martes, 31 de enero de 2012


We are living the consequences of two perfect storms: the bad administration of the responsible publics and political, and of the limitless speculation and objectives of benefits without control of the economy of the markets for this way to call it.  

The free market economy or the liberalization of the economy like prefer, they are consequence of the evolution of the modern society, the necessity to supply to the society of some incentives that they get that the capitalist world doesn't stop, has brought us some impressive problems that have ended up putting in crash risk, to an entire economic system that has come being up to now, the motor of the free world. It seems that for a moment that we are stopped the blow and we have stayed to the doors of the disaster, with everything and to have him content, the reality is that nobody knows until when, because the market economy continues unstoppable and its cycle doesn't have end in the current and neither future circumstances if they don't take measures.   

I have reached the conclusion that the true problem is not the wild freedom that he enjoys the market economy, its aggressiveness, the speculation, its market tricks, their des adjusts, their failures and their successes, are characteristic of its development, no matter how much it has put in danger to our world, we cannot think of regulating it, in channeling it, in putting him controls to dominate her, this not alone it would not be the solution, but rather it would worsen the things, because this, would stop the market, the production, and finally the capitalist world of which we are direct part. 

The free economy the financial markets, they have always existed, but they had not always had the incidence so brutal that they have now, because the elements that impelled the development of the society were other, years ago the big men, the influential fortunes that could with their performance to make to ascend or to lower the level of life of the society, were the industrial companies or of services that used to people's thousands, today is not this way, the big fortunes, those that have the capacity to ruin to companies, institutions, countries, and if he comes up to a whole continent, they are no longer managers they no longer produce anything, alone they move numbers he enters to the asset and the passive one. 

But with everything and admitting this reality, we cannot stop it, we cannot already do without of this wild but necessary motor, so that the material world moves, and don't stop collapsing in the most brutal recession of which you would never end up leaving, because after her, it would not be the such world and as we know it now.    

Accepting this, what it is necessary to make is to consider to the free economy and deregulate like a new managerial sector that he moves in a market whose product is to make that they flow the business the companies, and the money of and it stops private use, with its banks, with its qualification agencies, with its loans, with its investments, with its traps, and with its aggressiveness, but to separate it completely of the public or social economy, characteristic of the governments of the states of the world.   

If gentlemen and ladies are to allow to make freely to the market economy, and to create the state economy independently, this duality is also to plan it without any communication possibility or transverses some. The problems that we are suffering, didn't end while the speculative economy of the market, can and today in day it should intervene to finance and to sustain to the society, their sanitary services, its education, their politicians, its police, its army, its president, and already lastly its currency. 

They should have without remission two economies for my  is evident, and it is not any novelty the coexistence of private and public activities acting at the same time in our modern societies, the sanity, the education, they are at least clear examples of it in Spain. The big or small states should compose their financial necessities with public resources, obtained of the fiscal taxes, and of their activities producers of public services, or starting of technological applications, or of what is considered nationalized or public activity, and with those revenues to formulate their political, social budgets, and materials, they should have their deposits of guarantees in their National Central Bank that evidently serious the originator and guarantor of the official foreign currency in course but from where they would never rot neither to request borrowed neither to offer loan some to the private economy. It is evident that the nations will be more or less big, rich, and powerful, according to the capacity to obtain their public revenues.    

On the other hand and like a branch of managerial activity more, the market economy would exist, with its commercial banks and of investment, its stock markets, its qualification agencies, its brokers, to and very important its taxes to pay to the country properties of states, as any other productive company, under these conditions if they will be able to act without regulation some, only the execution of the tax legality on the part of the state, for the benefits, fiscal benefits for lost, controls of antimonopoly, and the own laws that its own stamens is imposed, in short as any other market or activity of free operation, inside the mercantile freedom settled down in the laws of the free market.    

I assure them that I don't joke at all, if this economic outline has been in vigor, maybe Greece would not already exist, because the one despoils of its rulers the has left without resources, and people or has left the country, or lifted in a revolution act against its rulers, but I also assure them that would not have any sovereign debt that will martyr them during next 50 years, I also tell them that any other sovereign debt would not exist with the one that to speculate, and with the one that to threaten the survival of states and societies, and I tell them more, for sure we would be all richer ones because we would not owe nothing else that what each one of us can have assumed or obtained, for its work, business or negotiated in the economy of free market. 

Has not been possible to make airports ghosts, glamorous buildings could not have been made because if, deficit nets of high-speed trains had not been made, pavilions in 3000 inhabitants' small towns, etc. with borrowed money to the public stamens, for the private banks, has not been able to offer it, the law would not allow it, they understand the difference, and they don't create that I am outlining them a country without development urbanístic, neither high-speed trains, neither without pavilions go to play and to make sport, by no means, alone that these equipment would be financed and built to be business, and paid by the market economy that I assure them that he would not go throwing the money somewhere around, as if those that they don't find difficult to pay it go because their outrages pay them others.  

For against if we would have insured a public sanity, the public pensions, the public education, the services for use public transportations up to where arrives the budgetary possibilities and collection of taxes of the state and their public economy, they would be also of the state the infrastructures public essentials and strategic for the development of the country, and we would have the public and POLITICAL officials the fair and necessary, neither one more neither one less, and another important thing, we could control the bills of the state knowing that they have entered and that they have made with our taxes.  

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