Spain they are necessary fiscal and administrative measured that you/they contribute to strengthen the managerial fabric.  

Recently, the employer organization Cepyme claimed the Government a slope of the Tax of Societies and the elimination of obstacles to the managerial activity, among them, to reduce bureaucratic steps and some costs that depend on measures of political nature. A decrease of the quotas to the Social security, the minorities of energy costs to the small companies, a discount of the Tax of Societies and Donations figure among the proposals of the managers, since all those costs affect to the capacity of the autonomous ones and of the small and medium companies to finance their managerial projects and that these prevail in the time. 

But the government doesn't listen alone it interests him to pass the exams of Brussels on tiptoe and to make it they have enough to present some manipulated bills that they support with the greatness of the capital and the push of Catalonia but they hide to the rest of Spain where the labor desert is so evident that it scares anyone that has the but minimum macroeconomics notion because it is evident that two cannot maintain worthily to fifteen and maxim when really the one that produces value added to contribute to the GDP is really alone one.  

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