The big powers agreed today a ceasing of the hostilities in Syria that
would begin (in conditional) in one week and at the moment it could provide
quick access to the humanitarian help to the besieged Syrian cities, but they
were not able to assure a high one the complete fire or an end to the bombings
of Russia. Not you frankly that they understand the big powers for a high one
the fire, but this that they have said today is an authentic lie to the whole
world community including for suppositions to their citizens.
After a marathon meeting in Munich guided to resuscitate the negotiations
of peace that collapsed last week, the powers, among those that were included
United States, Russia and more than a dozens of other nations, they reaffirmed
their commitment with a political transition when they improve the conditions
on the land. fact that of entrance Russia opposes herself and it will oppose
himself. In a conference of later press, the American Secretary of State, John
Kerry, recognized that the meeting of Munich had only produced commitments in
the paper.
And he has I suppose all the knowledge of the reality to assert so much
distrust in that tried we will already see after this pantomime that happens in
next days with actions on the field of battle of Syria. Without a real
political transition, it is not possible to achieve the peace. Russia continues
supporting Bashar al-Assad and he has already said that it will follow its
bombings and attacks on the land against the terrorists and we all know that
among eta qualification they are included all the Syrian rebellious
organizations that fight to get rid of its dictator.
The minister of External Relationships of Russia, Sergei Lavrov, he has
said from Moscow that won't stop the air attacks in Syria, and it indicated
that the ceasing of the hostilities is not applied to the Islamic groups EI,
and the Nusrah, (affiliated to the Qaeda). we Remember that Syria today this broken
in two big areas one dominated by the Assad its army and the Syrian rebels
contrary to the régime of the Assad and the other half is dominated by militiamen
of Islamic State that big areas of Syria and Iraq control, and that apparently
alone the Kurd that avoid brake that they enter in direct conflict with the
Turkish army.
United States and their European allies say that few Russian attacks have
had as white to those groups, and that the great majority has been against the
leaning groups of opposition for West that they look for to overthrow the
president's Government Bashar al-Assad.
Lavrov said that the negotiations of peace will be renewed in Geneva as
soon as it is possible and that all the Syrian groups of opposition should
participate, curious because while it also warns that they will continue
bombarding them so I don't know very well with those who the Russian wait to
meet in a table of negotiations, to stop the hostilities will be a difficult
task while they don't become unified the fronts of this it doesn't fit them
The secretary of External Relationships of United Kingdom, Philip Hammond,
more realistic and more pragmatic he said that the end of the confrontations
will only be possible if Russia stops its air attacks. Other assisting
diplomats noticed that Moscow up to now has not shown any interest in that
Assad is replaced and it is pressing for a military victory. Russia doesn't
want go by a new Afghanistan again its it bets this in defending the dictatorship
of Bashar al-Assad and mistaken or not it didn't stop until in Syrian alone
they are him and its unconditional ones.
Regarding the forces of Islamic State and To the Nusrah, Russia doesn't
want to enter in confrontation with them no matter how much he tells it its
mission it is concentrated on being able to secure the régime of the al Assad,
so that he keeps him its bases in the Mediterranean and power to return its
forces to Russia with the war won thing that he took advantage to justify all
the penuries that the Russian town goes by blame of the drastic reduction of
the revenues of the Russian state for the fall of the raw one and the occident
sanctions and Turkey, for Putin the Islamic State is a force that neither he
understands neither he wants to face with them because he has them too much
near the Russian frontier it doesn't interest him that they take him for an
enemy with who to fight already had enough with the I demolish of its airplane
of Russian tourists that they returned some months ago of Egypt.
In few words the situation is very far from getting ready, although it
could be that, if close the one that Russia retires to its barracks is, if
definitively it finishes with the rendition of the Syrian rebels and it
maintains or to the Assad or a kindred régime to its politicians
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