martes, 18 de octubre de 2011


I believe that I have been the whole night thinking from my confusion, he/she didn't find rational explanation of the why after one week hopes and a weekend of meeting of the G20, instead of being improving the things, they twisted in so alone one night, and they opened the way to the negation of the results applauded twelve hours before, and not alone that, also all the initiatives, and study proposals and reflection, there been in the breast of the political meeting of the G20, they were also disassembled, as well as all the good intentions manifested by responsible politicians of the European Union during last week. Something was spending for high, because it was not logical that somebody that requests help and solutions loudly and almost with threats, when they start the conditions to act in this address, he throws them for the overboard, he rejects them and one denies them to one. 

Finally a light has been lit in my reasoning’s, and I believe that I have arrived to the true root of the problem, and the first truth is that THE WORLD ECONOMY doesn't WANT to BE RESCUED, it is not necessary him, it is an entire Machiavellian plan guided to conquer and to dominate to the politics, source of main power of the world up to now. The position hegemonic of the modern world, it has been duplicated and two powers have been created in total contradiction, (I believe that without planning it for none of both) these powers are: The up to now main, that is to say the political power, represented by the kings, noblemen, dictators, rulers, etc. the traditional one from the beginning of the times, the government of and on the societies and people, included the economy of the same ones. And the new and flourishing to be able to absolute that has separated becoming emancipated stronger than the classic, I am speaking of the Economy of Market. 

And what is above the table of the world, is not another thing that the fight among the two powers to see who sends on the one who in the future, and for consequence which is the new order of the things and of the civil societies that we are always between. Him because we are in this point, he also has their importance to understand the situation, I have written before the evolution of this bipolarity doesn't believe that he thought about, if not that it has happened spontaneously, that if for blame of one of the powers concretely the politician. They will see while the economy was function and exclusive privilege of the power and its representatives, the thing worked the society it was moved by the kings and the noblemen until the industrial revolution, then for the governments more or less democratic, and the economy depended on this power we call him civil, the wars always had an economic component in the bottom that made that kings, and governments later on, send to their armies to conquer lands or wealth or prebends of another place, to be they and their bigger and richer domains. 

The wars and the towns, the nations and their governments ended, they were devoted to govern and this new situation bore I get a lot of expense, it was necessary to satisfy those governed and during a long period, the source of necessary revenues to maintain the society, continued being in hands of the political power, the big sources of wealth belonged to the herald public, until a moment that the politics and the politician made comfortable arrive, he appeared the golden time of the government's official and the economy you tight, but the society required but he needed more goods, but I work, but of everything and that it bothered the ruler's function so this, also seeing that the business of the civilians prospered but and above they gave him revenues, and without bad of head, it began to be worked its own end, and the politics of privatization of the economy decided and it put it in hands of the private initiative, and here the whole civil politics began, he came off of its biggest power and he gave it to him without realizing to other groups that have ended up being more powerful than some sad and ruined civil governments with the time.  

I have made some numbers and it is clear, the capitals in hands of: banks, big multinationals, big patrimonies, financial, sure, investment plans, etc. is bigger than the GDP of all the important civilized countries of the world industrial capitalist, of that which is deduced that:  

A. - it should not be the society and the Nations who rescue to the economy, but the other way around, it is the world economy the one that has to rescue to the society and the Nations. Otherwise both will disappear. 

B. - The world economy should stop to make the war to see who dominated the world that is what they are making now, he will never be able to win this war definitively, it has already won the battle, and he can if he wants to sink the democracy and the governments of the world, but and the civil society that he goes has to make with her. 

C. - The only thing that will get is to substitute a system of making political for other, but at the end it will establish a system of civil government in a way or other, if the society is left without work and without order, the economy is also left without resources and without being able to, it will reestablish the flows of resources, so that the society works and spend and it increases them the benefits, or to perish buried in its boxes of surrounded flows of gold and foreign currencies that they won't be able to spend. 

In these moments it seems that neither the governments, neither the calls markets want to come to an agreement, this is clear and in this I articulate I have tried to explain the root of the because, not you the solution, because I suppose that what would solve the problem would be a third via that satisfies to the two powers in fight, but it is that I don't see it for any side, because he understands each other that both competitors want to use the same weapon, the capitalist, because clear democracy other solutions don't go them, they would destroy them at both, they cannot hug the communist socialism, with it good-bye to the free market, they cannot opt for a dictatorship, alone he would have the power one, that cannot be for the mind of the financial markets, so already they will tell me that we make. 

Alone there is a solution to give it goes behind and to recompose the reality, the alone economy is an instrument, neither a religion, neither a political system, they unite politics again, economy and government, the society cannot continue losing more stability, neither more security, because if this continues this way, the end is the destruction of the powers for the own society.   

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