viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011


The objectivity of the politicians in Europe is completely outside of the logic, the matter is very serious because they don't react, they don't know how to make it or they cannot make it this it is the question, and then if one responds this question, they are still more to make but we go for steps. September 11/ 2001 the western society collapses at the same time that the twin towers of New York, in that day get lost the security, the trust in a system that so far it seemed outside of all doubt, and it is battered for the action of "some terrorists" that they take advantage of the own arrogance and in operating of the security state official of the USA.  

In the 2008, September 15, the same society and this time also the occident rest, attended amazed to the biggest economic swindle never happened in occident. You go with panic like the economy of the USA also collapses; it not kills of an external attack, but of a swindle orchestrated by its own financial organizations. The same ones that until then they had been meant to mark the one in route to continuing for the whole economy of the western world, their rating agencies, their big banks of investments, they are depicted as the most terrible economic terrorists in the planet, and to image and the murderers' of the twin towers likeness, they collapse and they destroy the western economy.   

The bad thing was to come, the two actions sink and occident gets jammed totally, he gets lost the objectivity to reason and the calm to act and you desmidian the actions and reactions without order neither sense, occident is crazy of death and instead of reacting trying to rush forward, the reaction is just the opposite it is thrown back, and one goes back in all the environments.  Among so much and taking advantage of this situation, the other emergent powers of the world, make just the opposite they occupy the holes that the economy and the western society occupied until then. 

The effect of the fear caused by the terrorist attack brakes the sensation of freedom absolutely and of feeling the strongest and sure in the world, it enters the fear to move freely, the more cautions arise you go on pilgrimage and exaggerated that are happened to an afraid and fearful society, its government is not happened another exit that to begin two wars without final possible as you he is seeing, and that they didn't also have neither they make any sense, they are not even responsible direct of the suffering attack, and these it was known from the beginning, but the rulers didn't have patience and they didn't want to wait to that the things calm down to be able to think correctly, and they rushed to the abyss of some useless wars but that it has cost thousands of human lives and the life of the western economy. 

These events and their consequences have extended for the whole rest of the western world, and the worst in the case is that their effects where they have multiplied in an exponential way it has been in the society and the European nations, the repercussion of the American terror has also moved to Europe, but what has affected but here it has been the lost of the europa economy, the Europeans have not known how to act independently, and not even seeing like we were swindled without scruples, like they were knocked down the financial outlines, like we were degraded our credibility and our solvency, had made of those that were not guilty, we have been unable to react. 

We that had created a dream that we tried to create a great economy and society like a complete European Union, instead of following our road following our guidelines and our initiative, also collapse and we begin to create problems where there were not them, we allow to crawl for the swindle financial American, and the worst in the case is that we make it our, and we condition it to us inventing us our own swindle, if the USA to have subprime them we take out ourselves the Sovereign Debt, the most curious thing, is that for we use it a swindle but of the financiers it USA, the falsification of the economic data of contributed Greece so that enters in the euro and carried out by Goldman Sachs. 

And we already have here it our financial, such swindle and as they have it the Americans, all contentment, imbeciles would say me, because the USA moves their finances to speed of the light with regard to our 17 existent Europe, and they liquidate its problem in two years and they leave us here all the garbage that their interests suited them re oriented, now notice that the world doesn't speak of the swindle of Lehman Brothers, neither of the subprime, the world attended amazed to the bad practice of those useless and old economies and European societies.  

This reality, is the one that it is necessary to combat as soon as possible, leave of worrying about a misery of Greek debt, of refinancing some banks that don't request it, of the devaluations of those that we are victims on the part of the three examining corsairs to the service of the strategies of the one that but he pays, and concerned of the only thing that will make that Europe comes out to it floats again, let us return the trust and the honor to the European society, it is the only one that will be able to save the debts, it is the only one that will be able to increase the European productivity, it is the only one that will be able to increase the consumption, it is the only one that will be able to reactivate the trust in the politicians and in the politicians, leave of restructurings and recapitalization to the banks and let us refinance to the society, let us put money in circulation so that the credit lines open up, to the industry and the consumption. 

If this doesn't make it, not alone we won't save the debt that leave we have invented ourselves, but rather at the end it buried us to all first floor the most absolute misery, they are conscious our politicians and economists that there are already societies in the point of misery of I don't return, they know what means to end up having millions of having excluded social in all the europa countries, this is the total ruin, leave you of sovereign debts, no matter how much recapitalize to the banks that will make with the given money, to invest and to not give credit in Europe, of none in the ways like they will lend the banks to some societies in the most absolute in the miseries.  

Because the multinationals will invest, and to take a risk in some countries whose society doesn't consume and he lives in the misery, the logical thing is that once the financial economy this according to you refloated, in view of what they will be they will invest and to take out benefits outside of our frontiers, this it is the future that political gentlemen are working, save to the European society from the misery to which are driving her, or it won't serve as anything all you formulate them of refloating the economy that they advise them the interests of others.  

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