lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015


In Antalya, to only 500 kilometers of the frontier with Syria, the leaders of the Group of the 20 commit yesterday to stop to the Islamic extremism braking the financing roads that terrorist groups as the Islamic State use as umbilical cord to organize massacres like the one happened last Friday in the French capital. In a parallel official statement to the routine message with the one that you will culminate today the encounter, the bosses of State and of Government of the most important economies in the world they showed their commitment to brake the advance of Daesh (the Arab term to refer to ISIS) and to try to reach a solution to the civil war in Syria. 

In the G20 the concern has grown after the events of Paris for the growing flow of foreign terrorist combatants and the threat that suppose for all the States, included the origin countries, traffic and destination", the members of the G-20 indicated in the draft to which had access the agency Reuters and Bloomberg. A deep problem that didn't only center good part of the attention during the first day of the summit but rather it forced to the assisting countries to look for a bigger coordination in the exchange of information to destroy and to block the financing sources that allow the subsistence of terrorist groups as ISIS. 

In this sense, the leaders of the G-20 impacted in the necessity that the Group of International Financial Action acts in a much quicker and more effective way when to brake to those individuals or organizations that feed the bills of the Islamic State and to dismantle the black market of raw that supposes the main financing lung for this terrorist group. At the same time, it is also looked for to put control to the technological resources and of communication that you/they allow the development of attacks as the one had happened more than for 72 hours in Paris that I cause 129 mortal victims at least. 

Let us remember that he is considered that ISIS enters up to a million dollars newspaper through extortions and the collection of taxes on the counties that it controls in Iraq and Syria. From the fall of the Iraqi city of Mosul, in June of 2014, the terrorist organization has accumulated funds for value of 875 million dollars, according to an analysis elaborated by the New York Times. The newspaper aims that the Islamic State has been pocketed more than 600 derived million extortions, other 500 million in bank robberies, 100 million dollars coming from the sale of raw in the black market and around 20 million in kidnappings and kidnappings.    

In these circumstances, the first day of the forum of the G-20 that traditionally is guided to financial and economic matters that affect to the world economy, it was characterized by a mourning mantel that he forced the bosses of State and of Government to center their attention in looking for solutions to a matter that takes watching to the international community in the last ones four and a half years but it has been intensified in the last months. 

The summit of Antalya took place without tasting it like two days after the attacks of Paris, and you grieve one week after the demolish of a Russian airplane in the Peninsula of Sinai (Egypt) that caused more than 220 deeds. Also, the past October 10 102 people died in a double attack he commits suicide made during a pacifist manifestation in the center of Ankara, the Turkish capital. All this could not go unnoticed there by the world gathered the escalade of the war that at the moment alone ISIS has declared one cannot leave that you decontrol at these levels of effectiveness without the rest of the world knows it is of crossed arms. On Saturday he read a declaration of Bashar the Assad in which came us to say after the attack of Paris, - This is what they live every day the town Syrian -. 

Undoubtedly I don't know to what extent it owes credit  to give him The Assad in the sense of justifying him in their ways of taking the conflict in their country I believe sincerely that he has also helped to implant the terror in their own town that if to what we could denominate their opponents but it is also certain that when you decontrolling the organizations in a war without control and without an objective clearing any he has or he feels with right of making the war for their bill it is like be now there is not that he looked a lot back except for not making the same errors and it is necessary to take a decision and an address to get the end of this human disaster. 

We will enter officially in war they have already made it Russia, USA, today France also this implied means Great Britain, and now the G20 I find battle actions the opportune ones the nations unaware to the territory I believe that at the moment they should act from it was by means of their support bombings to the local forces those really involved in the process it is necessary not to make the error that they made the USA with Iraq the war against the ISIS they should win it the Muslims. 

And this is very important if we are not capable with all our technology to dismantle the heavy weapons of the ISIS, their centers of training of troops, their warehouses of weapons and vehicles and at the end is necessary to use foreign troops in the area, it would be a defeat and don't unite victory, because although we are attacked to directly by means of more and more bleeding attacks the truth is that we are not able to neither to compare neither to understand that it is passing the Syrians, Lebanese, Eritrean and other towns of next east and of the north of Africa alone for that reason is necessary that the war once declared the they win on the land.  

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