viernes, 15 de mayo de 2015


Economists and politicians walk concerned because the productivity of the richest countries doesn't grow to the rhythm that would should. However, the economist and journalist of Reuters, Edward Fairies, assures that the productivity to day of today has almost lost all its sense as economic indicator. To worry to improve the productivity could be counteractive and to be a 'intensifier' of the unemployment and the underemployment that it is it that exactly is passing this and the creation of poor workers. 

The term productivity is the real GDP of one year divided among every hour worked in that same year. The numbers show that this fact is stagnating, from 1990, in that year, the OECD published that the productivity grew more than 2% in Japan, France, United Kingdom and Italy. In USA the growth was of 1,3%. However between 2009 and 2014 the productivity has passed to grow in the first five countries to 1,1%, while in USA 0,9% increases ".   

But this is more complicated, because the GDP is the magic figure of the politics of a country when the GDP goes up the government however this is congratulated it is no longer reflective of the reality admitted up to now today the GDP (the wealth generated by a country) it has changed its calculation factors for that reason today the descent of the productivity he/she doesn't belong together with a descent of the technological process but just the opposite to but technology more GDP and however more basic unemployment, this makes that the capital factor is less effective and that the standards of life have gotten complicated seriously. This says stagnation it is the test that the productivity like economic indicator no longer represents the reality."  

And it is that the productivity like indicator made sense when the factor work (human employees) they were the most important link in the productive process in the factories or the field and therefore the biggest revenues of wealth received them the state of the used manpower. The productivity grew as the workers went being substituted or accompanied by machinery and technology and however the capital revenues for non-alone product didn't descend but rather he rose.  

Now, the productivity doesn't grow with the help of making more goods with less, but through improving the goods that take place, making you improve them, more useful and sometimes almost totally different. These qualitative changes are very different the quantitative changes that were made before. The changes in the quality of the goods you cannot measure, however if one can already do with clarity that to more productivity more I stop, and this in the very industrialized countries is not noticed so much because the technicality of the industry that makes it is that indeed he makes more productive the work this it becomes better quicker and with the same employees even more because its competition in prices makes that the sales of the increase their products.  

However in the countries des industrializes the makes go up technicality the GDP because he takes place more thanks to the technicality with less manpower but it continues taking place basically the same thing this the governments assume it like it is the case of Spain and he puts on the medal that the Spanish GDP ascends more than German and that any other one except the Irishman. The curious of the case is that Europe congratulates him and it puts it as example it is incredible undoubtedly the GDP also ascends here now in Spain and the productivity we make the same thing but paying the workers and all the public and private employees a stocking of 30% less than four years ago  

The problem is that this cannot last much more because the population's aging like a fundamental factor and the every time the Spanish workers' smaller purchasing power goes on the way to causing the stagnation of the productivity without fail. When the population was young and her rents were also 30% superior to the current ones I was necessary to produce the biggest number of goods and possible services with the few resources that she has always made Gallic Spain. Now that the population has begun to grow in a slower way, you is not necessary that the production of goods increases too much. And this is what is passing the big Spanish companies they will work outside of Spain.   

The immediate future is guided to end in political of investment in capital and the investigation. What can will foment the elimination of employments while the GDP stays stagnated but it is not real it will be stagnated with the formula of current calculation, but the reality will be that the GDP says economic it will ascend, but the general GDP including the manpower stagnated or it even lowered. The cuttings of factor work for the technicality will increase the productivity, but they will also because of an increase of the unemployment and of the underemployment. This is without a doubt the biggest problem in the underdeveloped economies and that it also affected in smaller measure to those developed. 

But as always these warnings so clear nobody keeps them in mind because what today counts is the politics pure and hard today the governments they embrace it the whole governability the productivity the investigation and development frankly would not be better than the politicians you limits to legislate and to govern, that that the specialists: Engineers, economists, scientists and doctors, educators, etc. tells Them that it is necessary to make for not losing the train of the countries of the world. But please that they don't invent them that sink us in the deepest misery and social and national inability.  

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