news published today, he opens me the road to think that we will begin a
warlike cycle of international character that saving the time and the culture
can suppose the evolution of and a culture based on a religion very anchored in
the time and that it has not evolved in centuries marking with it political,
societies, even races, and of course nations. Maybe they will have guessed that
I refer to the Islamic world.
has always gotten me the attention why the world “says Christian" previous
to the Islam, it suffered some important changes in his ordination and his conceptions
of faith and beliefs going by absolutely dark stages being divided in different
cults and characteristic tendencies and differentials among the unit of
Christian credo that has made us evolve in a way very different to the Islamic
fact gets me the attention because in if in principle the Christianity and the Islam
have the same roots The Islam it is a religion monotheistic abrahámica whose
faith is based on the book of the Coran, which settles down as fundamental
premise for their believers that there is not more God than Ala and that
Mohammed is Allah's last messenger. And in turn the Arab word Allah, means
'God' and its etymology is the same of the Semitic word "THE", with
the one that is named to God in the Bible it is evident that we are speaking
almost of the same starting point.
they come we are speaking of the faith monotheistic fact that I change to the
humanity at the moment forever, the parallelism among God (I christen) and Ala
(Islam) it is total and saving the times happens the same thing with Jesus
Christ (I christen) and Mohammed (Islam) there are many more coincidences among
both religions, for example, in both they are accepted mainly as prophets (but
not being limited) to Adam, Noé, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (called Isa for the Islam).
The Islam began with Mohammed's preaching in the year 622 of our era in The Mecca
(in the current Saudi Arabia).
summary of historical data can enlarge them in Google if somebody has more
interest in it I have used them as base for my argument to which I return
immediately. He said that being practically oneself origin of faith, both
worlds have not gone parallel neither in space, neither in time, neither of
course in culture and form of social and spiritual life, the question is that
wide stages have been happened in that a civilization has been superior to the
other one, it is clear that the Christianity lived a time of total obscurantism
that I last 10 centuries from the V to the XV one those that call half age
where the religion closed in monasteries and the alone castles within reach of
kings and noblemen, far from the society it absorbed all culture vestige and it
hid it I burn and I torture who believed that he thought too much, or he thought
about explanations different to the norm of faith etc.
this was this way, the Islamic world flourished and he expanded its culture
quickly in sciences, mainly, it flourished more than in the Christian world the
astronomy the medicine the mathematics the cultivation of the earth etc. But
there am here that at the same time that the Christianity left its dark night,
the Islam went back and he/she stopped in that precise point and it began we
would say its half age.
have always believed that the Christianity left its darkness when the society
separates the religion, of the government of the society and the power step to
the civil environment, the power of the religion was changed by that of the
kings and of course for that of the noblemen and the weapons, the culture step
to depend on the civil power something more human than the mystic power of the
religion, the church the monks passed to take care alone of the spirituality,
of the faith of the society, he was discovered the new world and you began a
war after other, each war changed or it created something, or nations, or
districts, it created new warlike geniuses and so forth the religion it also
broke, Lutherans, Calvinist and the traditional one Catholic Roman they are
examples of it.
question is that we had entered in the modern age and later in the contemporary
and the most important thing to me to understand, it is that every time that we
advanced the religion he went back, until being bounded to each person's
interiority, but without was an imposed condition neither necessary to be
developed as person and society, except for very marginal cases, the most
important thing of all this apart from the culture that we acquire in all the
environments of the art and the sciences, was always a tremendous fact THE WAR
and not few neither small, Europe has happened for practically three enormous
wars the Napoleonic ones, I consider the first European war, the Great Guerra
that also called you the first world war that gave beginning in 1914 and it
concluded in November of 1918, when Germany requested the armistice, until the
beginning of the second world war 1939/1945.
to gross way this it is our western evolution, I believe that our financial
scientific economic evolution in short the forge in our way of being, is not
the religion but the war, this is according to my approach what separates us of
our Islamic neighbors, the western governments they are lay the power is lay
and the western person is what wants to be that clear. Very since today Saudi
Arabia announced a military coalition of 34 Islamic countries to combat the
terrorism that has the support of other ten, among them Indonesia, and that he
will have its center of combined operations in Riyadh.
he informed the dawn of Tuesday the Saudi agency (SPA), the objective of the
Islamic alliance is to be protected "of the wrongs of all the armed groups
and terrorist organizations - whichever it is its doctrine or title - that it
extended the slaughters and the corruption in the world and they are designed
to terrify to the innocent" ones. The purpose of this coalition is to
"close lines and to unite efforts to combat the terrorism" in all its
forms and manifestations and the elimination of its objectives and its causes,
and he underlines the right from the States to the legitimate defense.
Riyadh it will be coordinated and they will support the military operations to
combat the terrorism and to develop the programs and necessary mechanisms to
support these efforts. The decisions will be adopted in coordination with
nations friend’s lovers of the peace and the international organisms "for
the sake of supporting the international efforts to combat the terrorism and to
save the peace and the international" security, he adds an official
statement emitted by the Saudi Government.
34 governments base their coalition on the principles and objectives of the
Letter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation "that he calls to the
States members to cooperate to combat the terrorism in all their forms and
manifestations and it rejects all the justifications and excuses for the
terrorism". Also, they lean on in the dispositions contained in the Letter
of the United Nations and other international conventions guided to the
eradication of the terrorism.
countries that participate in the alliance, besides Saudi Arabia, are: Jordan,
United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Turkey, Chad, Togo,
Tunisia, Yibuti, Senegal, Sudan, Sierra Lioness, Somalia, Gabon, Guinea,
Palestine, Comoros, Qatar, Costa of Ivory, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives,
Mali, Malaysia, Egypt, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Yemen. Other ten
Islamic countries have expressed their support to this alliance and he will
take the necessary measures in this respect, among them Indonesia, adds the
official statement.
interesting, now after all this I conclude and I risk it will be possible that
the change begins in the Islamic world as we made it the western Christian with
the help of wars among us, it will be eta coalition the beginning of the first
Islamic war (third world war) and it changed the world equaling forms and
approaches of government's life and of personal freedom, it will be possible
that a warlike cycle that disassembles the tremendous one begins (for us the
Westerners) dependence of the Islamic religion that dominates governments and
lives in the way that he makes it could be that you combats in the Islamic Africa
as it was made in Europe and you reconfigure nations or interests and that the
power of the religion is disconnected that it dominates everything and really
begin a new era post contemporary for everything it is world the Islamic one
and the Westerner and the Asian.
history like many times I say he repeats and maybe the world history requires a
physical and spiritual restructuring of Africa and they have it that he makes
they cannot impose them our life, they must battle for its future, maybe they
are opening the door
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