martes, 2 de junio de 2015


The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, summoned yesterday a mini summit it secretes of emergency in Berlin to try to settle the negotiations on the rescue of Greece. The chancellor wants to close the Greek crisis before next week. Almost to the unison The Greek minister of Work, Cloths Skurletis, this in favor Tuesday it is shown of summoning premature elections if you doesn't reach an agreement (honest) and that he looks to the progress with the creditors. Incredible the effrontery or the unconsciousness of Greece and their government, in few words accuse their creditors (All us) of immodest and of traitors more or less when not looking for the progress of Greece  

And he says this way it without blushing when the troika takes more than four months attempting solutions to save the Greek economy and its politics, but it is clear as I have already repeated so many times that Greece cannot save the two things, without sacrificing Syriza, that is to say its last politics. And it is logical the economic situation in which is not possible to save her with the political ideas of Syriza, so the current rulers will sacrifice the economy that imposes them the UE and the IMF and the BCE, for the socialist politics.

In the meeting taken place to instances of Merkel they participated the French president François Hollande, and as well as the leaders of the calls "institutions", the directress manager of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde; of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, as well as of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi. Although officially so alone one has spoken that the parts agreed that it should be continued working "with intensity" to reach an agreement, the local and international means speak that an agreement draft was studied that would be presented to Greece now. As a last possibility that is to say will threaten the Greek government to that he takes it or he leaves it. 

The Greek Government insists in that he has made all the commitments that he could make and he doesn't have margin to make more concessions". Greece has to make front this month to multiple payments: near 1.600 million Eurus to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), besides the 2.800 million Eurus of expense current for wages, pensions and social security. Next Friday he already thinks about the first payment of 300 million Eurus to the IMF, money that, as some minister advanced last week, it is available. 

But it is not reliable because for other declarations it is left alone Greece very undoubtedly he will make the payment of 300 million Eurus to the International Monetary Fund foreseen for Friday, if it reaches an agreement before with their creditors, The payment of June 5 is the first of four for this month that they add 1.600 million Eurus. Athens that depends on the foreign help to continue to it floats, he has said that it could not be able to pay to the IMF without their creditors' new loans. 

It is evident that we are in this idiot's poker departure final prances in that each player knows the letters of the other and alone they are sat down in the table waiting to see who gets tired first. Mario Draghi, president of the BCE and Christine Lagarde, traveled yesterday to Berlin (Germany) to participate in the departure with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, the French president, François Hollande and the president of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker. The objective of the encounter according to the agency of news Bloomberg, is to sum up an agreement offer for the first Greek minister, Alexis Tsipras whose will be able to analyze in next days. The German press went something further on and it assured that it would be a definitive offer, with all its consequences.  

Greece and the institutions of the troika (European Commission, IMF and European Central Bank) they take four months trying to negotiate a plan of reformations that, once validated by the Euro group, allow to pay 7.200 million Eurus to Athens and to soften the politics of financing of the BCE with the Greek banking. Athens needs that money to avoid an unpaid sovereign that could take place in next weeks. Or days. 

A default would give an argument of weight to the BCE to cut the faucet of emergency liquidity to the Greek banking, what would force a financial “corralito” in the country and it would meet the Government to debate the emission of a parallel foreign currency to pay wages and pensions. The vicinity of an expiration of 300 million Eurus with the IMF, next Friday. The possibility that Greece decides to postpone the payment up to June 19, they have revived the tension. Although Athens would rot, legally, to contain all the payments and to pay 1.600 million Eurus then, in summary a trap after another Greece is not winning time he is making that the UE and the world economy lose it and this should not be consented  

The negotiations have arrived to a point in which the noise floods everything and in the one that both parts send contradictory messages. The predictions that an agreement is imminent they intermingle with the speculations on a potential exit of Greece of the unique currency. And amid this perpetual disagreement all the European economies are stopped waiting to see what it happens. Just yesterday, the Italian minister of Finances, was shown thrilled in reaching an agreement "soon", but he also mentioned that "Grexit is a possibility". Last week it was the own Laggard the one that assured that the exit of Greece of the euro was "a potential." 

The reality is that Greece has to return about 1.600 million to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) until month end in four quotas, the first one of which conquers June 5, when it should confront a payment of 300 million to the institution. From the Hellenic Ministry of Finances explains that one thinks of not to pay that first quota and to carry out the payment of the 1.600 millions in his entirety June 19. Also, there is another mission if it fits more complicated for Athens than it is to return 3.500 million to the BCE, and in total 8.500 million until final of August.  

It belongs to idiots to think of an arrangement Greece neither he goes back neither it overcame their economy like to make in front of these payments and it would be suicidal that on the part of the troika he is enlarged or he is offered a rescue amplification because it would be really to throw the money and we must realize that that money that is thrown, is mine and that of you appreciated readers  

After four months in those that Tsipras has not given its arm to twist, mainly in pensions and labor market, and in those that has avoided to put some of the concessions in writing in carried out theory, in privatizations and something less in the reformation of the IVA, the Greek leader seems to have crawled definitively to the UE and the IMF to the land that he wanted. This is, to a political negotiation to the highest level and life or death if Tsipras wins it is better that we begin all to request the breakup of the UE of the BCE and of the IMF and that Greece governs us…. Absurd since truth that I say.  

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