The quantity of effective in the area euro increased until more than a
trillion Eurus last year, with almost 30 percent of the money kept in notes of
500 Eurus, they show data of the European Central Bank (BCE), this means that
the savers keep more money at home or in a safe. That is to say, the situation
is as paradoxical as it would be the one that a family simply fills the pantry
and the house refrigerator to see it fills, but never eats up it fearing that
if he eats up it cannot fill it again and he prefers to pass hunger before to
be left without incredible food, but this it is the current situation.
The money in circulation (more than in circulation he would say that
emitted) almost it duplicates the ago 10 year-old quantity and it has increased
in a stable way along the debt crisis, the problem that indicates us this
situation is that the rich society or not you don't see signs of real reactivation
you simply see numbers but you don't see work neither you see investment
opportunities so although the BCE goes putting in circulation Eurus these they
will stop to the refrigerators and pantries of the homes but they don't wear
out this it is not nothing else that the society the consumer the investor is
not believed that the numbers that the economic entities tell us are true.
And the reason is very clear as they can tell me that the crisis has ended
if I invest my money in actions or in investment funds and every time I lose
money and if I put a small business I don't have enough sales or it demands so
that it prospers and I have to close it this it is the reality today in the UE
for that reason it doesn't serve as anything that they manufacture Eurus if
they don't manufacture at the same time where or as investing them and with
benefits. It is so clear this paradox that like I told the world a while ago
this of the setback, something happens when the entities or the matters pay to
invest their money instead of investing it to increase it this is an aberration
so outside of the logic that should put in alert maxim to all the credit
entities the BCE and the politicians that govern us.
This leaves very to the white that the society is afraid to take a risk its
money and when I wonder fear to that you not to respond me more than to lose it
is what exposed before with the food better to pass hunger and not to eat
because if we eat equally then we cannot obtain more food. To me this of I find
that it means that the society knows that it will pass something and very bad,
something so bad, like a third world war where the only thing that can survive
is that this food that you keep at home in the refrigerator will allow to leave
surviving until seeing if the war ends and the things return to its logical and
normal bed.
When I mention that of the third world war I am not referring exactly to a
war like the traditional ones that we have known some or those that show us in
the cinema or the television are not speaking at the moment of army’s cars of
combat airplanes ships, bombs etc. are referring to a situation warlike pre or
maybe to a war not conventional but equally devastating that destroys souls and
societies instead of destroying buildings and cities.
Today is this way clear the tendency that reflects the fears on the area
euro and its banks, as well as the exasperation for the low returns of the
saving. The cash in the block of 19 countries almost increased up to 1,08
trillion Eurus at the end of 2015, 8 percent more than to the beginning of the
last year. The monetary mass has also increased, partly for the non-conventional
measures of monetary expansion, although not in the same measure. But the fever
for the cash reduces the bank deposits, weakening them.
The deposits increased four times less than the cash in circulation in
2015. The phenomenon owes himself partly to the edginess for the area euro and
its banks. The controls of capital forbidden big retreats of effective in
Greece, where the savers have made storing of dozens of thousands of millions
after the big depositors lost money in the financial rescue of the country. And
the other ones see like Greece continues so every worse time it is unavoidable
to think guard the food for when you are hungry really among so much raisin
with the fair thing.
They pass this way the most unlikely things as that of investing in
according to what debts, so that they remove you a little bit of your money
instead of paying you for it and other more amusing but very more significant
of the desperation situation and distrust of the society. A responsible for the
bank central of Chipre said to Reuters that a woman had burned money in an oven
after forgetting that had hidden it there. Other chipriota kept their money in
cleaning and then they went to the central bank to change soaked notes.
But the magnitude of the increase of the European cash shows that it
doesn't only affect to countries with financial problems. There are two
problems: lack of trust in the bank system and concern for where to invest the
But he gives me the impression that the economic authorities are blind and
it seems that the only thing that they are happened is to discuss on the
elimination of the note of 500 Eurus. The boss of the office European antifraud
has suggested his prohibition because he is an employee for defrauders. Benoît
Coeure, a member of the BCE, told to the newspaper Him Parisien that the
central bank studied the future of its note of more value. To eliminate it,
something that could be made only in a gradual way, would take to the savers to
take out to the light those more than 300.000 million Eurus that there are in
notes of 500 Eurus. This is a foolishness because that would make those that
keep them in the refrigerator to go to the corresponding bank and to change
them for example for five of a hundred Eurus and to return them to put in the
The only solution to this, is that the states and the governments decide to
finish with the causes that you/they believe this uncertainty and anxiety as
much to the society as to the economy that are: The endless wars and threats of
the Arab world, the regularization of the petroleum, some measures fiscal correctives
where they pay more taxes those that more wins, to combat the fiscal paradises
and the fiscal engineering, and mainly to value the world foreign currencies
well, it cannot be that in a country like Spain that we are with an unable
economy, or that in Greece that there are wild strikes for the loss of pensions
and for wages that don't cover the fundamental necessities of the families,
have a currency that is more valued than that of the richest country in the
world the USA and very much more still valued that the biggest country and with
more production of the world, China.
So difficult it is to understand these imbalances so clear this is part of
this third world war to that I refer an and another time, because until they
don't understand it and they fix it, we will continue storing the food at home
because we all have the security that this act can lengthen the life some more
days when the end that will arrive arrives and I fear myself that it is not
very distant.
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