domingo, 3 de junio de 2012


While occident and in particular Europe takes pains in being destroyed presenting a disunion image and evident political and social insecurity, the other political-demographic groups that populate our world, go taking positions of power so much economic as political. Us among so much, we bleed among discussions, cuttings, and regulations, for our already bankrupt production economies and consumption, drowning in debts and filling our societies of grief and impotence, before what you/they cannot understand. 

I want to make reference to the posture of China and Russia that veto an and another time the measures against the tyranny that imposes Hafed Al-Assad to its own town and with tremendous indifference it maintains as reason that it is not who attacks but the one that defends, in the Council of Security of the United Nations, he said referring to its victims and I eat justification of its atrocious slaughters: They are not only being located against the Syrian town but of the whole Arab" awakening. But he didn't say the truth or you don't see it or better he doesn't want to see it maybe it is this last.  

This situation stays for the posture that they have taken before this conflict Russia and China, these countries, more continents and cultures that simple countries, have very clear what they are making, with its attitude both interfere to all coast the resolutions to favor the Arab spring, because they want to maintain to occident like the axis of the wrong, for the narrow mentalities and coerced by the technocracies religious Islamism’s paid by Iran. 

It is a clear strategic game, as much Russia as the China are at the moment safe of attacks and distrusts Arab, and they are also free of not wanted immigrations, Russia mainly, has the Islamism inside its house, evidently it is in lethargy state, but he fears and a lot that one day he/she wakes up and for that reason he attempted that it doesn't leave ahead the Arab spring, since if this happens Russia he won't be able to stop the awakening of its own internal Islamism in its frontiers.  

China has the same problem now also its expansion it has annexed Islamic territories that at the moment are not imbued of religious fanaticism that is what interests him Chinese, but it is that Chinese also looks for the collapse of the western economy is not also certain that the western recession of Europe and the USA puts in danger its economy like a lot it reduces it but they no longer care that its own market and its world influence is already marked to fire in the world economic context. 

And that wants to maintain it to the margin of the fights liberators that occident is attributed from the crusades, and he makes it by means of an interested attitude of not savior's interventionist and president of the poor’s economies of Arica, and with the purchase of the petroleum that it has more than enough from the seizure measures to the different producing islamistas and revolutionary democratic anti of the world, punished by diabolical axis of occident, also as seemingly he does them a favor he buys it too much cheaper prices. 

China and Russia, they are also interested in that the migratory currents of Islamic and African they don't become toward east and Asia, and these they are the reasons of the vetoes of China and Russia to any measure on the part of the western fools that are believed the police of the world, becoming obstinate in finishing with the dictatorial and absolutist abuses of the regimens in the world, because we also think that in the bottom China and Russia both are part of these absolutist political regimens.  

It is that simple and logical, and that that more I am surprised it is that occident doesn't see it or he doesn't want to see it, if it continues paying attention to this game, not alone we put in constant danger our economy, but rather in fact we let that the indiscriminate deaths of some human beings continue that are tangled among the interests of the world economic powers.  

My view in this respect, it is that occident should stop to stop definitively in the intent of to democratize the worlds that don't want to be democratized, and to leave that they compose them to him alone, and discuss in the United Nations, maybe this way they begin to he looked toward China and Russia, so that they save them of its messes and then these two powers in the face of the fear of it turns involved, they stopped to put sticks in the wheels of the western proposals, to apply the sticks now on the backs of their friends of convenience.  

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