miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015


Russia will present in the conference it has more than enough Syria that should take place in Vienna this weekend a document of eight points that outlines the inclusion of Islamic State and other groups armed in a list of terrorist organizations that you/they combat in Syria and that they will be excluded of an eventual one high the fire between the régime and the armed opposition. 

The text, also, launches the idea of a process of political transition of 18 months of duration during which a Constitution would be edited and that it would not be captained by the president, Bashar al Asad. The boss of the Syrian State would continue to the front of the fight against the insurgency and it would maintain the control about the almighty Syrian secret services. That is to say it could continue killing Syrian that is what entertains him. 

The spokesman of the Russian Ministry of Exterior, María Zakhárova, he has refused that such a document exists, although if it has advanced that the delegation of its country would look for, during the meeting in Vienna, to clarify terrorist's definition applied to the Syrian armed groups. The proposal that doesn't include a date for the abandonment of you Roast of the power, it will collide probably with the opposition of a good number of delegations. USA together with their allies (Turkey and the monarchies of the gulf Peach) they demand the exit of the boss of the Syrian State, to the one who you/they accuse of the thick of the serious crimes of war and against the Humanity made in Syria. 

The delegations that participate in the elaboration of the new Great Letter would commit, according to the text, to guarantee the “territorial integrity” of Syria and to safeguard the secular character of the State. At the end of the transitory process, premature presidential elections would be summoned, as well as parliamentary elections. 

These measures are simply the intent of Russia of institutionalizing the dictatorship of El Assad making as that the possibility is legalized of continuing killing maybe those that hinder him, in place that it tosses them, because we no longer want them in Europe. It is frankly shameful and not alone the position but rather Russia has the idea that we are imbecile in Europe like to plant us this atrocity. 

They already come it Terrorist government official, terrorist’s good revolutionary affections to the régime, capable terrorists to kill them, and what is after 18 months will be able to vote freely, it is an insult to occident that we should not even accept the meeting of Vienna  

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