I fear myself that somebody should have interest in that Spain arrives to
the point of having another time to go in its extensive history by the
necessity somebody to decide for everything her leaving part of the
disappointed society and with the feeling of not knowing how to dominate its
country, this is serious because a thing is to dominate the country and another
is to govern it and to what I refer it is to dominate him. I consider that a
country should be dominated by its people by its society that should be imposed
the partisan politicians that alone they should be good to govern it according
to the democratic manifestation of the society expressed in the urns.
We are playing with fire another time and we are the one in danger that at
the end in the face of the political indecision and somebody publishes he
decides for all and let us be another time before what many already live a
dictatorship that in the serious current case more than political character
that not to militate, it is evident that Spain is today a puzzle of ideologies
and political tendencies that it is difficult to compose, but it is that this
is our obligation we cannot allow that they decide it some real gentlemen that
don't doubt it in the bottom they are looking for a well remunerated work and a
power of decision and of government that is a potent drug.
But it seems that the great majority of the Spanish society is not still
prepared to assume this responsibility it is not possibly blame of the own
society because the truth is that in the current circumstances that emanate of
a constitution post dictatorship made in 1978 he has brought us until here
without we have had any reason of weight or of history so that we have had to
make important decisions on the political road that we want or let us
understand it is better for our development, review the history of these last
40 years and they will see that everything has come us given, the truth is that
we have not had to decide anything we have played (with pardon for those that
are minimized) to be a free and democratic society when the reality has been
that alone we have had to listen some speeches full with lies some from the
politicians of the classic right and others of a socialism of lefts that he
doesn't resemble in anything the true socialism.
Now these already after the last elections of December 20 we have broken in
pieces this inertia and we are before the surprise that not alone the Spaniards
don't know that we have made, but rather the politicians that should neither know
it know it, there is no way to form a government the winner of the elections
renouncement before the King to attempt it alone because he doesn't want to go
by the shame of seeing like it is rejected by the Spanish town because in
definitive those that would reject him in the camera of the Congress of the
deputies are not more than the representation of the Spanish town, and this a
politician and a party heir of the most dictatorial right in Europe after the Nazism
don't want to understand it.
Curious situation because you will tell me that up to now if it admitted it
since in several occasions they have remained in the opposition while it
governed the socialism of Spanish pocket, but it is not up to now the same
thing we were speaking of a country two party system where in fact the two
political tendencies didn't stop to have oneself origin, but now with the step
of the time this has broken and some new forces and political tendencies that
no longer have to do with the century Spain 20 have appeared and these parties
must play to another thing they can no longer be distributed now the cake in
two pieces they are already many more and this puts in evidence that of what we
are speaking now it is not of choosing a new shift government but of changing
Spain up and down.
It is very possible that the party that should pass to govern us is not
already only but with coalitions and it is also probable that the one that is
taken down maybe doesn't play him to govern maybe even never next time more and
not alone that, but rather the distribution of positions of political
responsibility and functionaries one will no longer be been able to distribute
between two, but rather many entered in game more tendencies that he will make for
force each party that he survives to be less strong economically because they
dominated each one less piece of the cake.
The change is that strong, although us the citizens have not given
ourselves bill, the old parties if they have realized the loss of money and
influences that means the quantity of deputies of less, of mayors, of general
directors, of Secretaries of State, etc. all this is it he makes at the moment
impossible that the old parties open up to arrive to coalitions, it is a lot
what they lose.
If to this reality they add you that most of the Spaniards don't trust the
possibilities of their politicians to form government after the results of the
elections of last December and they believe that they will have to return to
the urns to unblock the situation, according to a published survey on Sunday
for the daily ABC, we already have the mounted square it is evident that for
the old Spanish parties the best thing is a second opportunity they don't doubt
it so it is not of missing that finally we arrive to it and if this is I eat up
I fear Spain he can end up throwing for the overboard means year 2016 that if
we don't arrive to a not well bigger one.
The poll carried out by the enterprise GAD3 reflective that 58,3 percent of
the consulted foreseen that the parties won't be able to come to an agreement
to invest a president and there will be new elections, a percentage that grows
in more than five points with regard to one month ago. Alone 32,1 percent
believes that the parties will come to an agreement, a figure that reflects the
growing pessimism of the Spaniards, since in January it was 39,3 percent the
one that saw possible the pact. Two of each three interviewees, 65,6 percent,
he also thinks that, if there is new electoral convocation the Popular Party
that was the more voted in December, it should raise Mariano Rajoy and to name
new candidate. Only 21,4 comely percent for their continuity.
In the case of Pedro Sánchez, is 47,6 percent the one that believes that it
should be substituted by the Party Socialist Spanish Worker. 37 percent defends
that he is candidate again, although it doesn't achieve a pact. In spite of the
fact that most of the interviewed foreseen new elections, the percentage of
those that believe that Sánchez will get enough supports to form Government
(44,3 percent) it overcomes those that think the opposite (40,9 percent).
These data are like I mention result of a survey carried out by GAD3 and
published in ABC. This already says well to the white that tendency has this
survey and if they allow me my opinion it is logical because it is in fact the
Popular Party or if you want the Spanish right the political segment that more
has to lose now and to be renewed for a very uncertain future, because the
survey also says that 40% of those interviewed believes that the socialist
leader Pedro Sánchez can be the government's next president.
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