lunes, 5 de enero de 2015


The number of stopped registered in the offices of the public services of employment (old Inem.) it was located when concluding December of 2014 in 4,4 million people, after lowering last year in 253.627 unemployed in the group of the (-5,39%), on the other hand the Social security hill the year 2014 with a half increase of 417574 members but (+2,5%), after having registered in December 79.463 more taxpayers (+0,48%). it is the first time that Spain believes employment from 2007. 

To that figure of more than 4,4 million unemployed with the one that closed the year you has arrived after the unemployment experienced in December its second bigger fall in this month, with 64.405 less unemployed. In the monthly one, the unemployment lowered in December in 5.404 people, with what already accumulates five serial months of descents. The setback of the unemployment in December is the second serial monthly descent after the slope record of 14.688 unemployed registered in November. You calculate both that will be corrected without a doubt some between January and February after the Christmas campaigns and discounts of the trade. 

It cannot be the numbers they don't square and the government with these bills the only thing that makes is to exacerbate more the real situation that is the following one "low the unemployment but it goes up the unemployment", I am not saying any foolishness it is the reality, a reality that very knowingly the government of the PP tries to strain us playing as lately it is made with the words and his meanings, like it can be that it lowers the unemployment in 253,627 unoccupied and increase the affiliation to the SS in 417,574 members but, where the 163,947 that have affiliated were of but, because it is clear, they were not in the lists of the unemployment, but if they were stopped, then they are not of trusting the data.  

This is the cruel reality of this country and of this government that is capable of to trick any statistic, data, or what is, is for sure there are in these moments 4,4 millions of having stopped in Spain because they are counted but I am also for sure there is 30 percent more, than "these unemployed" that are "stopped" that they are not in any official list that they hide them administratively speaking because they are also stopped of long duration, with that that naturally don't charge any benefit type. 

This figure hides it elevates 1.300,000 people that he makes that in fact there are near 6 millions of having stopped in Spain it calculates in the one that more or less the European entities and all the economic and union stamens are of agreement and this figure this immovable for years they change status a time passing of stopped to precarious until at the end they disappear and they are taken out of the official accounting but they don't disappear they are looked for the life like they can some the good ones they leave the country, and most is caught forever in the marginality and the social exclusion. 

This coarse skirmish applied to save the face on the part of the PP and its social economic failure as government's party is the root from where the whole new politics has been developed of PODEMOS, certain that the source of this organization comes from the street of the manifestations and the civic and social platforms of the 15M and the trail of protests among 2011/2014 denominated as Movement 15-M and Indignant. But tell me you who to be formed these movements, young unemployed and fed up with seeing a frustration future, a society of stopped, and some swindled and condemned Spaniards that didn't have where to appeal. 

The things are this way the low unemployment but the unemployment goes up the ousters they continue and they go to but every day, the situation is every worse time but there is a very human effect that he goes in favor of the situation and it is human being's conformism that ends up finding normal with the time any situation for bad that this it is and this is what happens it is not that Spain of it recovers, it is that the Spanish society recovers of the situation in that lives, and he already lives on the back with her as a not well smaller one.   

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