miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015


The European Commission has intended to admit 20.000 refugees during two years and to distribute them for all Europe, but giving United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark the option of not accepting none. Under a new system of quotas for resented to the immigrants according to the size of the country, the economic yields and other measures, Germany would admit most of the immigrants, followed by France and Italy, assuming that I Reign United he doesn't take party finally. 

To any country it should be left alone to approach the discharges migratory" pressures, the president of the Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker said, in its bill of Twitter after the proposals were published. The executive commission of the UE is proposing the redistribution of immigrants in a more uniform way with the objective of facilitating the work of Italy and other members when making in front of the entrance flow. 

This is besides a madness a cowardice and this still knows me worse this form of acting n is to solve anything but worsening everything with the high standards of unemployment of Islamic terrorism and of almost extreme poverty that there are now in ALL THE COUNTRIES OF THE EUROPE OF THE EURO we will put 20.000 more. But not taken care in all Europe the countries like Denmark and Great Britain that don't have the euro those they are not exempt, my god that we have made to enter the demon (euro) at home. 

The minister of the British Interior, Theresa May, criticized when knowing the posture of the UE and it assured that if he doesn't send himself to the economic immigrants of turn to its origin countries, the block is encouraging them to travel. The British indifference is right she sees clearly that there are two classes of emigrants the one that comes looking for a better life and the one that escapes for not losing the life, the question is like one knows this and stiller how much does it cost to discover it so much in time like in money.  

What is a shame to me to understand and a cowardice is that some armed forces are not composed with a high one to be able to and fire precision, with the purpose of causing the less low ones possible and you disembarks in the Mediterranean coast of the conflicting countries that they are those that are in war among themselves, and at the same time they have the bases of the traffickers of human people and they take these nations and you remake the colonization again, until they clean of bosses caciques, dictators and other tyrants that he has a good time among other things throwing barrels full with explosive from helicopters or airplanes and kidnapping girls and women and beheading journalists. 

The things is already well unfortunately they are like they are I don't eat one he wanted that was and today from already more than five years ago are I know this way already that it doesn't neither like this idea to me but there is no other everything the rest is to transfer the conflict from a side to another that they are believed that it spent in two years if 20000 people are brought that won't be able to adapt to our societies that he didn't find stable work more than 80% and that if he found the recruitment nets Yihadista that indoctrinated them quickly. This is the end of the history it will no longer be necessary that the Islamic terrorists addicts will look for we will bring them to him ourselves. 

The situation is desperate I understand it but the fact that we try to save people's shipwrecks being an obligation and a human duty is not the solution the solution it is to finish with what causes that this happens and this is not here in Europe this is perfectly defined, well-known and followed via satellite, alone they lack balls to fix it I believe sincerely that Europe with or without the NATO it should invade and to clean the insecure and headstrong nations as Syria, Libya, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan and to protect the life there of those that want to make bad to live here, in definitive is the same thing that Jesus Christ said: Don't give of eating to a hungry one you teach him to fish. 

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