Vladimir Putin,
president of the republic of Russia is removing sky and earth mainly this 2015
that we are concluding, it is as if suddenly has wakened up or has to run, I
don't know very well in search that: Wars in the east, absorption of countries,
but wars in next east, commercial agreements with China, etc. has Always said
that against worse they go him the things to Russia Putin more desires of
making see that he and Russia are a victim, but its form of being it is
peculiar because its form of being made the victim is giving fear with that he
makes their in theory "enemies" to still take more reprisals and
cautions with Russia being created this way an endless hairspring.
The Russian
economy is going by difficulties in these moments for the brutal fall of its
revenues coming from the petroleum and the gas and this Putin attributes as
everything to occident and partly to Europe and as always he makes a mistake
again and you aisle more and more the fact of the fall of the petroleum is not
caused by Europe but for the OPEC that is directed basically by the Arab
producers and in the one that if I don't remember bad the own Russia had always
been an invited and collaborating but as always when the action taken by this
organization or another circumstance harms him the he has left aside and you go
that is if this has not also had influence so that Russia intervenes in the war
in Syria against the terrorism of nearly east,
It is certain
that the stratagem of allowing to fall the price of the raw one is not clear
some theories say that it is to ruin the exploitations for “Fracking” that
indeed put in march the USA. But it is evident that to who harms but it is
Russia, but as always this should know it Putin of beforehand for their linking
to the OPEC and as always neither has collaborated with them or he has tried to
correct the situation… the blame belongs to the Westerners and point ended,
solution leaves with the Chinese to make them put nervous and this is another
error because China is negotiating with the USA creating its own influence area
and ruining or also helping to ruin Russia.
Today in a
clear setback against Russia, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) it has
approved a reformation that allows to grant loans to a country that is declared
in crash or comet an unpaid one about their debt responsibilities to their
international creditors. The decision of the IMF, to which Russia opposed
herself, he has gone into effect and it will even embrace previously the closed
loans. As era of waiting, the Russian government showed his disagreement and it
accused to the Fund of wanting to attack implicitly to the country. "This
decision is adopted to harm Russia and to legalize the possibility that Kiev
doesn't pay its debts", highlighted the minister of Finances, Anton Siluánov.
Russia is not
wanted to give bill that it is being alone because their agreements with China
are beneficial always for China that doesn't make neither he gives anything to
alone Russia he lends him the name so that he shows off of making treaties with
Chinese and the world gets scared and he doesn't realize that Russia for
Chinese is not anything single earth that whenever or don't fit in China it
will invade it this example of the IMF it should be good Russia to open the
eyes once and for all the IMF he takes a measure to avoid that Russia has an
excuse mainly to make more wars with their former Soviet colonies Ukraine and
Georgia and Russia can get angry all that wants but he should see that this
single Russia doesn't belong to the IMF its foreign currency it doesn't serve outside
of Russia and all he has to pay it and to get paid with dollars or Eurus.
But it is that
now his partner to scare China that is to say, is also that is to say of the
IMF the case it could be given that Urania pays the debt to Russia with Chinese
Yens that like my readers already reminded the Yen figure in the basket of
foreign currencies of the International Monetary Fund I insist Russia as always
it should reconsider its position in front of the world globalized and Russia
should realize once and for all that with the only ones that it can form an
union more or less equitable it is with Europe and he cannot go showing off of
power her alone neither for demography neither for economy like he said before
alone he has extension a fact that in if it is more expensive than
The minister of
Finances noticed that Russia is preparing the documents to appeal to a tribunal
(I don't know which) the Ukrainian debt of 3.000 million dollars. He added that
Moscow insists in another meeting of Council of Directors of the IMF so that it
confirms the indebtedness of Ukraine officially before Russia. Meanwhile, in
Washington, almost all the members of the advice of the IMF approved their politics’
revision the past December 8. According to the document, the Fund will consider
to maintain its loans to a country member in Moorish with an official bilateral
creditor provided certain approaches are completed.
In the first
place, the financial support of the Fund should be considered essential for the
sustainability of the receiving country of the helps and this should be
implementing the appropriate economic politicians recommended by the officials
of the institution. Lastly, the indebted country should show its efforts to
reach an agreement with its creditor. This decision allows that the
international institution maintains its loans and helps to Ukraine in spite of
the fact that the country should solve a possible restructuring of its debt
with the Kremlin that ascends until the 2.750 million Eurus.
Russia intended to Kiev to restructure this debt, allowing him to pay 1.000
million annual dollars in 2016-2018, to condition of receiving guarantees of
the authorities of USA, the UE or an international financial organism. United
states refused to lend this guarantees, but possibly if Russia was part of the
UE this if has given these guarantees this it is the difference friend Putin to
see if you understand it once and for all.
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