domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011


First the crisis is to close the crisis of the euro certainly and the quickest thing possible, let us wait that it is this week, and followed act is to reform the own European Union, I have always said that in these moments such an Union doesn't exist, as much it is an association of nations where each a, tries to leave the more beneficiary, or him fewer harmed in this case that he can. Today complaints have been heard in the meetings of Brussels on the part of the 10 countries that are not part of the area euro, it seems to be that they are considered without protection, and harmed by the measures that the 17 euro countries, they should take imperatively, the thing is not a foolishness by no means, and it demonstrates the nonexistence of a real European Union. Already at the moment among them they have two.  

Muddy it has also alerted the bosses of State and of Government, this Sunday that the UE has lost two trillion Eurus in growth between 2007 and 2010 due to the crisis, a figure that is equal to the gross interior product of France or 11% of the accumulated debt of Europe. That is to say it is demonstrated as I have said until today that the sharp crisis of European sovereign debt, they have created it the own hesitations and the in definitions of those that have been witness, besides this negative valuation there is a lost of competitiveness of the European economy in front of all the other ones. In spite of this negative, Barroso panorama it has defended that the UE grows again if it starts the structural reformations recommended to each country. 

Very beautiful if Mister Muddy but this is pure inefficacy, they cannot put on hot cloths to a situation that neither this solved in their base, neither when he is it was sure the non repetition of the same problem, if we are putting solutions to each country, if we give of course that there is really will of Unification this it should reform their organizational concepts and their hierarchy level, mainly this last it is necessary to know exactly that one wants, if a club of friends, an association of economic interests and of market, or an European Union of States, the things are very different as it is the real pattern to that it is wanted to aspire. 

It is also necessary to consider that all nation that wants to be in the union, in case one believes once and for all, it will be it with all the conditions, and if he/she doesn't want to assume them, it will be necessary to look for a normative one that allows him to be associate member, or preferable partner, or say it like want, but it cannot be that the European Union is already in today's day two, and that each one of the parts is 17 independent elements on one hand, and 10 also independent for other, I believe that it is of so crushing incoherence this formation that one will be able to call like want, but never EUROPEAN UNION. 

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