lunes, 4 de enero de 2016


It is evident that the political confusion has become evident in Spain first are surprised with the Catalan elections where being most of agreement with the dream of the independence didn't have possibility to close a government later the elections they came for the government from Spain and independently you the results that they have been explained, valued, and criticized for own and strange of each one of the formations that have converged to both elections undoubtedly the only thing it has been taken out of them it is that up to now they are the most amusing in the democratic history.  

I believe that the electoral results in both elections are confused because they are not directly proportional to the social configuration of the town with the political actions of the leaders of the political parties, the results in both elections give in common that they are too many dispersed and neither Spain neither Catalonia are accustomed to this mosaic of alternatives that they don't have another remedy that to make a pact and to group to be able to make government and this doesn't go with the Spanish character neither Catalan. 

I can understand it better if I refer to the problem of Spain in general because I have always said that Spain like such it is not unitary but it is the sum of several nationalities what we could say that in Spain there are several Spain and each one is different according to their voters, and each one has reflected their sense their politician in their votes. This is important because of the results there been in Spain and in Catalonia they are not enough to form a government neither in one neither in another place, the society and the form of life that each one wanted to live for yes it has broken the uniformity that we have been imposed up to now this it seems that now he ended… (at the moment) …   

We have two tendencies that continue always reflecting the Spain and that of course they are the politics of right and traditional and the one of left always and also traditional, these political tendencies in Catalonia the situation is similar but a more complicated point because in Catalonia it is not alone the difference between right and left but rather it is also necessary to add the nationalists that there are also them of right and of left, but the new thing what has unbalanced the governability of Spain and Catalonia has been the appearance of the new political formations that surprisingly in turn are also of right and of left in short that has been organized an authentic political mess in Spain. 

It is evident that one can already say that Spain has stopped to be like it was said A before, I happen to ago to see that they were later DOS starting from the 1978 but 40 years they are already in principle five or six the classic right and the new one, the traditional left and the new more revolutionary left the nationalists of right and those of left that have been presented in Catalonia united and formations cocktail shaker that mix a little of all have also appeared.  

Now this modifies everything because it is necessary to be able to make a government that represents and order Spain and this requires of a parliamentary majority that they don't have it nobody clearing it is neither for the traditional right neither for the classic left neither for the "revolutionaries" young formations and this it is the horizon that we will face next months as much in Spain as in Catalonia until or repeat new elections for the impossibility of containing majorities or the same politicians realize that there are not so many Spain for all. 

Such and as me I see it is very probable that we are forced to have to repeat another time the elections as much in Spain as in Catalonia because, although the politicians dominate the art of lying in an astonishing way I doubt that can maintain the lie of coming to an agreement so that you proclaim a president of a party that would have to govern in real minority, although he has a majority that proclaims it and that this arrangement lasts a lot more than six months. As he said in the one headed it seems that Spain has become suddenly very complicated of governing 

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