sábado, 28 de enero de 2012


Frankly not you to that it is playing among the poker player of the western economy regarding the viability of the same one and especially of the European economy, among the action of the "three examining corsairs" whose attacks without pity don't cease week to week, and the advice and warnings rushed by the monetary entities and economists of world size, he has been formed an enormous Gordian knot that nobody will be able to undo, see if I make a mistake.  

United States and the International Monetary Fund have noticed this Friday to the UE that it doesn't succumb to the indulgence, and it has exhorted the European leaders to that they strengthen their defenses before the economic and financial crisis that whips to the Old Continent. But to say this and anything is the same thing, because the IMF looks for money for the bottom of European rescue that nobody puts, neither it is known if they don't put it because there is not rescue possibility, or it is that one doesn't want that the European union is rescued.  

In the session of this Friday of the Economic Forum of Davos, the secretary of the American Treasure, Timothy Geithner, it has also urged to the euro area, to reinforce the rescue bottom it stops this way to protect Italy and Spain, of the threat that they suppose the sways of the markets. Another advice in the same address and with the same and absurd foundations, they have it very easy, the treasure of the USA gives some thousands of millions to the IMF that also says the same thing, and this he gives them to him the BCE that puts them in the bottom, like I say less diagnostic and but facts. 

On the other hand, the general directress of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, it has urged Greece and the private forks of their debt to that they reach an agreement this weekend for the exchange of the debt that supposes the decrease of the same one. The crisis in the area euro is the primordial matter that is approaching during these days in the Swiss town and, with special concern, on Greece that, in the multimillionaire's words and investor George Soros, is "the country with worse perspectives". If gentlemen all we have it clear in Europe, less the Greeks believe me,  

The only road toward the success for Europe is to remain together, to build a monetary union that works and, therefore, to conform a stronger fire wall, Geithner has ruled, in syntony with that manifested by Lagarde, the previous day. To collation of the words of Geithner, the French minister of finances, it has coincided with their American homologous when adding that "the stronger it is the fire walls, in less occasions he will have to be used". In this line, the minister of Economy of Spain, Luis de Guindos, he has emphasized that the fire walls "have to be the sufficiently big and flexible thing for not having to appeal him." 

It is one theory he goes on pilgrimage this, let us see, a global economy has a series of debts that added they give fear and separate they give terror, and the coincident solutions of the specialists it is that one believes an enormous fire walls, against but big better, guaranteed by the same economies that don't have an euro, because they are determined until the brows, with the philosophy that the more big it is the fire walls less it will be necessary to use it, frankly I don't get it to understand. To see if I give an example I owe my friend 1000 Eurus that I cannot pay, and this friend asks me not to worry that it puts 2000 Eurus that I don't have, in a guarantee, so that the one knows that it can charge them if it passes something and I list, this way the it is calm and I don't have because to use this fire walls, I don't see it clear, if my notions of mathematics don't fail me, I don't know how to make that if I don't have thousand, it can put two thousand. 

On the other hand, Wolfgang Schaeuble, it has been shown less optimistic and much more realistic, this it is of those that it has the same mathematical system that me, and it has assured that there are not fire walls some that can compensate the crash of countries with problems of liquidity, when to control the level of their debts and to increase the competitiveness of the euro zone. It won't work", if the real problems are not resolved, exact if I don't pay my debt to my first friend who will leave me but for a bottom fire walls.  

In this same line the president of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi has been pronounced that doesn't consider that injection of liquidity attacked by the BCE through the massive purchase of funds, in particular of Italy and Spain, have arrived at the business and the European homes. That which is indicative that the efforts to solve the debts and the reactivation of the europa of the euro, stay in the pockets of the creditors or possessors of the debt of the different European states, and that to the final destination, it continues without arriving gasoline to pull up the motor, that this way what we are making is to burn ammunition foolishly, and the worst thing is that the euro every time but reassessed, certainly it is for note the situation so absurd that we are fomenting. 

The truth is that nobody knows that it is necessary to make, I believe that the first thing that he would be necessary to make is to stop to give advice and to give money, if the western financial market is worried by what would mean the fall of the empire of the euro, he has to act with determination or it supports him creating jointly with the own euro area, this bottom of security or he throws to the euro down until he reacts the BCE and Germany, and the euro voucher is believed, that is to say the unification of a single European debt guaranteed by the BCE, and locating the euro in its true value that would not be another that the resultant of relating it to the unified GDP of the countries of the area euro, the problem of applying this solution, resides in the countable damage that this would represent for Germany whose credit qualification would go down to general levels of the euro area that would not miss me serious an equivalent one to AA -. 

Leave you already of advice of recommendations and of threats even, like one says popularly "Not for a lot to get up early dawns earlier" because that, "not for a lot to request and to advise the solutions" appears there is not solution, the debt it is there more and more big, and the debtors are here every time but stopped, ruined, and desperate, because this doesn't work neither to shots.   

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